Avian Ishara (Vector)

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Two terrific questions are placed in front of humanity:

1. Why there are birds in the skies?
2. How did these animals manage to fly?

Life on this planet could have continued, free of any interruptions, without birds! No matter what your beliefs are, from a creationist to an evolutionist, you can estimate the magnificent engineering that has gone into such varied technics of flight and most astonishingly in such uncountable numbers of fliers! Why would any 'agent of engineering' go through so much technological innovations to provide a living-flying entity, which really the planet does not need after all, and can do without?

And a much lesser of a question: how these animals carried out the flight, not only biologically in terms of hollow bones and higher metabolism but also neurologically i.e. navigating through the air which is substantially different than navigating through land and water.  

Source: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpleeo4grve8l4e/Cliffs%20aflutter%20with%20birds.mov 

67:19. Didn't they look 'Ila (at/towards) the bird(s) above them Sāff-āt and Ya-Qbidh-na, what preserves/maintains/holds them (birds) other than Al-Rahman

أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَى الطَّيْرِ فَوْقَهُمْ صَافَّاتٍ وَيَقْبِضْنَ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا الرَّحْمَنُ

Sāff-āt:  In most exegesis understood as still-wing flight i.e. when the wings fully stretched.

Ya-Qbidh-na: Female plural ('na') third person 'they', in present tense due to the beginning-letter Ya ('y' sound in Arabic), meaning constricting or grabbing to hold as in grasp. Female plural refers to the plural of birds. 

24:41. Didn't you (Muhammad) look 'Anna (Directional Actualizer) Allah, for IT, Usabbihu (Sanctifies) who within the the heavens and the earth, and the bird(s) Sāff-āt, all for sure know Salaat (Praise) and Tasbih (Sanctification) (of its own or for Hu (IT))

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَالطَّيْرُ صَافَّاتٍ كُلٌّ قَدْ عَلِمَ صَلَاتَهُ وَتَسْبِيحَهُ

There is a remarkable difference between the two verses: First one has 'Ila (Towards or at) which directs the viewing towards the birds 'above them' so when the viewers viewed along 'Ila they saw the birds above themselves; while the second verse uses the 'Anna' as a directional or vectorial actualizer i.e. a primordial vector that points towards the Surat (Constraint) of how cosmos was put together meaning 'All in cosmos sanctify Allah' and when Muhammad looked along this vector he saw (in particular, or at the end of it) 'birds in the state of Sāff-āt'.

Very quickly it becomes obvious that the above meanings for Sāff-āt and Ya-Qbidh-na do not apply e.g. why the Ya-Qbidh-na is not mentioned for the Prophet? What significance the stretching and constricting of the wings have in either verse and why not just to mention the miracle of birds' flight? Moreover most of the exegetes were not sure if the Sāff-āt and Ya-Qbidh-na meant the stretching of the wings or constricting, so they guessed by looking at an ordinary bird and concluded that was what those words meant.

Ishara 1: "Relative to other birds (and indeed, all tetrapods), hummingbirds exhibit small and minimally variable genome sizes. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that the metabolic demands of powered flight, which are extreme in these hovering birds, have played a role in the evolution of reduced genome sizes of birds, probably through the intermediate of cell size."
Source: "The smallest avian genomes are found in hummingbirds", T. Ryan Gregory, Proc. R. Soc. B.

Sāff-āt: In the language of the Arab also means to cleanse or purify or remove anything extra or unnecessary, and indeed the genome of the birds have removed all the unnecessary 'junk' or 'repetitive' DNA in order to become genomically much smaller than most other mammalian or otherwise species. You might want to translate this word into 'cull' or 'culling'.

Ya-Qbidh-na: Which really means to constrict or shrink in size might be translated, properly in this case, into compressed or shrunken. Which after the culling of the DNA in the bird genome, the resultant creature with compressed genome needs much less energy to maintain its living and its motility therefore the high-metabolic flight ranging from the hummingbird to largest migratory birds became possible.

Remark: The non-flying birds have much larger genome than the flying ones e.g. hummingbird genome is 0.91 pg while the ostrich is 2.16 pg.

Remark: "what preserves/maintains/holds them (birds) other than Al-Rahman" or "what preserves/maintains/holds them (birds) other than Allah" might be interpreted as what keeps the bird from falling, or maybe the much better interpretation could be: What preserves/maintains/holds the flying-bird genome from expanding back to a larger non-flying one?

مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا الرَّحْمَنُ
مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا اللَّهُ

"Ism Al-Fa'il (Agent Doer Noun) Sāff-āt followed by present tense Ya-Qbidh-na. And such linkage is found in poems of the Arab."

In 67:19. we read Sāff-āt + Ya-Qbidh-na i.e. these two words form a unit of semantics namely 'Culled-Compressed', where in 24:41.  only Sāff-āt namely 'Culled' or 'in the state of culling'. The latter (Sāff-āt alone) is for the Prophetic vision of Muhammad peace be upon him to see into the deep infinite past (Qidam) where everyone in creation sanctifies Allah (Usabbihu La-Hu) and the culling of the genome of the birds was the sanctification performed on the genome of the birds i.e. sanctification (Subhan) in the language of the Arab means to remove defects and shortcomings and inefficiencies so this Sāff-āt was the sanctification of the birds as a genus (which made them fly)!  While Sāff-āt in 67:19. is the actual genomic animal in flight during the lives of the human beings here on this planet, flight made possible by both culling and compression of the bird genome.

