The Unloved & Untraveled
How could I ever remember You?
Remembered You are immemorially by Yourself!
Oh my screams! When to deliver
My Self from the amnesia’s bondage?
You are the memories, the relics of Yourself
You are that sought after Lover seeking after Yourself
My Lord!
Those who reached You [1]
What other than sorrows reached them?
Those who beheld You
What other than smiles reached them?
What more graceful than Your remembrance?
What more jubilee than Your pleasures?
O! Miserable Self
Remembered only your Self
Took notice only of your Self
Nothing whatsoever ventured
Of that Beloved’s Essence! [2]
That untraveled Self what destinations ever traveled?
That unloved Self what Beloved has ever loved?
The Royal Highness, the Sultan
of Love, once loves a slave
her heart again and again breaks!? And I that drunken horseman sipping
the wine of her
sorrows droplet by droplet. Whirling falling upon the terra firma of
sun-baked unloved heart; I am part-man part-pain not alive and not
And when the vexed waves of
her sable sorrows billowed upon
the untraveled Saharan desert of mine heart, suffused with her darkened
the loveless sun of my Self set and eyeless I saw the glimmer of the
resplendent beauty of Beloved’s face a smiling nova within my heart
Hearken unto her screaming
skin, “The divine eye-shadow upon
mine eyes and Beloved gazing through my vapid stares sublime”.
[1] First
question refers to the life of this world, and
second question the life after.
[2] You
assume you are thinking about God and you think you
are remembering God but nothing about the Majesty ever fits within any
in this universe. Thus be not arrogant and foolish. Its attributes and
about It are performed potently by Itself and we are entangled
inescapably betwixt.
Background: African Mother
dying from AIDS. Tell me who lives within her eyes?
© 2004-2002,
Dara Shayda