Breeze of Creation
My Lord!
A breeze blown from the gardens of loving
Our hearts we thus sacrificed.
Beingness we found amidst the treasures of loving
We staked the claim to monarchy upon the universe
A light aglow from the east of the Truth
We belittled the water and the soil [1]
And both worlds thence renounced.
Your glance upon us
Burning smoldering underneath that gaze
Behold us again and again…
Help this charred victim
Save this sunken soul
This victim wounded by the wine
Same wine the cure
Same wine the solace.
Our creation is subsequent, in
order and importance, to the
love from the Beloved Creator who first loved each and every one of us.
governed this love, as the law of the gravity governs every mass, the
law of
loving i.e. the broken heartedness a must for every soul!
Once loved by Beloved and our
hearts a helpless offering for
inescapable sacrifice, our creation commenced as the regal noble
reining upon the universe.
Our bosoms a mirror, whereupon
the light of the Truth
reflecting illuminating the universe, whereas this world and the one
belittled in comparison.
What matters now and all that
ever mattered is to be looked
upon by the Beloved. My Love! Underneath Your gaze I shall be charred
yearning begging to burn ‘I’ again and again with Your effulgent
The wine of Your eternal and
everlasting love, the
affliction of a gashed wound and ‘I’ that slain fallen thirsting for
the healing of
the same wine and in this hour of absolute loneliness—moments prior to
death—console me one last time with that very wine…
[1] Our mortal
© 2004-2002, Dara Shayda