Lesson Three
Love only saw Itself’s beauty
but wanted in a mirror of Its Beatitude to have a lover to study It and
admire It with eyes gazing upon this mirror. It loves Its own Face and
It threw the raucous of “Loves them and they love Him”[1] in the universe, once
look upon this world.
The Painter is
deep into Its own Painting
There is
no one else in this midst
So just be
content your own self, lone
Moon is the mirror of the sun.
There is nothing of the essence of sun in the moon, only a reflection,
hence the mirror. [2]
Every design on
the canvas of existence
solely the face of the Painter
The old
ocean if it brings a new wave
say: “wave” but it’s really the same ocean
There are many manifestations
and states for the ocean. Once it breathes we call it fog or mist,
condensed we call it clouds and if falls in droplets we call it rain
again they all join back to the same ocean.
If you want to be everything
yourself towards It
yourself towards you
And be
absolutely nothing!
Koran Chapter 5 Al-Ma’idah (The Table
Spread) verse 54
Here Araqi wants to make it clear that what we see is the reflection of
Allah’s beauty not Allah Itself. So a flower is the reflection of
Creator’s beauty like the moon is the reflection of sun, just the same
therefore the flower is not the Creator neither the moon is the sun
Dara O Shayda