The Quilt

I lay still under the warm quilt of your memories
Every patch
A moment enslaved by the sultan of your smiles
Stitched together by the “carefully caught regrets”
And under my migraine shaped head
A firm satin pillow stuffed with velleities

Inhaling the fragrance of melancholy
Ethereal blossoms in evergreen orchards of loss
Exhaling the Edict of my Lord
Offering the gratitude for your Love
Its everlasting roots sprouting in non-existence
Branches stretched in darkness of your horizons

Sometimes mine Divine Beloved answers not my invocations and whilst drown in hadal waves of darkling melancholy, sorrow’s blade sparks against the whetstone of mine heart and for a briefest of all moments I see un-occluded: Mine prayers were indeed accepted but for others!? Mistake was mine to utter the word ‘I’ because in Your sublime presence there is none but Thine sanctified boundless love for others.

Background: Ethiopian Children.

© 2004-2001,  Dara .O Shayda