The Most Ugly
My Lord!
Sometimes I look upon my Self
Glooming with sorrow and I say:
“Is there anyone more
miserable than my Self?”
Sometimes I look upon
Blooming with pride and I say:
“Is there anyone more
fortunate than my Self?”
Sometimes I look deep within
my essence
Confessing with shame and I
“Is there anyone ever worse
than my Self?”
However once I obtrude out of
my attributes
Wondering upon the Throne and
With clarity looking down upon
my Self!
I am most ugly when my
atrocious Self looks upon I, sable
for skin and AIDS for destiny. I am the most ugly when billions of
blank eyes,
turning away rejecting defying a single glance.
I am the
blasphemy hushed in the temple of Self.
This day, my last day, bones
hollowed, heart emptied, mind
rubbed out, tongue still, relics for legs, mask for face, not a woman
nor a
man, not alive nor dead… Yes! This day inconspicuously I wear the
refulgent eye-shadow and my eyes nothing of this earth any longer, like
dolphins diving the depth of the shore-less ocean—wherein all lovers
willingly drowned—"looked upon" I am not by any soul, behold I am not
that ailing
Indiscernibly I and ‘my Self’
annihilated and upon the
Sublime Throne no eyes but Beloved’s glance, whereon nonbeing, beaut
and I-less
looking down finding not that ailing African woman but the Dark Pearl
Paradise glimmering iridescent underneath the lustre of Beloved’s
divine eye.
filled with the darkness of ‘I’ and infected by
the disease of Self, behold not the beauty of the Beloved presiding
behind the
eyes of the lowly African AIDS victim.
[1] 'You' refers to the Creator.
Background: Dying AIDS patient in
Africa, tell
me WHAT her eyes are stunned looking at?
© 2004-2002,
Dara Shayda