Love Lesson 20
‘Isqh (Unrestraint Love)
bestowed upon the Ma’shooq
(beloved) nobility and affluence whilst humiliation and mendicancy
upon the ‘Asheq (lover). The might and power of the ‘Ishq (Unrestraint
Love) is
what disgraces the ‘Asheq (lover) not the greatness of the Ma’shooq
since many (i.e. Ma’shooq) are indeed slaves/lowly themselves. Under all
circumstances affluence is the attribute of the Ma’shooq (beloved) and
neediness/mendicancy the attribute of the ‘Asheq (lover). [1]
Therefore ‘Asheq (lover) is a
pauper who “needs all things
and nothing needs him”. About “the one who needs all things”: He shall
eventually arrive upon the truth of all objects [2]
i.e. as a Moheb (Divine
Lover) thus no matter what he gazes upon beholds Its Face and therefore
all doubts he shall find need in all objects since:
mine two eyes stared upon the concepts of You
no matter what I gaze upon just thinking of You
“Faqr (Neediness) is an innate
urgent necessity of the human
essence independent of any specific want” and about “the one which
needs him”: ‘Need’ is a characteristic of the Existence and when the
reaches the state of Tajrid and
lofty rank of Tafrid the endowed garment of
Existence and all its peripherals which were entrusted upon the lover
concordance to the commandment, “Allah doth command you to render back
Trusts to those to whom they are due” (Koran [4:58]) are to be rendered
back to
the Beloved (Mahboob) and lover enrobes the searchless gown of Nonbeing
approaching the state “this present moment for Allah is as if in Azal
(Causeless Sempiternity)” and in such state (timeless causeless
nothing has any need for the lover. [3]
Wallowing within the sea of
Nonbeing, no needs left for the
poor mendicant (the lover), the outer limits of his impoverishment
“Once poverty reaches completion the man has reached Allah” and lover’s
neediness terminates forever since “An object going beyond its limits
to the opposite”. Allah Almighty within anything and upon anything has
you become, if coupled with the Unique One
you become, if nonbeing you are
Within the rank “needs all
things and nothing needs him” the
impoverished lover needs all (and that is so) because
he finds the object of
desire behind the veil of ordinary objects. But the lover within
the solitude
of Being & Nonbeing endured the existence & destruction, finds
himself in
no need of his Self nor any sustainer (Jonaid) and has no heart begging
sustenance from any sustainer (Ali Jorairy). Within this state the
(lover) endures the duress of Nonbeing risen above the Being of his
whereat glances upon the beauty of the Beloved beholds the darkling
image of
annihilated Self, wearing the Hijab (veil) of darkness upon his face,
finds light within the hearth of his Being nor the manifest of a
luminous face
within the hearth of Nonbeing, inescapably forsaken within the
In our
religion the ultimate knowledge is this:
That he wears the darkened cloak of poverty
(he is the lover)
True believer is the one who
wears the gown of Faqr (Poverty
& Neediness).
Know that the affluent is
often dwelling upon the
outer-limits of Qorb (Divine Closeness) afar (from Beloved) and the
Dervish dwelling upon the outer-limits of distance near (to Beloved).
If an affluent and a mendicant
Dervish both brave the
universe of ‘Ishq (love), the affluent is carrying a lantern and
Dervish a
half-lit torch. Any breeze from the universe of love extinguishes the
affluent’s lantern but flares up the Dervish’s torch:
For the
poor, their shattered hearts
For them,
the affluent, their graves
Broken hearts won the ball in
this Polo field.
[1] ‘Ishq
is an unrestrained love that can go wild. In this
love relation the beloved could be a human being or money or an idol.
When this
‘Ishq’s object of desire is the Creator, then it is called Hob (love)
and there
is only One Nonesuch Beloved. In ‘Ishq the lover is reduced to
mendicancy and
its beloved apotheosized.
[2] The
lover of ‘Ishq (love) finds love in women, men,
money, power and etc. He may even worship affectionately a porcelain
doll or a
mango!? This love gravitates him towards a constant truth: Beyond all
objects of desire there is One Nonesuch Being his true Beloved. Upon
perception of this truth he becomes a Moheb a Divine Lover.
Neediness is our innate characteristic. We yearn, long,
miss, mourn, love… We often know not why and can little explain this
within us except by its effervescence within our behavior with people.
learnt from Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him how to disrobe from
Being into
the brink of Nonbeing.
Background: Young children
the vehicle used by the HIV/AIDS home-care team from Chikenkata
Hospital in
Zambia. Chikenkata was one of the first hospitals to bring AIDS care
out of the
hospitals and into the homes of Africans. (Sept 97)
© 2004-2002, Dara O. Shayda