 تفسير الجامع لاحكام القرآن/ القرطبي (ت 671 هـ
{ أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَى ٱلطَّيْرِ فَوْقَهُمْ صَـٰفَّـٰتٍ وَيَقْبِضْنَ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلاَّ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنُ إِنَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ بَصِيرٌ }
 وهو معطوف على «صَافَّاتٍ» عطف المضارع على اسم الفاعل؛ كما عطف اسم الفاعل على المضارع في قول الشاعر:
بات يُعَشّيها بَعضْب باتر           يَقْصِدُ في أسْوُقها وجائِرِ

Remark: In the language of the evolutionary sciences, what peace be upon him saw along the primordial vector of Anna (Directional Actualizer) was the Common Ancestry of all birds, but it was not a creature like a bird, it was an entity made from knowledge(s) and processes that culled the bird genome.

Ishara 2: Cameraman Recording

In either verses the word seeing or looking or viewing is used. A much better understanding of the verses can be obtained if instead the word recording was used as in a cameraman recording!

Insan: As a genus of species of cameramen recording the culling-compression of the birds flying above their heads (as opposed to the non-flying birds on the ground). Recall Insan means the pupil of the eye in the language of the Arab.

Insan Kamil (Perfected Eye) i.e. Muhammad: a unique singleton cameraman recording the culling of the bird genome in Qidam (Infinite Past realm of actualities) as a form of Tasbih (Sanctification) for Allah.

A cameraman records an event and when we play it back (long after the cameraman is gone) we understand what happened, the question for these peculiar cameramen is:

Q: What does the play-back of these cameramen indicate?
A:  "what preserves/maintains/holds them (birds) other than Allah", "what preserves/maintains/holds them (birds) other than Al-Rahman" and "Usabbihu (Sanctifies) who within the the heavens and the earth".

Ishara 3: Qabiliyat (Receptiveness) i.e. No Viewing No Flight

In both cases of Insan and Insan Kamil in the Ishara 2, without an eye to view the birds aflutter there would have been no bird nor any flight! The inexorable link of Qabiliyat (Receptiveness) between the human eye and the birds is a spiritual substance that comprises the flight. if there was no eye to watch the bird flying, there would have been no birds.


16:79. Didn't they look 'Ila(at/towards) the bird(s) subjugated (suspended) in atmosphere of the sky

أَلَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَى الطَّيْرِ مُسَخَّرَاتٍ فِي جَوِّ السَّمَاءِ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا اللَّهُ 

Here there is no mention of Sāff-āt nor Ya-Qbidh-na!? Because there are other forms of flight and creatures flying that are not of the birds genus:

Botanical Flight:

This seed, commonly found in Bukit Gemok, has a clever structure to help glide through the air. This seed's wing span measured 5.5 inches. Alsomitra macrocarpa is the biggest winged seed.

Alsomitra macrocarpa

Wind Dispersal Of Seeds in Malaysia

See Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_x4QheMiao&feature=player_embedded   

The winged seed of the tropical Asian climbing gourd Alsomitra macrocarpa is remarkable. The entire seed has an average wingspan of 5 inches and is capable of gliding through the air of the rain forest in wide circles. This seed inspired the design of early aircraft and gliders. 

The wings are very thin film with wrinkles help the seed pick up lift when flying at a low speed. The seed is located toward the front from the center, which makes a perfect centroid for gliding through the air.

The climbing gourd plant Alsomitra macrocarpa is native to the Sunda Islands of the Malay Archipelago, produces one of the largest winged seeds up to 5 inches wide inside a football size club-shaped gourd. The football-sized gourds hang from a vine high in the forest canopy, each gourd packed with hundreds of winged seeds.

Microbial Flight:

Although microbiologists have long known that bacteria float about in the sky—more than 4 miles from Earth's surface—the bugs were seen simply as "severely stressed-out passive passengers" in the air, accidentally windswept out of their more surface-bound niches, says Cindy E. Morris, a microbiologist at France's National Institute of Agronomic Research, in Montfavet.

It is only recently that scientists have begun to think that bacteria, in particular, may not be up there just for the ride.

These researchers are providing growing evidence that in the wet oasis of the clouds, where bacteria can at least remain hydrated, the microbes aren't just loitering—they're getting down to business.

For example, bacteria in clouds are using the energy stored in adenosine triphosphate to take care of their biochemical needs. Bacteria have been caught breaking down airborne carbon compounds, including organic aerosols. This observation begs the questions: Is the metabolic life of bacteria playing a role in atmospheric chemistry? Can this airborne microbial population act as a carbon sink or source? Do the bacteria degrade pollution?

Even more tantalizing, the bacterium called Pseudomonas syringae, which is found regularly in clouds, has proteins on its cell surface that can nucleate the formation of ice, the precursor to most forms of precipitation. Some atmospheric scientists are starting to wonder if P. syringae and other bacteria in the air may influence weather by initiating rain and snow.

A recent Science paper whetted the palates of many cloud microbiologists by revealing that ice-nucleating biological particles such as bacteria are ubiquitous in snowfalls from all around the world (2008, 319, 1214).

Source: http://pubs.acs.org/cen/science/86/8615sci1.html 

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