The Book of Unearthing the
In the
Name of Allah the most Beneficent the most Merciful
Know with certainty that the
Salek’s (a spiritual traveler) most important concern should be the
belief in ways of Sunnah and learning the wisdom of this path until
rescued by:
1. Coming to
know Allah since Allah is the one who bestows with no vaunt and if
people/nature take away, It still gives more and more and if It gives no
one can take away
2. Keeping
Allah under watchful care so Allah watches you with care
3. Splurging
your life in Its worship since It will reckon
4. Knowledge
that is the straightness of your path
5. Truth the
indicator of right path
6. Believing
that the messengers are alive
Forgetting not the obligatory acts worship, fasting and pilgrimage
8. Being
patient to reach the goal
9. Purity of
belief which is an everlasting treasure
10. Boasting
about people’s favors upon you but vaunt not
Rejecting the companionship of ingrate
12. Being
selective on sources of revenues but offer funds and resources
indiscriminately to all
Cleansing emptying the heart to reach the desired goals
Rejecting the hoodlums
Considering chatter as the worst shortcoming
16. Learning
and teaching
17. Seeking
knowledge even afar
Reduction of speech, food and sleep
19. Patience
during the hardship
20. Never
bemoaning the past
21. Valuing
Gratefulness for health
23. Boasting
about hard-work (Jihad) and contentment during poverty
24. Keeping
your affairs to yourself
Safeguarding respect better than accumulating wealth
26. Being
weary and avoiding the rulers, spending any time with them considering
as excessive waste
Forgiveness for anyone who deserves it
28. Telling
the truth and not criticizing and neat-picking others
29. Thinking
first talking next
30. Never
sharing one’s secrets with anyone
31. Doing
away the trials and tribulations by application of charity
Consulting with wise ones
33. Respect
for elders
34. Bearing
no shame in learning
35. Managing
affairs such that there will never be failure
36. Taking
profit from speaking wisely and in a learned manner
37. Not
saying what you bear not to hear its response, or have to apologize for
Evil company worse than evil
deed, righteous company better than righteous deed. Righteous companion
shall remind you of your weaknesses and shortcomings so you succumb to
excuse yourself, but the righteous deed can make you wonder/praise (with
arrogance) about yourself!
Yesterday is gone and shall
never come back and tomorrow cannot be trusted. Cherish the time since
it is never late (it will come to you quite fast and constantly with no
If you wish me evil and
goodness for yourself, No evil shall come to me neither any good your
way. (Do not assume any personal control on distribution of Allah’s
blessings or wrath)
If you want to be adored and
loved “listen” and if you want to have a clear vision “follow” and if
you desire to rule and own a kingdom “cut-off”:
1. Listen:
listening to words of Allah and the messengers and wise people will
cause you to perform righteous wholesome deeds which begets the love of
the Creator and people
2. Follow:
if you follow the commandments of Allah or if you follow the reasonable
requests of people, you shall rise above the “I & Them”, hence an
un-obscured vision (blocked by yourself and others)
3. Cut-off:
disconnecting one’s self from all things in order to emancipate self,
hence a ruler a king, not subject to anyone or anything including one’s
Talking about sugar shall not
manufacture a sweet drink and where there is the sweetness of sugar no
sign of words about sweetness! One has to proffer the heart to
correction and purification of thoughts; therefore this heart can
incubate the “workings of Shariah”. This heart as an incubator shall
incubate light and value to manifest one’s self for eyes to see and in
hidden. Vision becomes clear, secrets uncovered, new eyes found and path
made clear from all obstacles. If you want:
1. Shariah:
2. Truth:
3. Other
than 1&2: Headache, troubles…
Advice: Self is an idol (only
to be worshiped by you or to be cut-off/discredited and no other
options). Willingly succumb to the whims of people is a belt of Zonnar.
