Special thanks to Cola Franzen
who has showed me the path to beatitude by translating material from
Farsi to English. Her enthusiasm, passion and encouragement have
brought me to this point. More thanks to her and members of ALTA
in Cambridge who sat through editing some of the poems as if they were
their own. Special thanks to her lovely husband Wolfgang Franzen for
encouraging me via delicious vegetarian lasagna toped with memorable
affection and care.
Alfred Demirjian and David
Rodal who made the server and Internet connection possible and it works
so well. Special thanks for Nick Demirjian and Christy for providing a
scanner. Special thanks to Soheil Laher for making the site searchable.
Special thanks to my greatest
network engineer Soheil Ghaffari who bought me my first Farsi book to
Beautiful Karen Daughn Isaccs
who for real believes I am a poet!!!!! In spite of being such an
impossible man…
Last but not least my loyal
and dedicated book seller Mr. Baykzadeh who provided all the
transcripts available through Pars Books 310-441-1015. Being an
intellectual himself, he tolerates my untimely phone calls and strange