The Book of Essences
I ask You by calling upon the
Divine Name that originated
the wondrous creations within the impenetrable depth of abstruse &
recondite Divine Knowledge;
The bewildering grandeur of The Momentous Glory of Your
Beauteous Face, words composing the species’ book of essences;
The angels fell in prostration
awe stricken in reverence
& veneration fearing You (thus):
I ask You to place us amongst
those whose souls waft aloft
and their hearts endeavored subjugating the feral desires until
midst the verdant meadows harvesting the fruits of acquiescence whilst
the brimming goblets of Divine
Love, plunging in hadal waves of delights
seeking sanctuary at the palatial courtyard of Your Noble Munificence.
My Lord place us amongst those
who drank from the goblet of
purity, those who are the beneficiaries inheriting the patience to
endure the
prolonged afflictions, until their hearts neared the Divine Dominion
thus roaming
between the secret thrones of Omnipotence, in repose their souls
underneath the
cool breezy shade, fraternizing amongst the yearners, enjoying the
meadows—the nobility’s searchless mine and the eternity’s merry
(Source: Helyatol Auliā)
“Read in the Name of your Lord; Who has
created (all that
exists)” (Koran [96:1-2]). Read the open book of life,
destinies, humanity,
atrocities, blessings and torments that are in front of you. But you
read! Unless you read or until you learn how to read in the Name of
Beloved Creator, whose Beauteous Divine Face looked upon everything and
their essences you may behold remnants of ITs incommensurable beauty.
Once IT glances at some object, the object’s beauty is but assured and
eternal, though the object may wither yet its Divine Beauty
Read the glitter of the Divine
Words upon the sable of the
South Sudanese child. Thirst, like unto him, and read the unread book
of a
destiny not chosen by the child nor by the parents, read the
effervescence of
the wine of Love poured within the goblet of the child’s soul and
behold the
shimmering iridescence of the Divine Light behind the veil of the muddy
waterhole, the effulgence of a Face staring at you reading the words in
ITs Name:
the objectification from the object
The glimmer of the Divine Beauty lucent
© 2004-2002,
Dara O. Shayda