Divine Flash 23
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Ishq (Unrestrained
Love) is a fire which, once it flares within the
heart, shall burn whatever it finds in there to the extent of wiping
off all traces of forms/shapes of the beloved. As Majnun was burning,
he when was asked: ‘Has Layli arrived?’ He replied: ‘I myself am
Layli’. His head sank within the Farāghat (Emptiness) and Layli said:
‘Raise your head, I am the beloved and you are the sought-after’
Finally behold who is stalling you?
Majnun replied again: "Woe unto you! Indeed your love has busied me
away from you"!
So it was that with seeing you, I used to become frolic
But now because of my Ishq
for you, I have no concern even about you!
During the invocations, The Prophet—Peace and Blessings of Allah be
upon him— informed of this Maqam (Stationary state
of the heart):
“Oh my Lord! Make it that Your love is more beloved to me than my own
hearing and my own vision”
كنز العمال الإصدار 2.01 - للمتقي الهندي
المجلد الثاني >> الإكمال من
الفصل السادس في جوامع الأدعية
3794 - اللهم إني أسألك حبك وحب من يحبك
والعمل الذي يبلغني حبك، اللهم اجعل حبك أحب إلي من نفسي وأهلي والماء
(حل عن أبي الدرداء).
Or to paraphrase the latter: "O You The One Who is my hearing and my
I want you to make me so busied with your Ishq
That by your Ishq
I will not even pay attention to you
And more amazing: "The Divine Beloved, does Ishara (Pointing)
at you as
well by the phrase ‘Hu (He, IT)
forgot them’ [9:67]. How could The
Divine Beloved succumb to the Ishq
too? [1] ‘Understands whomever
understands and becomes cognizant whomever is cognizant and he who does
not have Dhauq (The taste of experiences) comprehends not’.
فهم من
فهم و عرف من عرف و لم يذق لم يعرف
All these are elucidations through symbolism:
Ishq (Unrestrained
Unary Love) first appeared by the commandment of
Ahbabtu (I loved) as being the lover, until it entangled itself with
the beloved-ness- thus duality (lover vs. beloved) and Kathra
(Multitude) formed- i.e. Ishq
first turned the face of the lover away
from the beloved, then turned the face of the beloved away from the
lover thus enrobing both with the garment of duality and finally dyeing
them with Hu’s (ITs, His)
own singleton dye:
All these colors filled with the pigments of deceptions
The dye-container of Wahdat (Divine Oneness)
shall dye all a single
Jāneh Jānam (My Beloved):

is the unary unrestrained limitless love within which love, lover
and beloved are one and the same. It appears first as a duality i.e.
lover vs. beloved. At first you love some Delbar (Heart-throbbing
beloved) then must come the feral flames of loss,when the false-beloved
turns its face away. All traces and memories of the false-beloved burn
and char, then the flames find nothing else save you yourself, so they
burn your Nafs (Self)
away too so that all that is left finally is none
but that Divine Singleton Beloved!
Q: Why all this trickery?
A: There is no other way but to trick the Nafs (Self) to
leave you
Azizam (My dearest) alone with your Azizat (your true Divine Beloved).
Insatiable flames of Ishq
burn all; you & I, the Nafs (Self) and
even the Wujud (Being),
the ashes and even the gales that blow the
burning ashes to leave nothing and no one behind but the object of
every desire, the Sultan of all hearts, Azizam (My Dearest) and Azizat
(your Dearest)—Azizi (The Dearest Beloved) that we love even when we
are/were non-beings!
[1] ‘Allah
forgot them’ is a Majaz (Corridor) to the other world where
you can SEE how Allah is with those coined as ‘forgotten by Allah’
2007-2002, Dara O. Shayda, Dr. Hind Rifai