Wounded Prey
Within the secrets of love no
room for language
Be silent! Over there words
are not to be heard!
Betwixt the love and beloved
only the slightest facial geste
Verbose expressions of intent
and speech not to be heard!
My startled heart scared like
a wounded prey
The wound of this game, bow
and arrow not bled!
In the bazaar of precious
Careless few traders, examine
not the scales
If you are unkind to me there
must be a reason
No one exists, treating Your
creation callous!
In the universe, I am the
outer-rim of the infinite melancholy
Ask not where there is no time
or its passage!
Do not move the tongue about
the (bitter) legend of love
Say instead better than this
tale, non-else to be heard!
© 2003-2002,
Dariush Gholizadeh