(Zonnar was a belt wore by Christians and Zoroastrians to mark them
distinguished from Muslims. Here it means: following the desires of
people is simply like wearing a belt saying I am a disbeliever) and all
the truth I could fit into one sentence!
Advice: Cardinal concern for
the heart is the reunion with the Creator, the rest are water and mud.
Incessant praying and asking for worldly things is the way of
quarrelsome men, Al-Haqq knows what the slaves need. (Water and mud in
Farsi points to this world or the creation of human being from clay. It
indicates the lowliness of the matter) (Al-Haqq is an attribute of Allah
meaning the absolute Truth, in Its words, in Its actions, in Its purpose
and all things related to It)
Advice: The seeker of
knowledge is powerful and the seeker of wealth humiliated.
Advice: Knowledge is the crown
for heads and ignorance chains of slavery around necks. What is the use
of a knowledge contained to pen and paper? The real knowledge is the one
that will rain upon the hearts the Truth.
Advice: Forsake not the
obedience of the Lord, and if you did, make sure did not for profit.
(Perhaps you may forsake the pleasure and obedience of your Lord out of
weakness but never do it for money or gain)
And said: If all drowned
between the Lord’s Throne to the Jupiter, the fire-branded insignia of
incompetence, which is placed by the Al-Haqq can not be rinsed off.
And said: Likeness of a
student to a teacher is that of smoke to fire or dust to wind.
And said: The happiest/best is
a scholar that is obscured; wherever he is no one asks who he is? (No one ask who he is, since he is
humble and melted away with the common folk with no trace of any
remarkable importance)
My Lord, obscurity is
everyone’s tragedy and mine triumph.
And said: Trials are a gift
from the Beloved, to complain about hardship is wrong. (In the midst of all trials there
is Allah. Poverty, illness, war… in their midst is Allah remarkably
visible for the heart that yearns to return to The Excellency for
eternal love and eternal sanctuary)
And said: The best is the sin
that causes you to grieve for repentance and forgiveness and the worst
evil is the righteous deed that causes you to admire yourself. (Muslim falls victim often to
his/her own arrogance, which stems from righteous acts of worship and
surface piousness. Ansaari warns us that a sin better if it brings us
lower in front of Almighty so we beg, than a religious act that will
make us pompous)
And said: My Lord if we are
lovers unveil the Hijabs and if I am a guest bless the reception.
And said: Whatever You farm
irrigate to flourish, whatever Abdullah farmed drown to perish.
And said: My Lord I suspected
(foolishly) that I know You, today I drowned that thought. (I truly love this short powerful
expression of affection. If there is a day I come to believe that I
understood Allah that is the precise moment of total deviation towards
blasphemy and misguidance. Each day start the dawn with the
understanding that you did not grasp much of anything about Allah the
previous day! And yes! Start anew)
And said: My Lord, in Your
presence what else can I seek, gazing upon I has left me wordless.
And said: Researcher seeks and
talks the words, the one who found (Truth) absolutely silent. (Scholars and researches write and
give talks and attend galas of receptions where they make much noise. A
true believer who uncovers a secret of Allah, is pleasured into the
depth of happiness where there are no words, hence silence)
And said: Whatever runs on the
tongue, runs the loss.
And said: My Lord sinning next
to Your Grace is an outrageous humiliation, since this Grace is ancient
(known) and this sin denovo.
And said: A lover faces
trials, and dangers prepared to ambush, constantly in the company of
pain and melancholy
And said: My Lord, You forbade
and destroyed, and You commanded to perform and blocked us to fail.
And said: My Lord if Iblis
(Satan) taught man evil, then how can wheat feed man? (If Satan caused
our father to eat from the forbidden tree, then how can eating of the
food of this world cause us to do good?)
And said: Screaming about
academic scholarship (in religion), habitual worship, wisdom obtained
through experience and truth obtained through narration and writings.
And said: That which is You I
seem not to grasp, and that which belongs to You can not find, Since
what Your provisions for me is separate from others’, then why I am
killing myself to obtain provisions from others?
