The Fallen Jewel
He is a fallen jewel
Lone upon this dusty road
The universe in ignorance
Incognizant of the value of
such jewel.
Crown-less court-less
A king found himself eternal
Regality reached him all so
However the humiliation of
this path
Reduced not the value of this
Same as yesterday this day his
The light of his jewel shines
upon whom?
Indeed the one blest, throes
of betrayal a must.
(Tell me and tell me now:)
Who has brilliantly created
Who has commenced his
Who has planted the orchards
of love?
Who has adorned the courtyards
of loving?
In spite of infinite graces
why this treachery?
And this day he is on sale
The buyers seeking only faults
And saying, “Is he worth
Was it I who pulled the
trigger or was it my Self who cut
him down with a machete?
Was it I who walked him by
dying or was it my Self who
kicked him when he was down?
Was it I who raped his woman
or was it my Self who enslaved
his children?
Was it I who sold of his crops
or was it my Self who starved
his family?
Was it I who mounted him with
demons or was it my Self who
mislead his soul?
Do you think the Beloved who
created him with boundless love
and inventiveness would allow the value of this gem reduced by what I
done? Do you think the Beloved underneath whose resplendent vision his
glitters would allow a speck of tarnish by what my Self has done to him?
It was I who killed him and it
shall be my Self bearing the
brunt of the imminent Divine Judgment.
Background: Haitian killed in
Haiti. Photo by Carol Guzy.