Living Heart
Arrogant Sage even inside the
Kaabah, indeed a sinner
And the one confessing not to
the worship of idols, indeed a Kafir [1]
If "I" desire the paragon
glamour of Its appearance
Only when "My Self" completely
absent and disappeared
The living heart, the dead one
dying in front of Its eyes [2]
The healthy, the tired one
skilled in the art of falling in love [3]
Whomsoever brings to mind the
moon-faced ones [4]
Cannot be blamed, if they are
in turmoil like I
The wise know there are
shortcomings in the affairs of reason [5]
Since the secrets of Leyli’s
beauty, solely to Majnoon made manifest
Yearning with Your desire
sailing a small yacht in the desert
Typhoon of depression drowned
my life into the abyss of waves
If my tongue neglects your
mention, thickness of a hair
My entire being remembers you
down to the follicle of each hair [6]
Oh the one commanding Khajoo
to wear the garment of love
How can I? Even though I know
it being such splendid gown [7]
[1] Kafir is an Arabic word meaning
disbeliever, believers often though they worship cosmetically the Lord
in reality they worship themselves or money or fame or ambitions of
world conquest and control of masses. Khajoo warns that you may be a
cosmetic believer but if you do not confess to your idol worshiping,
usually worship of the Self, then you are a Kafir in spite of your
believing pretense. Kaabah is the black cubic building in Makkah,
Arabia where Prophet Abraham built the first enclosed house of worship.
[2] Hearts are dead if the body lives
with desires and lust for this world. We all know that. But Khajoo
narrates that life can be blown into hearts if one dies, prior to
biological death. He does not say not to desire this world, you can not
stop the desires, he says in the pervious verse to EXPECT the universe
function as though your are dead and void! Do not expect anyone to give
you anything e.g. love (your are dead), do not expect anyone to
appreciate you (you are gone), do not expect to live tomorrow (already
deceased), and do not expect to have food tomorrow and on and on. In
that case you have passed away and expired though your biological
functions continue. You eat and digest but if you do not have food you
are not sad or stressed. You make love but do not yearn when the loved
ones are gone or left alone. You have money you spend, but when the
poverty comes you feel no different.
[3] Loving is a fine craft, which
requires much learning and art. Silly people say “I love you” A Sufi
like Khajoo paints the love with much mastery without paint and brush!
Without a single word uttered or single action taken.
[4] Moon-faced in Farsi means beautiful
face radiating like the full moon’s circle.
[5] Leyli and Majnoon are lovers in an
epic story in ancient Persia similar to Romeo and Juliet. Majnoon the
male lover was madly in love with Leyli. The wise people did not see
much of any beauty in her and wondered why this terrifically handsome
and wealthy man loves this girl? This is the failure of reason
according to Khajoo. The secrets of beauty of Leyli are made ONLY clear
and apparent to Majnoon and no one else? This is a profound
observation, beauty more than often is between a lover an the beloved
and all else in the universe may not take notice or appreciate the
beauty since it’s the glue between two people and not a broadcast for
the rest to enjoy.
[6] We many forget or even deny the
Creator, but every cell of body with it generates the proteins
remembers Allah, when it produces enzymes it remembers Allah, when
muscles contract they are remembering Allah, when blood flows in the
veins they are remembering Allah, when olfactory nerves smell a scent
you have remembered Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this context the Arabic word
Zikr was translated into remembrance.
[7] Khajoo reminds us to stop being
arrogant, you shall never wear the garment of love for anyone or
anything or for your Creator, until and unless your Creator commands
the commencement of such dressing and the attire of love is custom fit
for you. Be not arrogant! ask Allah to send you love and make you fall
in love with Its Excellency. Garment of love is not one-size-fit-all,
it is custom fit for each soul and each object. Ask Allah for
permission to fall in Love with The Majesty. If you fall in love with
the Creator then you have fallen in love with all the creation.

© 2003-2002, Dara Shayda