And said: My Lord, burning in
the fire being afar from You, then why the fire of hell?
And said: If the house is
occupied this one sentence is more than enough. (If there is the truth
in your heart about your Lord, then there is no need for any other and
therefore stay silent)
And said: My Lord, if the
flying stones to meet the dog approaching the goods, then I am lower
than the rocks and dogs since busy with despair. (A hungry dog will never lose hope
to get to the goods and merchandise to find something to eat. And the
sign of this hope are the rocks flying at the animal to quell its
sincere desire. But despairing man, lower than this dog, attempts
nothing to grab what benefits him and therefore no one sees the flying
rocks and he is left discouraged and he is left with nothing)
And said: Everything is done
by It, all everyone else does is done by It. (We think people and things
are doing actions around us, but the real truth is that Allah is doing
it all)
And said: Craving like a
pregnant woman for this world, is the one sure way of destroying someone.
And said: If you know that It
knows then be brimful with regrets, if you do not comprehend that It
knows then convert to be a Muslim (i.e. submit to Its will)
And said: Wealthy boasts about
gold and silver, but the Dervish manufactures power from “We divide
amongst them”. (Enclosed
in quotes is a part of a verse in Koran Chapter 43:32 where Allah
questions the affluent and wealthy people who claim authority in
dividing the bounties and blessings amongst the people, and they are
told that It is Allah who does the distribution of all things, wealth
or natural resources health and what have you, and the wealthy are
giving an upper hand on the poor to employ them and manage them in
order for the society to operate properly. And the wealthy should not
consider that they are carrying any authority nor assuming that they
have anything more than the poor in the eyes of Allah)
And said: Beg from It, the one
that wants to splurge and offer to you (Allah), Ask not from him who
does not have and fears that you may ask.
And said: One runs and never
reaches and one sleeps and reaches. For sure not everyone is inclined
towards Its thread. (Allah’s guidance towards Itself is something The
Excellency offers and no matter how much we run around, we may not find
the thread of that guidance while some (prophets) they reach It in
their dreams.)
And said: If you came to know
the Creator then you have forsaken the creation and people, Until you
lose heart for your life and property then you are not worth a strand of
They asked: What would you say
about the truth of this world? Said: What should I say… with much toil
gaining a little, with much hardship managing to maintain and with much
sorrow to let go.
And said: You are the slave of
It since chained by the bondage of It, turn yourself facing towards It
otherwise you are facing yourself, which is what you deserve (if
forsaking It). (what better punishment forsaking Allah than one be left
alone with one self day and night)
And said: If you have (wealth
material or intellectual) tell not, if you don’t lie not.
And said: The one who owns
wears (offering gratitude) and the one who owns not roars (ingrate) and
sells i.e. any bliss that is not thanked for is loss for both worlds,
any worship that is not filled with obedience then it is ruining the
And said: And fly off this
world’s cage escape to the grace of your Lord.
And said: Splurge this world
on people and be alive! Hurt no one and be humble.
And said: If the affairs are
to be judged by words I am the crown of all preachers, and if judged
according to deeds I am in need of more words. (He is discrediting
himself claiming little actions worthy of praise in his life)
And said: One particle of
cognizance (about the Creator) better than both worlds.
And said: Preparing your
luggage since the voyage (death) is near and burn the lamp of regret
ablaze since the (reckoning) end is the darkest.
And said: Manufacture a crown
from the independents from people and crown yourself and lid your
eventual end with the light (from present actions)
And said: The seeker of this
world is melancholy and seeker of hereafter like someone on payroll but
the seeker of the Creator jubilee.
And said: Do not fool yourself
with false sense of security, which will cause your doom, and safety
shall come to you only when under the dust with Iman (belief) in your
And said: Do not gaze upon the
colors and skins (this world and its people), gaze upon the wealth of
the Beloved.
