Ansaari Manifest
Chapter 3
Befriending the Orphans and
Sahl Bin Sa’ad has narrated
from the Prophet Mohammad Peace
Be Upon Him:
“I and the caretaker of an orphan shall be
like this (second
and third finger pressed together) in Paradise”.
Ishaarat (Paradigm)
Who is truly inclined to
accept this noble invitation taking
care of an orphan and embarking upon this battle fighting for victory?
Even if
the orphan is a thousand miles away, the seeker of this invitation
shall travel
and spend all he has bribing the countrymen (of where the orphan is) to
permission to enter to find the orphan to place him upon his eyes to
(to honor). And even if someone does go through such action, still
unable to
honor and satisfy this narration (of the Prophet). The reward for each
of food placed in the mouth of the orphan and the reward for every kind
to endear him shall eject a slithering evil from the kind person and
shall be
replaced instead by the beatitude within his heart. But which ear shall
heed and which seeker shall seek this victory to triumph by the grace
of the
In another Hadith (Narration)
Abu Hurairah mentioned that
the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him has said, “Once there was a man who was traveling
and quite thirsty. Found a well and climbed down to the water, satiated
thirst and climbed back up. Then he saw a stray dog floundering about
with its
tongue dangling and gnawing at moist soil to quench its thirst. The man
The dog is suffering from the same affliction of thirst as I was.
Climbed down
the well again and filled his boot with water, climbing up with the
clutched by his teeth. Placed the boot in front of the dog to drink.
when the dog’s thirst quelled, he offered gratitude to Allah Almighty.
forgave the man (i.e. entered the Paradise)"
Some of the companions of the
Prophet Peace Be Upon Him
asked, “Are there rewards from the
Lord for being kind to animals i.e. watering
them or giving them comfort”. Peace Be Upon Him responded, “No matter
liver you wet (to quell the thirst) you are rewarded for”. [1]
Ishaarat (Paradigm)
As a compassion for the
creation this Hadith (Narration)
should be embraced. There is no moment of time or location of space
wherein Its
comfort and mercy did not befall the people. [2]
Whomsoever passed by and you
granted them a benefit of some kind, be it a greeting or a nice word,
and respect, nice facial gesture, well mannered demeanor, know that a
fortune has blown your way. And if you are not rude or annoying and are
not rough or harsh person while you are also not offering any
benefits to people, just be as if a wall or a column not a wild animal
the prey apart, so the people are not jaded by your presence. (If you
cannot offer
anything good to people, then be like a column or wall without any harm
people are not hurt by you)
And in another Hadith
(Narration) Qitaadeh has narrated
based upon the authority of Anas Bin Malik who heard the nightingale of
Eden who was ascended to heavens (Koran [17:1]) and that beautiful
talking-bird who spoke not from his own desires (Koran [53:3]) Mohammad
Be Upon Him saying: “There is not one
Muslim who plants a tree or farms i.e.
plants something that may benefit a human being or bird or an animal by
it or resting upon its branches or ants carrying its seeds or someone
underneath its shadow or even someone may be pleased by the verdant
sight of
it, that Allah Almighty will not for sure reward, in full, the person
planted and this action will be recorded upon his Divan (book) of Deeds
to be forgotten)”.
Ishaarat (Paradigm)
Is there anyone who will not
shove his hands into the earth
upon hearing this paragon Hadith (Narration) to plant a tree or to farm
benefit the creations? The reader of this Hadith (Narration) should
the intent for plating must be to benefit the people and all creatures
not to
increase the wealth and boasting in front of the poor, if so uproot
this false
intention from your heart. Plant one thousand trees for your Self but
plant one
for the poor to please your Lord or even make one branch so the poor
may eat
from its fruits whereupon you will accumulate a treasure in the
Ishaarat (Paradigm)
Ahoy! The Seekers! Within your
orchards which are stared
upon by the holy exalted assembly (Angels) and the theatre where The
Graceful Master & Protector glances upon the vastness of the stage
i.e. the
heart, do plant copious trees, trees planted upon the: “There is only
one deity
worthy of worship” which is a “goodly word like a goodly tree” (Koran
so that you may plant many kinds of trees e.g. Truth, Mahab-bat (Love),
(Morals & Ethics) Ons (Divine Intimacy) and Passion and underneath
benevolent shades rest peacefully the creatures of heavens and earth
and the
graceful rain of blessings shall moisten the earth to grow afresh
blessings evermore.
Even if trees planted from the
east to west and all were
offered to the poor and orphans other than filling the bellies what
spiritual gain
is obtained? All that is planted and harvested in this world are
nothing but
the blessings of the orchards of a righteous heart (After Effects).
Then why do you focus on the
surface manifest of the
universe? True meanings are all concerned with your heart no matter
benefit reaches the people, all of it (the benefits) nothing but a
mirage! Underneath the
shade of one tree that you plant within your heart fruits shall bloom
from one
end of the cosmos to other!
