The Divine Fossil
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In one of the record breaking arctic nights of Toronto I was walking in
front of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) when suddenly raised my head as
though someone showed me something and glanced through the windows of
the museum and saw the fossils of the dinosaurs and then this was
etched inside me:
“Biological Human Being is the fossil of a grand spiritual creature who
lived in Qidam—Infinite
I browsed at my feet in the boots and hands in the gloves and all I saw
was a fossil! Vitiated relic of a terrific spiritual creature who lived
in deep
past, like the dinosaurs, not from millions or billions of years ago,
but roamed in infinite past in a universe free of any potentialities
and probabilities.
Saw my Self, as a third person, a fossil of my true living form in
infinite past.
Instantly all that happened in my life was explained and put aside. My
evil was accounted for and my good was explained in full.
As the ROM’s dinosaurs were propped up by metallic scaffolds and wires,
I am being propped up by the scaffolds of proteins and
wires made from chains of intercellular molecular waters.
As the fossils of dinosaurs through the windows of ROM museum are
nothing but a caricature or an impression made from the minerals
hardened by the passage of millions of years, I am nothing but a
caricature or an impression of my original spiritual being now made
from minerals softened by the passage of infinite time.
ROM’s fossils are carefully arranged and placed under the directional
ceiling lights to be viewed by the spectators, as this carefully
arranged bio-psychological fossil of ‘I’ is being placed under the
solar sun’s light to be viewed and I wonder by Hu.
My Ancient Face
Ever since I stood up on a fruit box to use the sink and look at myself
in a mirror, I saw my face as the barometer for passage of time; first
I lost my baby teeth, then grew facial hair, then Adam’s Apple, then
saw gray hair above my ears, then bags under my eyes, and now I squint
at the same mirror for my eyes need reading glasses!
This face is quite ancient:

Your Inner Fish
Neil Shubin
“But four of the cranial nerves have given medical students fits for
decades. For good reasons: the four have very complex functions and
take tortuous paths though the head to do their jobs. The trigeminal
nerve and the facial
nerve deserve special mention. Both exit the brain
and break up into bewildering network of branches. Much like a cable
that can carry television, internet and voice information, a single
branch of trigeminal
or facial nerve
can carry information about both
sensation and action.
You are probably beginning to see why I staying up so late to study
these nerves (as a medical student). For example, both the trigeminal
and the facial nerves send tiny branches to muscles inside our ears.
Why do two different nerves, which innervate entirely different parts
of the face and jaw, send branches to ear muscles and that lie adjacent
to one another? Even more confusing, the trigeminal
and facial
crisscross as they send branches to our face and jaw.
Why? With such oddly redundant functions and tortuous paths, there
seems to be no rhyme or reason to their structure…
In thinking about these nerves, I am reminded of my first days here in
Chicago in 2001. I had been given space for a research laboratory in a
hundred-year-old building and the lab need new utility cables, plumbing
and air handling. I remember the day when the contractors first opened
the walls to get access to the innards of the building.
And that is exactly the point, my building was constructed in 1896, and
the utilities reflect and old design that has been jerry-rigged further
with each renovation. If you want to understand the wiring and plumbing
in my building, you have to understand its history, how it was
renovated for each new generation of scientists.
My head has a long history also, and that history explains complicated
nerves like the trigeminal
and the facial.”
If you want to understand what is your purpose or why you are here or
how you got here and so many other unnumbered question, first you need
realize that you are infinitely ancient and second you need to study
your history in order to understand this present moment.
Go a step further:
You are, presently, an infinitely ancient fossil of an exotic and
unique spiritual creature that dwelt within the realm of actualities
free of all potentialities and probabilities. (Not billions of years
old but billions of eternities old!)
As the archeologists study the fossil remains to know how the original
dinosaurs lived and roamed this planet, you need to study your innards
from molecular to psychological to grasp how you were originally as a
spiritual new specie and which space or realm you roamed within. No
difference in approach.
The latter, to study self as such, is a major part of the Sufism:
Risala Qusahiri
Chaper 1: The Ideology of this Nation
"The Elders of this Nation (Sufism)
built their principle upon the
Tauhid (Divine
Oneness)... They (The Elders of Nation of Sufism)
cognized the nature of the Qidam (Immemorially
& Infinitely
Preexistent and Ancient) and they realized the attributes of Being
the 'Adam (Nonbeing) and because of this Junaid the erudite of this
Tariqat (Sufism) has said, “Tauhid (Divine Oneness)
is the discernment
of Qidam (Infinite
Past) from Muhdath (Transient Temporal Universe,
here and now)”"
القشيرية القشيري
الفصل الأول
بيان اعتقاد هذه الطائفة في مسائل الأصول
إعلموا، رحمكم الله، أن شيوخ هذه الطائفة بنوا قواعد أمرهم على أصول صحيحة
في التوحيد، صانوا بها عقائدهم عن البدع ودانوا بما وجدوا عليه السلف وأهل
السنة من توحيد ليس فيه تمثيل ولا تعطيل، وعرفوا ما هو حق القدم. وتحققوا
بما هو نعت الموجود عن العدم.
ولذلك قال سيد هذه الطريقة الجنيد، رحمه الله: "التوحيد إفراد للقدم من
20:111. All Faces under the duress (facing) the Al-Hayy (Ever Living),
Al-Qayyum (Everlasting)
وَعَنَتِ الْوُجُوهُ لِلْحَيِّ الْقَيُّومِ
Those closest to Al-Qayyum (Everlasting)
endure larger passage of time
and IT
is only Allah
forbade their destruction under the strenuous
exposure to Divine Presence, hence the consequent infinite aging.
The closer to Allah
the more ancient, and the furthest the more
Phototropically the faces turn towards the Nur (Divine Light)
Al-Hayy (The
Everliving) and Gravitropically
faces enroot through the
Qidam (The
Infinite Past Realm of Actualities free of all
potentialities); while the Al-Qayyum (The Everlasting)
prevents them
from perishing.
20:111. For sure failed the one who carried any darkness
وَقَدْ خَابَ مَنْ حَمَلَ ظُلْمًا
Ey Māh-Rukh (O moon-faced beauty), All I ever said and all that you
heard and all that was ever done are nothing but the unearthing of the
Divine Fossil of your Self!
2009-2002, Dara O