And said: If you will to enter
the door is wide open, else Allah needs nothing.
And said: If the Beloved is
thrown out of the doors, can never be throw out of the bosoms. (People
can remove all traces of Allah’s religions and belief and claim they are
away from It, but in reality they can never remove Allah from their
hearts, not one bit)
And said: My Lord, our dream
is to discover You, uncovering you nothing to do with our arms. (There
is no power or resource or ally to help a slave to find Allah, it is
only Allah’s wish for a slave to find Itself)
And said: My Lord, everyone
fears You and I fear self, all goodness I have seen from you and evil
from my self.
And said: My Lord, although
“despair not” is in Koran, but what cure there is for “withdrawn Pen”?
(Allah in Koran declares that there should be no despair for any of the
slaves of Its Creation but Ansaari asks what about his past actions
recorded by a pen that is now at rest/withdrawn i.e. nothing can be done
about them). Koran is the relic of the Beloved, and since the Beloved in
alive and present today why should one bother with the relic? (This
refers to reading Koran as if words in a magazine) The sun of life
is yellow i.e. ready to set, the accounts of life black with the ink of
sins and death on its way shortly.
Advice: Remove the seal from
the sack and seal your tongue, remove the affection from coins and place
it on Iman (faith)
Advice: Additional dedication
to worships (Salaat Nafilah) is the doing of old women, obligatory
fasting is economizing on food and water, paying the pilgrimage is
tourism. The real deal is the grasp of hearts. (Your heart or others’
this means to make someone in need happy in their heart by helping them
or understanding one’s own heart)
Advice: If you fly in the air
then your are no better than a fly, if you walk on water you are not
better than on a twig, to grasp the heart (the miracle) is the real
And said: Whomsoever wants to
help to remove Its sadness from our heart (can not) since the loss of
Its love is our ache. (If someone wants to help you to remove the
sadness which is being away from Allah, will fail simply the only way to
remove this ache is by bringing Allah to you willfully which no one has
the power to do so)
And said: To announce one’s
deep vision and feelings about the Creator is madness, to sell religious
grace is to be a dog, to buy religious grace is stupidity, to do good to
people is salvation, extremism in Tasawwuf is disbelief, the
circumference of this field dwells no one and these are the words of
Abdullah Ansaari.
And said: things you are (a):
1. Teacher:
is to act like a wise sage
Astrologist: To inform people of unseen and future
3. Hypocrite
Admiration of people
Executioner: To hurt people’s hearts
5. Cruel:
Blaming the weak for their weakness
6. Crazy: To
announce one’s deep vision and feelings about the Creator
7. Retailer:
Hope to gain from obedience and good deeds for the Lord
8. Stupid:
To buy religious grace
9. Well
Digger: Sobbing for worldly things
10. Lonely:
Screaming and talking aloud
11. Happy:
Reducing one’s burden whether your own or others’
Melancholy: Torturing one’s self
13. Friend:
willing and ready to do sacrifices
14. Manly:
Not accepting the dictate of affairs of this world
Impolite: To feel as an equal
16. Smart:
To lose your self
17. Without
a trace: Have nothing to deny about anything to anyone
This path is called life and
its far end is poverty and deprivation and no one can rely on it.
Life can be superior to death
under 12 conditions:
1. Being
truthful with the Lord
2. Just to
Renouncing the self
Respecting to elders
5. Extreme
of kindness and affection for children
6. Advising
the friends well
7. Clemency
to enemies
8. Good
relations with sages
9. Silence
around the ignorant
10. Humble
around the scholars
Harshness with those inventing new concepts in the religion
Commanding the wise and well learned (or taking advise from wise and
well learned)
And said: To be a Dervish is
like being a fine filtered dust moist with some water, neither it sticks
to the back of the heels nor harms or hurts the soles. (Traceless and
harmless is the way of a Dervish)
And said: My Lord should I
complaint about “what is” or “what is not”? If it is then there is
nothing I can do about it and if it does not exist I am wasting my time.
