Lesson 2
Sultan of love willed to peg a
tent in Sahara, opened the vault of reserves splurged and sprinkled
treasures all over the universe:
the kingly canopy, held the flag
So It threw raucous in
existence and non-existence
Anxiety of an exciting love
Universe steered in troubles
Otherwise the universe was
resting with its realms i.e. existence and non-existence in private
chambers of eyewitness where “there was Allah and no one else”:
there was no trace of both worlds
On tablet of existence no
scribbles of strangers
Beloved, love and us were all
In an un-crowded corner where
the world was none
Suddenly restless love, to
manifest Its perfection, pulled away the curtains to débuted Its
Beloved’s Face enticing the eyes of the lover:
lustrous ray once became manifest
The universe in one breath
became visible
Its beauty painted all
visions, that saw
The beauty of Its face with
maddest love
Sweet covenant made upon on
your lips
Once finding Its love, to
speak aloud
Luster of Its beauty enlightened the "eye" of the lover, which we call
the world, since that light made Its beauty visible. Without Itself no
one can behold It. The lover once enjoyed the pleasure of this
visualization and tasted the sweetness of existence, murmurs of the
word “Be” it heard, dancing and frolic in winery of love ran and said:
cupbearer serve that wine which is my heart and religion
Pour brimful a goblet since
it’s the sweet life of mine
If there is a religion for
drinking wine
In love with wine drinking is
my religion
Cupbearer in one split second
poured such a wine pressed from grapes of non-existence into the goblet
of existence that:
of wine and elegance of goblet
Mixed the goblet with eternity
You may say its all goblet and
no wine
Or its eternity and no goblet
As soon as the air colored by
the sun
Wore the dark garment of the
Day and night made peace at
The affairs of the world in
full order
The dawn of manifestation
breathe anew, the sun of attentive affection rose, the breeze of
guidance blew, the ocean of existence in waves, the clouds of
generosity monsooned on the earth of supplications since “….”, the
lover satiated with water of life, awakened from the sleep of
non-existence, wore the garment of existence, placed the hat of
eyewitness on the head, tightened the belt of desire, stepped into the
path of want.
Dara O Shayda