Grammar Al-Baqara 2:1-2

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La Raib-a  
Ism Mausul 


From point of view of I'rab or grammar there are several possibilities for Alif-Lam-Mim:

1. Noun: Alif-Lam-Mim is Mubtada' (Beginning) while Dha-Li-Ka is secondary Mutada' (Beginning) and Al-Kitab (The Book) is Khabar (Information about Beginning) .

2. Nominal Sentence: Alif-Lam-Mim and next verse Dha-Li-Ka are one sentence unit with the noun Alif-Lam-Mim as the beginning so it becomes a unit, a nominal sentence. In this case there is need for (Elision) disconnected pronoun Huwa (IT, He) i.e. Alif-Lam-Mim Dha-Li-Ka (Huwa) where Alif-Lam-Mim is Mubtada' (Beginning) and Dha-Li-Ka is Khabar (Information about the beginning).

3. Khabar: Alif-Lam-Mim is Khabar (Information) about an omitted Mubtada' (Beginning), Dha-Li-Ka becomes secondary Khabar (Information about beginning) or Dha-Li-Ka becomes a Badal (In lieu of, in place of) for the Sifat Kitab.

4. Majrur: Alif-Lam-Mim becomes Majrur i.e. Alif-Lam-Mim-i with ending Kasra, and the semantic could be that of Qasam (Swear) which the Waw (or the phrase for swear omitted) though its swearing action remains e.g. Allah-i do something ... here Allah has become Majrur and the phrase for Qasam is omitted which is Waw i.e. was supposed to be Waw Allah-i do something... (Zumukhshari)

5. Mansub: It is grammatical permissible for Alif-Lam-Mim to be Maf'ul Bi-Hi (subject) for an (imperative) omitted verb e.g. (Recite) Alif-Lam-Mim...

Note these are additional research from other than Salih

Al-Durr Al-Masun

6. There is no I'rab for Alif-Lam-Mim, since there is no word in the sentence that impacts Alif-Lam-Mim or vice-a-versa

أنها لا محلَّ لها من الإِعراب، أو لها محلٌّ


Dha: Noun for short-distance pointing (directional) meaning this. In Dah form points to something gendered as male. In Ta points to female.
Li: For distance i.e. That over there in a distance   
Ka: Address (Khitab) for singular you

Dha is Mabni (Invariant I'rab) upon Sukun (soundless) therefore is not Dhi or Dhu or Dha. It is placed at the Mubtad' (Beginning) where it should be Raf'. Or alternatively placed upon the place of Khabar (Informing about the beginning) in state of Raf' but the Mubtada' omitted i.e. (THIS) Dha-Li-Ka.   

Tafsir Kabir

Li is for emphasis (Ta'kid) i.e. This for sure for you!
It is also possible to conclude that Dha-Li-Ka is a common usage (one unit of a word) of pointing to a far object just like Dabba for animal derived from ya-daba (to creep or craw, or go on four)  but used as one unit of a word and not treated as a composite derivation.

تفسير مفاتيح الغيب ، التفسير الكبير/ الرازي (ت 606 هـ)
وقد تدخل الكاف على «ذا» للمخاطبة واللام لتأكيد معنى الإشارة فقيل: «ذلك» فكأن المتكلم بالغ في التنبيه لتأخر المشار إليه عنه، فهذا يدل على أن لفظة ذلك لا تفيدالبعد في أصل الوضع، بل اختص في العرف بالإشارة إلى البعيد للقرينة التي ذكرناها، فصارت كالدابة، فإنها مختصة في العرف بالفرس، وإن كانت في أصل الوضع متناولة لكل ما يدب على الأرض،


I'rab: Sifat/Niat or Badal (in place of), in state of Raf' with the ending Dhamma.

Original root is word is Ka-T-B meaning to assemble or bring together or bring two things together e.g. a group of livestock galloping or group of soldiers in formation.