And said: Shariah is doing
away with evil and Truth is doing away with the self.
And said: My Lord if You even
once uttered “My Slave”, my happy laughter shall echo pass Your lofty
And said: My Lord what kind of
superior treatment is this for Your loved ones, whomever came to know
themselves they uncovered You and if they found You they came to know
And said: The flowers of
Paradise are like thorns in the feet of those who know You well, the
person who found You what business and desire has for Paradise.
And said: My Lord to the
greatness of that name that is You, and to the respect of the sanctuary
of those attributes that You are, please find me.
Do(s) and Don’t(s):
1. Belittle
yourself lower than all other scholars
2. Let the
people have hope in things you have and can offer
3. Be truly
generous as if you are fulfilling a covenant i.e. let your generosity be
as if you are returning a loan or repaying a debt do not be arrogant and
pomp about it
4. Health is
a gift bestowed upon you
5. Do not
lookdown upon anyone
6. Do not
worship this world, because you are worshiping the enemy of Allah
7. Be greedy
in performing acts of worship, but do not count on them as your savior
8. Do not
familiarize the tongue with profanity
9. Worry
about and think about the answers to your words
10. Make a
free man your slave with good and kind deeds towards him
11. Do not
overwhelm anyone with praise
12. Unless
you are called/invited do not go
13. Sell not
what no one wants
14. Forgive
so other will forgive you
15. What you
have made secret do not make uncover
16. Do not
boast about your sins
17. Eat of
what Allah has given to you and fed it to others as well
18. Do not
destroy your words to profit from
19. In
travel your fine behavior and mood better than the safety of a place of
20. No
matter how little an enemy be weary of them
21. Fear the
friendly enemy
22. Travel
not with strangers
23. Return
what was left at your possession for safekeeping
24. Reject
away gossip
25. Do not
make people suspicious of yourself
26. In
matters of importance be committed and do not be weak
27. Avoid
the company and conversation with hoodlums
28. Share
your melancholy with some who can help you to reduce the sadness
29. Do not
divulge your secrets to women
30. Do
not offer a job/task to an untrained person
31. Make
your friends aware about their faults
32. Upon one
mistake or cruelty do not forsake a friendship
33. If you
enter someone’s home park your eyes away
34. Test
people in dealing prior to offering friendship
35. The best
thing is to have a good name
36. Denial
is the investment for trickery
37. Do not
fight or argue the governors
38. Shariah
is your body, cleansing your inner as your heart and truth is your life
39. Do not
accept disobedient subjects
40. In
worldly conquest make generosity and patience into weapons
41. Cleanse
your heart to reach the goal
42. Behold
your own faults
43. Do not
consult the enemies
44. Visit
the living and the dead
45. Seek
rest and comfort away from suffering
46. Make
seclusion your companion
47. Make
wealth your enemy
48. Exert
effort in what brings life
49. Be
active not to succumb to laziness
50. Ask for
provisions from your Lord to be a believer, ask others (for provisions)
is to be a disbeliever
Generous righteous man is like
an ocean and a miser like a brook, seek pearls in the ocean not in
Affairs of this world have
nothing to do with prayers and fasting.
Wisdom: Abu-Jahl (enemy of
Prophet Mohammad) came from the Kaabah and Prophet Abraham came from the
idol house, the gift of guidance comes from Allah and the rest
bunch of excuses and tales.
Advice: Going to Hajj is like
tourism feeding people is the righteous deed of men.
The governor of Haraat asked
Ansaari to advise him or send someone to advise him, so the Sheikh
responded: Anyone seeking this world has no advice for you and those
seeking the hereafter will not converse with you, those coming to your
house will not be able to advise you and those who can advise you will
not come to your door.
Background:Open Heart Surgery.
© 2003-2002,
Dariush Gholizadeh