Argument Between Mind &
Gratitude and admiration for
the One who made this world a prison filled with treasures and the
Creator of children of Adam, who deserves the royalty and all follows
Its commands. Offers the kingdom to anyone whom It wishes, splurges
benevolence and absolute justice, (All) serving the Majesty and
worshiping It dazzled with Its beauty and splendor, mention of Its name
dawns on all the slaves lofty and great, Enlightened hearts given
palatial wings by Its knowledge and magnificence and spiritual hearts
crowned by the wine of Its affection and love. Its support and defense
the army for the weak and Its assistance the treasure for the poor, Its
lordship can not be expressed in the language of the finger tips (pen)
and in dealing and trading with It no loss possible (When a man trades
with Allah and mixes his affairs with his Lord no loss possible, all
gain). The stranger is well acquainted with Its mercy, the enemy is
taken care of by Its blessings and bounties. (By stranger its is meant
stranger to us, we think that if someone is not known by us therefore
he/she is left alone by Allah, Ansaari says No! don’t be arrogant even
an stranger is very close to mercy of Allah. Again out of arrogance we
think that our enemy is necessarily Allah’s enemy, Ansaari reminds us
that even our enemy is blessed by Allah and taken care by Allah. This
is the meaning of being Allah. Just don’t be arrogant please…)
Oh the
lover who boasts about the love of the Lord
Why these
lustful gazes upon other than Its love?
estranged seeking and knowing the world
yearning to get the heart acquainted with Al-Haqq
hubble-bubble boiling with the heat
Of that
regret-filled moment when you called your Rabb
dominion of the Paradise yours, renouncing the world
sacrificing yourself at the steps of the poor
prostration enough for approval of the Majesty
If you
leave the arrogance and divorce the Riaa
For all
the blessings offer your gratitude
thankfulness upholding the covenant of the Lord
Likeness of a day, that night
shall turn bright
If with utter humiliation
begging like a beggar at the door of the Sobhan (Sultan)
Al-Haqq: An
attribute of Allah meaning the absolute, ultimate, complete and
perpetual Truth, away from all lies and untruth
Rabb: An attribute of Allah
meaning the Lord who manages affairs of his creation
Riaa: Arabic word for watching
which refers to performing acts to be seen by people and purpose is to
be admired by people
One day a Dervish asked me: If
I come ashore from the ocean (of this world) to seek the Truth (the
Lord), should I seek with my mind or search/sense with my love? Which
one is better mind or love? Which one is greater, intelligence of
I responded: Sometime ago I
was pondering about this, when suddenly the thief of bewilderment stole
the treasure of my heart fast and shouted, “Hey! The one who is wealthy
with his worship and in wholesome pleasure of piety, you have done much
prayers vast is your fortune” as soon as he said this (he was sarcastic
towards Ansaari), My Self was in turmoil, saw him cheery setting sail
towards Capella (triple start of constellation Auriga). I told myself,
“God forbid, but you are in dangerous trouble”. I wept and moaned since
I have left obedience of my Lord and did what I was not supposed to do.
Shame melted me (drowned) and found myself asleep while awake
(negligent). I saw myself on a stallion galloping towards wealth and
commerce. In disgust lashed at the horse and turned away heading
a city where its fortress fortified, citadel made from patience, guards
made from prudence, ditch filled with tears, tower made from light and
all together like a solid mountain. Made my mind to brave the gates and
entered the city. The armed guards alarmed, surrounded me with raucous
that, “your merchandize not taxable”. (Which means I have nothing
worthy of any measure of value therefore no taxes due) I had only few
unimportant things of no value so they let me pass and I entered this
city called ‘The Eternity”.
In it I saw many people
dwelling and I saw two people candidate for its governor. One was Mind,
full of thoughts and the second Love, filled with tricks and games. So
hung around to see who is going to have the luck to win the leadership.
(These two were debating in public for all to hear)
Mind said, “I am the cause of
all perfections”, Love responded, “I am in bondage of dreams and hopes”.
