Irfani (Gnostic) Tafsir (Exegesis) of Surah Tin (Fig)

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Every lover boundlessly in love for a missing beloved keeps a diary or journal of all loving thoughts and yearnings in form of words or drawings or songs so that there is a surviving archive of his loving kept for all to view and admire and relate to his endless love.

95:1-2. Wa The Fig; Wa The Olive 

وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ

Wa: With the minimal Haraka (Oral Motion) of Fat-ha (‘a’ sound in cat) telling tales of objectification of entities in infinite past (Qidam), or in absolute minimal complexity of space of actualities free of all potentialities. The main entity is Allah’s Mahab-bat (Divine Love) for Adam and Hawwa and their progeny, the juxtaposed Fig and Olive are given am eminence 'and' importance 'and' greatness because of the Wa. (See:

Tin-i, Zaitun-i: ‘i’ Kasra (‘e’ sound ‘be’) mid-level complex Haraka (Oral Motion) identifying the upper level glide from the least complexity of Wa to the more complex space of our existence, here, which is a commixture of actualities and potentialities simultaneously. The mid-level complex entity is the genomic archive of Fig and Olive trees which grow on this planet, deep within store the details of the infinite-past love of Allah for human beings.

Azizam (My Dearest):

Azizat (Your Dearest) Allah kept a journal of ITs boundless endless love for you within the genomic archive of Fig and Olive trees, Divine Verbiage written in ever-loving ink of nucleotides, serialized, stanza after stanza of mutations and thus elucidating how from a Common Ancestor (Nafs Wāhida (Singleton Self)) came the duality/multiplicity of man-woman like the duality/smultiplicity of Fig and Olive trees from the same unique organic ancestry.

4:1. O mankind! revere (fear) your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single Nafs (Self) and from her created a similar pair for her (another similar Self?), and scattered from them both many men and women...

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً

Tracey L. Parrish · Hans P. Koelewijn ·
Peter J. van Dijk

Phylogenies based on rDNA sequences and morphology
suggest that monoecy is the ancestral state in the genus
Ficus and that dioecy has evolved twice (Weiblen 2000).
The Ficus section Ficus, to which both F. carica and F.
fulva belong, forms a single dioecious clade (Weiblen
2000). Therefore dioecy in these two species is most likely
to share a common ancestry, explaining the similarities in
genetic control of functional dioecy. In the Ficus section
Ficus clade no reversals to monoecy have occurred.

Source: Identification of a male-specific AFLP marker in a functionally dioecious fig, Ficus fulva Reinw. ex Bl. (Moraceae)
Received: 16 October 2003 / Accepted: 15 January 2004 / Published online: 5 March 2004 Springer-Verlag 2004


Olive (Olea europaea) is andromonoecious, i.e. individual
trees bear both hermaphrodite and staminate flowers.
Hermaphrodite flowers consist of a small, greenish calyx,
four white petals, two stamens with large anthers, and a
pistil composed of a bilobulate stigma, a short style and a
bilocular ovary with four ovules. Staminate flowers result
from pistil abortion at varying stages of gynoecium
differentiation and possess a non-functional, rudimentary

Source: The Role of Staminate Flowers in the Breeding System of Olea europaea (Oleaceae): an Andromonoecious, Wind-pollinated Taxon JULIAÂ N CUEVAS 1 and VITO S. POLITO 2 ,* 1Department of Crop Production, University of AlmerõÂa, AlmerõÂa, Spain, and 2 Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis, USA

As the substances of paper and the ink of a lover’s bemoaning are not his beloved, the genomic archives of the Olive and Fig are not the human being, the beloved of Allah. But if someone read the laments scribbled on lines of a paper, one can easily feel the emotions of that absent lover, many years after the fact, similarly by reading the genome of the Olive and Fig the Divine Love of Allah for human beings are rendered billons of years after their serialization into the lines of nucleotides within the genomes of these two trees; and the molecular lines of botanical mutations read:

96:4. Indeed Nā (We) created Insan (Human Being) Fi (Within) the Ahsani-Taqwim

 لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ

We: Attribute of a Nexus that allows for simultaneous nearness and farness, which without this Divine Pronoun no nearness and consequent farness ever possible. ‘We’ does not indicate the pluralism of the multiple agents taking part with Allah in creation:

Kitab Al-Ya 
by Ibn Arabi 

50:16. And Nahnu (We) are nearer to him than the artery cord. 

وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ 

“For Na-h-Nu (We) there is measure of proximity and nearness but for Huwa (IT, He) there is only distance; since Na-h-Nu (We) is represented the proxy of artery cord, where cord deals with connectivity; Huwa (IT, He) is opposite of the latter.”

Insan: The most loved beloved of Allah, who is endowed with the potent ability of forgetting anything, and unfortunately is able to forget Allah in a blink of an eye. Therefore Allah kept the archives related to his creation within the genome of Fig and Olive trees, for Insan to read and remember Hu did what.

Fi: ‘Within’ the spatial attribute of closure, indicating the existence of a space for being perfect and most beautiful. Some of the grammarians of the Arab could not explain the placement of Fi in this verse and therefore ruled that it is extra (redundant) verbiage. It is not,  Fi indicates a terrific space wherein Allah created human beings and all that which is inside them.

Ahsani-Taqwim: Ahsan the beautified and perfected and completed; Taqwim most precious or most pricey appraisal i.e. an exotic priceless gem! Name and attribute for a space that if anything placed within it e.g. a molecule or a design or a thought or a love or a body or anything fathomable or unfathomable, all are immediately and unconditionally beautified and elevated to the state of perfection. Without this space the Ihsan of "Seeing of Allah or as if being seen by Allah" is impossible for anyone. It is the beautification from this space that allows the Maqam of Ihsan for servants.

When Adam came close to the tree in the Garden and touched it, he triggered what we understand now as a massive genomic explosion upon the planet of earth. "2:38.‘Ihbitū (Go down you (plural))" began the molecularization of Adam and Hawwa upon the planet of earth which took many billions of years. Records about genomification of Adam and Hawwa in organic forms have been kept within the genome of Fig and Olive e.g. the location (Balad Amin) for their emergence or the actual timing (Close to the time of appearance of Fig and Olive trees) of when they appeared on this planet:

 قُلْنَا اهْبِطُوا مِنْهَا جَمِيعًا

Q: Why not only one tree why two species?
A: Molecular calibration (time-wise point of reference to reduce errors) necessary or a single record of mutations would not be able to yield accurate and valid timing information about the Divine Love and Loss for the Adam and Hawwa.

Q: Why trees?
A: Allah created three objects with ITs Hand: Adam, Book of Torah and Trees of paradise, said the Prophet. What you see of trees in this world are the projections of trees in the gardens of paradise, they are not mere vegetation holding on to the crust of this planet. They are projections of what was very close to Allah's Divine Hand.

كنز العمال - للمتقي الهندي
المجلد السادس >> {الإكمال} من خلق آدم صلوات الله وسلامه عليه
15136- إن الله تعالى خلق ثلاثة أشياء بيده آدم بيده وكتب التوراة بيده وغرس الفردوس بيده.

Turi Sinin: Mount Sinai or some mountain whereupon Allah planted or originated the Fig and Olive trees.

 وَطُورِ سِينِينَ

Balad Amin: Makkah from the dust of which the corpse of Adam was leavened and left lifeless for sometime:

وَهَذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ

He was not objectified, insignificant and nothing within the space-time. His clay sculpture was thrown away some place between Makkah and Taif, then forty years in dry clay form and another forty years in the form of ??? and his creation was completed in total of 120 years. 

The way the verse is fashioned it actually means: Have I been negligent of your affair for even a moment?!   

تفسير لطائف الإشارات / القشيري
في التفسير: قد أتى على الإِنسان حينٌ من الدهر لم يكن شيئاً له خَطَرٌ ومقدار. قيل: كان آدم عليه السلام أربعين سنة مطروحاً جَسَدُه بين مكة والطائف. ثم من صلصالٍ أربعين سنة، ثم من حملٍ مسنون أربعين سنة، فتمَّ خَلْقُه بعد مائة وعشرين سنةٍ.
ويقال: هل غَفلْتُ ساعةً عن حِفْظِك؟ هل ألقيتُ - لحظةً - حَبْلَكَ على غارِبِك؟ هل أخليتُك - ساعةً - من رعاية جديدة وحمايةٍ مزيدة

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