Each day I stare at the sunset
Upon the horizon of her skin
Extinguishing the light of
this world
While struggling to find my
A dove seeking a lost nest
Within her benevolent darkness
And when I find her love:
Sedentary peace of Eden's
And when I embrace her arms:
Majestic wings wafting above
the slavery high
I am prepared to undress to
The unholy garment of worldly
I am prepared to wear the
silken garment
Woven by her most black fingers
Fingers that caress me to
nobly wear
This Silken garment of Heavens
To stand in deep humility and
To face the Face Who knows no
east no west
And in my trembling hour of
It was her love
It was the melancholy of her
That put out the unholy light
(Of this wasted life))
To show me the darkening
sunset of her skin
And then, I saw with eyes
A mirror fashioned from Truth
To face my Self as 'I am'
And to face the Face Who knows no east no west [1]
And her Silken garment
Woven by her most black fingers
Cloaks my shame and crookedness
Bestows upon me the righteous
Necessary to face that Face!
[1] Face is Koranic term for all around us in time and
space coined as 'the Face of Allah', Koran Chapter A;-Baqara, (The Cow)
Dara O. Shayda