Mind said, “I am the
civilization of the Egypt”, Love responded, “I am the drunken maddened
Mind said, “I put out the
flames of melancholy and despair”, Love responded, “I sip the wine of
Mind said, “I am Jonah in
orchards of health”, Love responded, “I am Joseph in the prison of
guilt”. (Jonah once was disgorged from the belly of the fish, fell ill
and Allah grew for him an orchard to gain his health from. Joseph was
falsely accused of sexual assault and was placed in prison for many
Mind said, “I am the wise
Alexander”, Love responded, “I am the impoverished Dervish of the
courtyard” (Court of Allah)
Mind said, “I am respected in
the city of existence”, Love said, “I am better than
(Once a man dies that is the end of the application and use of his
intelligence, but once love enters the heart though the body may be
devoured by the worms and marrow replaced by the sands, love shall
surpass his death and still be in function in the life after)
Mind said, “I am the purest
jeweler” (purest jewels or kin and honest), Love responded, “I am the
forbidden sanctuary for the reunion”. (Reunion between the lover and
beloved i.e. people and Allah)
Mind said, “I am righteous”,
Love responded, “I am free of all quarrel” (Righteous people always
an ax to ground with the so called sinners, but lovers love everyone
righteous or sinner and they have no quarrel with anyone)
Mind said, “I am fluent with
knowledge”, Love responded, “I am free of both worlds” (Knowledge is a
tool for a man to operate actions in this world and proffer for the
world after, however love is love an absolute entity independent of
Mind said, “I am the principal
of the school of learning”, Love responded, “I am the fragrance of the
blossom of submission (to Allah)”.
Mind said, “I am the judge in
the court of Shariah”, Love responded, “I am the beggar of regrets”
(Shariah is the religious law in Arabic/Islam, what Ansaari means
perhaps, is that the Mind commands the laws of religion to avoid regret
like a judge in a court who has no regrets sticking to the laws, but
Love is constant seeking and begging for regrets caused by a lovers
Mind said, “I am the mirror of
consultation for every mature adult”, Love responded, “I am free of
profits and losses”. (Man uses his mind to increase profit/gain and
reduce loss, lovers have no such concept they may do what may bring a
lot of hurt and loss but that is the best way and manner and cause of
Mind said, “I remember/think
about the elegant and amazing things”, Love responded, “Whatever other
than the Beloved is passing winds” (Nothing lasts worthy of even
remembering in the memory, other than love of the Beloved that lasts
eternity. Other than Beloved are like leaves or dust blown away by the
Mind said, “I am determined to
devout myself to worship”, Love responded, “I am sitting at the
of the Lord” (In Farsi this means like a dog staying at the doorstep
yearning to go in to mean the lowliness and desire to be let in)
Mind said, “I am worn like a
cloak by the smart people”, Love responded, “I am hastily drunk to the
bottom by the competing (lovers)”
Mind said, “I am the close
companion of the humanity”, Love responded, “I am the leader for beauty
and goodness” (Love is the responsible and leader that leads towards
beauty and goodness)
Mind said, “I open the gates
of understanding, I destroy the rustic ambiguities, necessity for all
affairs, deserve nobility, I am the gardens for wise, instruments at
hands of the artists and craftsmen. Hey! Love what makes you dare to
open your mouth and be fresh, who do you think you are? You are nothing
more than a burnt crop, I am the chosen garment of piety, you are the
shroud of melancholy and troubles and I am the middleman (requirement)
for “Surely We would have given every person his guidance…” (Koran
Chapter As-Sajdah 32:13)
Love responded, “I am maddened
with the taste of a sip of elation, set on fire by the blazing desire,
am the comb to the hair of affection, I am the seeds of friendship and
companionship, the governor of my province is worship, dazed
bewilderment is the reliance for my glory, the nest for my hawk
(existence) is provocation (passion), my profession is freedom to act,
‘Treasure in a ruin’ is my name, I am the rock (to shatter) for the
crystal of good name and reputation, drunk walking towards of the
nobility of closeness to my Creator. The crown of acceptance (by the
Lord) placed upon my head, while you only have a brain in yours.
They were in the midst of this
debate suddenly a messenger arrived with a letter at hand sent by the
King of Love, it was stamped and sealed with a sigh which in it was
“Oh Mind! Your nature filled
with intelligent talk, your cloak is cognition so be content with being
a minister (not the king). Although you have much fame, there is no
courage whatsoever. If bandits attack you, you will crawl into a hole,
and if you witness the “For that day will be frail and torn up”
(referring to the day of Judgment in Koran Al-Haqqah 69:16) will
be in turmoil and all over the place not knowing what to do. If there
comes a time when there is upheaval in the heart from heartache/hatred
and anger, or disorder in the chest how can you ever be brave? and
yourself into dangers path? Snatching the blade out of the enemies’
hands. In the province of life there must be a wise governor, if he
sees the pen shall become words and if comes the storm shall become a
duck (to survive any turmoil by wisdom and adaptation) and if comes the
earthquake no wobbling around and indeed will be a brave king.
Therefore, it is the Love that has all these attributes. Beyond doubt
he (Love) is the foundation, the city, the civilization of the heart.