The one (Sufi) with true
vision must at once to look upon
this orchard within the heart to see what fruits are bloomed from every
for Djinn, Mankind, Angels, Birds and Animals and all the matter of the
universe. And that precise moment when these words are heard truly, the
would rush and embark upon self-purification, sweeping away the dust
and thorns
of lusts and love of power and wealth. And when the trees of all kinds
within his heart sometimes he is the garden and sometimes the gardener
sometimes a verdant landscape where the words are humiliated to
describe even a
phrase about a single flower of this orchard.
Abdullah Bin Tahir Al-Abhari
may Allah bless his soul was
one of the giants of Sufism a contemporary of Shebly and a friend of
Kerman-Shahi and a truly righteous scholar.
He was asked what is the
Truth? And replied, “Truth is all
(made up of) Knowledge” and asked again what is the Knowledge and
“Knowledge is all nothing but the Truth”.
Some of his sayings:
Characteristic of a Dervish is
that he is devoid of anything
from this world. The luminosity of his Ma’refat (Divine Cognizance) has
uprooted all things from his heart. The two, the world and Ma’refat
Cognizance), do not commix. And if he might have a need, he will not
use more
than what minimum is needed.
If you commit to a brotherhood
with someone for the sake of
the Allah Almighty, minimize the immixing of the worldly affairs with
him, test
him less and less with this world, since what you seek in this world
shall not find and you will be left finally without a friend.
The Secret
If the relationship and loving
was for the sake of It
(Beloved), then this world and the world after do not come in between
lovers similar to a pearl ridden sea where a broken branch has no
worth. If due
to some personality problems one mixes this world with the brotherhood
in the
religion much harm will be caused for all people. As for my Muslim
there should only be my offerings of benefits and no harm should be
from me to him. In this loving relationship between the brothers in the
religion, one must seek benefit from his Self thus proffered to his
brother and not
the other way around and all give-and-take should not be recognized in
Hark! O Dervish, if you love
someone for the sake of a
benefit, then you do not love that person: You love the profiting and
How dare! You embark upon a trade of give-and-take indeed love and
loving is an
incredible and amazing affair and it is not always meant for everyone.
are multitudes of people around, but you need to learn to recognize the
friend you are to love, since without loving the Beloved’s friends
poor, homeless, sick) you will not find a path to the other world
death). If you accept the friendship of a friend of the Beloved and
that person
accepts your loving then you have reached the Beloved! If you are
without such
friend of the Beloved and you are at the day of resurrection, you shall
filled with sorrow, since the friends of the Beloved enjoy the bliss
benevolence of Beloved in immense and unbound measures beyond any
of words and you are left behind…
This day you are hard at work
loving on the path of the Din
(religion of loving the Beloved) and your face triumphant pointing
towards the
clasping at the hereafter but be aware (within this love affair) there
is no
room for betrayal (forsaking the orphans, poor and homeless) and if so
in such
loving all is a mirage within a desert with no water to be found. And
loyalty without loving (loving other than the friends of the Beloved
money, lusts, power) likened to a tree with no roots, though green in
spring it
shall be dry and withered in the fall and gone forever. And gain just
the same;
a loving without loyalty is like a tree without roots, until and unless
learn the difference between the tree and the wood you shall not be
saved from
the deception of the Self.
Grasp at the loving otherwise
you shall miss the destination (of what
you are seeking). Do not deceive yourself. Be true in your love towards
friends and if they do not reciprocate, that is their fault and no
upon you. You reached the realm of loving and they did not because of
betrayal, so they are left in trouble and you are left with a vast
Remember you loved purely for the sake of Beloved and It sees what is
in depth
of your heart…
Be a righteous man since the
time is short and much work to
be done. One must take up the lofty path of the heartache and ‘Ishq
(love) so
that you might find the caravan of righteous men, and when you serve
with/for/along side such men you shall find your Self forbidden from
conversations (with you), (without this caravan) how can you reach any
place of
My Lord! Do not sway us
towards the crimes and remove the crimes
from us. There is not but one deity worthy of worship and no deity
except ‘It’.
[1] There
is no discrimination whatsoever for a Prophet. His
heart is cleansed from our day-to-day whims and wishes, which cause the
prejudices we all suffer from. Suddenly thirst, be it inflicted upon a
dog a
man a Muslim or a Jew or Buddhist, is a suffering from thirst and it
needs to be
quenched unconditionally (Thirst is thirst). Today amongst the
religious folk,
this form of freedom from religious bigotry is taken away and replaced
by the
bondage of fabrics, chants and beards, which are all objects far away
from our
Beloved Creator.
[2] The
Beloved splurged and sprinkled every point in the
cosmos with boundless mercy and blessings. What conclusion is drawn if
location within which there is no mercy? Answer: Beloved is not there!
So if you
are with people and no benefits from you emanate to people it only
Beloved is not there i.e. within your heart.
Background: Manuel (15) looks
his younger brother, Jean Pierre and sister, Roseen. Their parents died
last month, leaving Manuel as the head of the household. On the wall
them is a photograph of their parents.
© 2004-2002,
Dara O. Shayda