Turkmen Stallion

The distance between
Creole dusted “I love you” and the truth
Riddled by millions of my dead tears
Martyred in countless battles fought in my eyes
Each died bravely, with honor
Lain still in silent embraces of my young sobs
Buried deep in graveyard of my antique face

Creole screams for a home, unheard
Muffled underneath the shade
Of a capsized boat
Devoured by silent whale of amnesia
In unchanging, shapeless waters of Atlantico

Creole pungent lies forever drowned
Under the tumultuous stampede
Galloping fast Turkmen stallions of my heart
Devoured by the silent Persian whale of a love
In ever-changing, shape-shifting sand dunes of Arabia

© 2003-2001,  Dara Shayda