That Taste
He who tasted the everlasting
love [1]
Shall be the sincere friend to
all the slaves
He who tasted the everlasting
Shall belittle himself to all
the slaves
He who tasted the everlasting
Shall be the solace on the
paths of the slaves
He who tasted the everlasting
Shall be intimate with the
Lord of the slaves
End. (Source: Helyatol
O Dervish set sail the Regal
Solomon of your Soul upon the gales of her motherless sighs and at the
horizon of her vile destiny IT: Splurging beauty upon you!
O Dervish be the Prophetic
Moses holding firm the staff of her svelte emaciated arm and let the
serpent devour the witchcraft of your Self and IT: Proffering the
dominion to you!
O Dervish drown the combatant
pharaoh of your Self within the Nile of her orphaned tears and IT: At
the shoreless banks of her poverty, showing you the way!
O Dervish be the Truthful Mary
giving virgin birth to the Jesus of your heart deep within her darkness
healing your blind Self to behold IT: Scintillating the Divine Flash at
O Dervish the beginning of the
Path blossoms within the AIDS orphan’s eyes and at the end of her gaze
IT: Wordless, welcoming you!
[1] The
Arabic word used was Wodd an everlasting love which its amplitude
infinite and constant.
South African homeless Kwa-Zulu AIDS
orphan raising her orphaned sister.
© 2004-2002,
Dara O. Shayda