Lesson 11
There is no union between the
face and the mirror [1], no dissolving under any
Dissolving and union (becoming
one) cannot be incubated into two separated beings. In all beings other
than once essence can be witnessed:
essence is One but the edicts so many
precious is this secret uncovered
The one uncovering the secrets
beholds copious commands and edicts but not in the essence or the source [2] (sees only one essence). The
variation and fluctuation of commands does not affect the essence since
the source is fully perfected thus impossible to change [3]. Light is rendered by the color of
the crystal [4]. If you cannot comprehend what I
am saying, come into my eyes and see for yourself:
The sun
has shined on thousands of crystals
Thus has
taken the color of each and every one
These are
all one light but different colors
between this and that has been thrown [5]
[1] The word Soorat has been used for
form/shape, which is an Arabic word for physical shaping and design. In
Farsi Soorat also means face and I believe Araqi means the face usage.
Araqi narrates that a face in front of a mirror can never be united or
dissolved with/into the mirror. They are two separate things and can
never be united, though the mirror reflects some instance of shape of
the face. In the same fashion, as if the Face of the Creator was in
front of a mirror, then we see infinite reflections of this Face but
the reflections are not the Face "It Self" and the reflection can never
be united with the Face. Our thoughts and imaginations about the
Creator are reflections of Its Face upon our brain cells! A flower is a
reflection of Allah’s Face upon the microbiological mechanisms (the
mirror). Remember: “Allah is the Light of Heavens and Earth” what we
is the light reflected not Allah.
[2] A flower is an ensemble of
microbiological and physical processes and objects (edicts and
commands), which serve as a mirror reflecting the Light of the Creator,
like a face placed in front of the mirror. Though the edicts and
commands are copious (many microbiological components) there is only
once Face! i.e. The essence or the source. The word ‘Dhat’ in Arabic
been used.
[3] Edicts and commands can infinitely
vary like millions of mirrors made from millions of pieces of
crystals, but there is One Face, though we see infinite reflections.
[4] These reflections of the One Face
(Dhat) or the source, take the color of the reflecting surface and thus
we see all kinds of colors for the same light and the same One Face.
[5] All our differences arguments and
fights and wars and skirmishes are over nothing, since the source is
reflection of the Face of the Creator over the mirror of this universe.
We argue over different colors of the same light reflected off of
different crystals and because of that we bomb millions of people or
pass laws enslaving millions of people or destroy the natural resources
of this planet to focus on one particular idea (reflection of the same
light source).
Dara O Shayda