So to put things in proper perspective, each path has someone stepping
on it, each step has a hole to fall into and each eye is cloaked in a
Hijab (veil) “ Has made all gods into one deity , Verily this is a most
curious thing” (Koran Sad 38:5, eyes are blinded by some veil that
prevents them from seeing the truth, so when Prophet Mohammad talked
about all gods are but One the veil was removed from the eyes of the
pagan Arabs and they were WOW-ed and shocked by this début,
Ansaari says that each step has its own hole i.e. each person has his
own troubles to face, and each eye has its own Hijab i.e. each eye is
cloaked by something different”
Therefore the Truth should be
pure and away from hypocrisy and Love should be the likeness of a
thunder so its flames make the head like a moon (bright and beautiful)
and if took a single sip to drunken with much pleasure and in one flash
of light to nab us from ourselves and gravitate towards the Beloved.
Human being begets (whatever
the man does is in the past and deterministic or whatever he gains is
from his actions in the past) and Love is the future (definitely coming
man’s way like the future and is non-deterministic i.e. man has no
control on what Loves bring in future) the blessings of the sky is from
the surrounding cosmos and just the same the blessings of lives are:
affection of the Love, Cleansing heart from the dirt and hatred of
others and growing the tree of Love. It matters not what or who Ansaari
is, there is no doubt that Love is on its way. Love is the fundamentals
of human creation and not just fragrance (just something nice to put
on/add on to enjoy), it is the innate color not a false dye on the
surface (the color of things as they are created, not something to be
painted later on like a learned behavior). One hour without Love is
torture. The one who is not intoxicated (with Love) his heart is not
grasped, and no matter what good deeds you may perform it will be like
reaching a mirage like trying to be drunk with no wine. Beyond doubt
Salek (traveler) must fall in love, else if he has no love or heartache
and though he may be walking shall never arrive at the hearth and shall
eat hay and never find the seeds (waste of time).
Fear is the reward for someone
who has no heart and actions without Love just a waste of time. Just
like the bird needs feathers to fly man needs brains, the seeker should
be truthful and traveler must be in Love, and all this academic
scholarship and good names shall come to no use of the Salek (traveler)
be wise since, “Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart”. (Koran
Ash-Shuara 26:89, Allah looks not upon your cloth money women or
children, Allah looks deep inside your heart where even you know not to
This Love we trade for by our
life and heart, seek it all over the place but this pain inflicted by
Love itself and Love is its own cure but also looking and searching for
Love is also the cure for this pain. No! No! Love is an everlasting
infinite light and heart is a particle of Lord’s Edict.
Love is an ailment without
cure, and heart is between the fingers of Ar-Rahman (Saying of Prophet
Mohammad to indicate our hearts are turned around like between the
fingers of Allah, Rahman is an attribute of Allah meaning Most
Beneficent) Truth is dictated upon the heart, no ointment to sooth the
burn of a single flame of Love, and without Love my heart has no load
(void) and these are the Edicts from the Creator. How can I tame the
ferocious lion of Love? And how can I trap the agile deer of the heart?
How can I seek my heart and how can I grow from my life the tree of
Love? If you want Love to work in your heart and push you to seek the
Beloved first and foremost LOOK UPON YOURSELF to see whom you are and
comparison to The Excellency what you are? You think you are left out
from the mercy of the Lord, “Does man think that he will be left
neglected (from rewards or punishments)”. (Koran Al-Qiyamah 75:36, man
if he compares himself to the existence of his Lord truly shall see who
himself is, but if left un-compared, like black color not compared to
white, then no contrast recognized by mind and heart and therefore man
is ignorant of who he is)
Your beginning just a news of
birth, your end without any profit and benefit and in the middle waste
and unsure. Why from this sharp mind such blunt results? You are about
to step into the grave and you will see no more life, not moments of
time and no profit. And they will ask, “Oh giver of birth to
where is your horse, sheep and relatives? If you are a sinner they you
are naked (poor in hereafter)” And you will respond from the grave:
Oh you who
is deceived by the good luck and fortune
Sitting on
lofty throne throwing in the luxuries
You think
you are the sun or the most beautiful one
Jupiter with a lofty face or radiant like the moon
like the Caesar reigning on your throne
Or like
the Jesus son of Mary to live till the Day of Judgment
Or you are
the Alexander conquering this world
Or Kora
hundreds of thousands of treasures abound
all powerful but not exempt from death
Did anyone
ever promised you the eternal life?
The skies
are weeping on you in pouring sobs
At the
same time you're in laughter like blossoms
that Ansaari:
Even if
you are a king, you shall most definitely die
fits you not, so bow like a slave bound
© 2004-2002, Dara Shayda