I have heard the description
of a throne
Throne of Joseph’s trials and
Where his three shirts taken
First oozed by the false blood [1]
Second ripped by the scandal [2]
Third’s scent lid the Jacob’s
eyes [3]
My face stunned by the first
The second my heart touched
Would destiny find the third
shirt for I?
Concept: Similar to Old
Testament there is a chapter in Koran called Joseph. In this chapter
there is the story of ProphetPBUH Jacob’s son Joseph. Joseph had 3
shirts, which are mentioned in the story. Shirt One , was spilled with
false blood to fool Jacob that his son was killed by wolves(plot by
other sons jealous of Joseph). Shirt Two , was torn from behind when
the wife of the king of Egypt attempted to seduce the young Joseph and
was entered as evidence for the king to determine guilt. Shirt Three ,
was thrown on the face of Jacob and the scent of Joseph cured the blind
eyes of Jacob. They were blinded since he cried all his life for
Joseph. Throne [4] mentioned in the poem is also in
the same story where Joseph placed his parents on a throne and the
brothers fell on their faces to apologize as was seen in a dream by him
as a child. In this poem Roodaki tells us to seek the third shirt when
we are to meet our loved one. Excellent metaphor, and perfect execution
in Farsi, specially given he was blind and yearning to regain his
vision. Expanding beyond this point, we are all blinded by the light of
this world and need the third shirt to see.
[1] Koran, Chapter 12 Yusuf
(Joseph) verse 18
[2] Koran, Chapter 12 Yusuf (Joseph)
verse 25-28
[3] Koran, Chapter 12 Yusuf
(Joseph) verse 93, 96
[4] Koran, Chapter 12 Yusuf (Joseph)
verse 100
Background: Blind Mongolian.
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Dara Shayda