Assembly of words, letter by letter is similarly called Ki-Ta-B

لسان العرب
والكَتْبُ: الجمع، تقول منه: كَتَبْتُ البَغْلة إذا جمَعْتَ بين شُفْرَيْها بحَلْقَةٍ أَو سَيْرٍ.
والكَتِيبةُ: ما جُمِعَ فلم يَنْتَشِرْ؛ وقيل: هي الجماعة المُسْتَحِيزَةُ من الخَيْل أَي في حَيِّزٍ على حِدَةٍ. وقيل: الكَتيبةُ جماعة الخَيْل إذا أَغارت، من المائة إِلى الأَلف. والكَتيبة: الجيش. وفي حديث السَّقيفة: نحن أَنصارُ اللّه وكَتيبة الإِسلام. الكَتيبةُ: القِطْعة العظيمةُ من الجَيْش، والجمع الكَتائِبُ. وكَتَّبَ الكَتائِبَ: هَيَّأَها كَتِيبةً كتيبةً؛ قال طُفَيْل:
فأَلْـــوَتْ بـــغـــاياهـــم بـــنـــا، وتَـــبـــاشَــــرَتْ        إِلى عُرْضِ جَيْشٍ، غيرَ أَنْ لم يُكَتَّبِ
وتَكَتَّبَتِ الخيلُ أَي تَجَمَّعَتْ. قال شَمِرٌ: كل ما ذُكِرَ في الكَتْبِ قريبٌ بعضُه من بعضٍ، وإِنما هو جَمْعُكَ بين الشيئين. يقال: اكْتُبْ بَغْلَتَك، وهو أَنْ تَضُمَّ بين شُفْرَيْها بحَلْقةٍ، ومن ذلك سميت الكَتِيبةُ لأَنها تَكَتَّبَتْ فاجْتَمَعَتْ؛ ومنه قيل: كَتَبْتُ الكِتابَ لأَنه يَجْمَع حَرْفاً إِلى حرف؛ وقول ساعدة بن جُؤَيَّة:
لا يُكْـتَـبُـون ولا يُكَـتُّ عَـدِيدُهــم،        جَفَلَتْ بساحتِهم كَتائِبُ أَوعَبُوا
قيل: معناه لا يَكْتُبُهم كاتبٌ من كثرتهم، وقد قيل: معناه لا يُهَيَّؤُونَ.
وتَكَتَّبُوا: تَجَمَّعُوا.

La Raib-a

La could be Nafiya Li-Al-Jins (Categorical Negation) i.e. no chance of any exception.

Noun for La: Raib is in state of Nasb with ending Fat-ha namely Raib-a.

Khabar for La: Could be considered as omitted. Therefore the verse reads:

That Book, beyond any doubt, within it guidance for righteous.

It is also possible that La acts upon the semi-sentence Fi-Hi Huda-n, this Fi-Hi is Khabar (Information about Beginning) that appears prior to the rest and Huda-n delayed Mubtada' (Beginning).

Huda-n: Khabar for Dha-Li-Ka, gives information about what Dha-Li-Ka points at.

Li-Al-Muttaq-yi-n: Jar Majrur dealing with Huda-n. The sign for Jarr is Yi since it is a plural make and Nun is in replacement of Tanwin (Nunation).


Al-Ladhi is an ambiguous noun noun i.e. its meaning becomes plain with what follows is (Silla-t, Sala-t). It never ends without a Sila-t (what follows after). Its origin was La-dhi then Alif-Lam was added. Al-Aladhi is a relative or connective noun that DEFINES what follows (via Sila-t). Syntax: Al-Ladh-dh-i or Al-Ladhdh . Female: Al-Ladhdha-n-i or Al-Ladhdha-nn-i.

Alif Lam though being extras, they cannot be omitted since they define or give definition by what follows. Other related such connective nouns e.g. Man or Ma or Ayy do not need Alif Lam and they still work connecting what follows to something earlier to make it more characterized. (Dara: but Alif Lam prefix issues a clear indication of definition)

لسان العرب
الَّذِي: اسم مبهم، وهو مبنيٌّ معرفة ولا يتم إِلاَّ بصلة، وأَصله لَذِي فأُدخل عليه الأَلف واللام، قال: ولا يجوز أَن يُنْزَعا منه. ابن سيده: الَّذِي من الأَسماء الموصولة ليتوصل بها إِلى وصف المعارف بالجمل، وفيه لغات: الَّذِي، والَّذِ بكسر الذال، والَّذْ بإِسكانها، والَّذِيّ بتشديد الياء؛ قال:
وليسَ المالُ، فاعْلَمْه، بمال        من الأَقْــــــوامِ إِلاَّ لـــــــلَّـــــــذِيّ
يُرِيدُ بـه الـعَـلاءَ ويَمْــتَـــهِـــنْـــه        لأَقْـرَبِ أَقْـرَبِـيه، ولـلـقَـصِــيّ
والتثنية اللَّذانِّ، بتشديد النون، واللَّذانِ النون عوض من ياء الذي، واللَّذا، بحذف النون، فَعَلى ذلك قال الأَخطل:
أَبَـنـي كُـلَـيْبٍ، إِنَّ عَـمَّـيَّ الـلَّــذا        قَتَلا الملُوكَ، وفَكَّكا الأَغْلالا
قال سيبويه: أَراد اللَّذانِ فحذف النون ضرورة.
 وأَنشد في الذي يعني به الجمع للأَشهب بن رُميلة:
وإِنَّ الَّذِي حانَـت بِـفَـلْـجٍ دِمـاؤُهُـمْ        هُمُ القَوْم كلُّ القَوْمِ، يا أُمَّ خالِدِ
وقيل: إِنما أَراد الذين فحذف النون تخفيفاً؛ الجوهري: في جمعه لغتان الذين في الرفع والنصب والجر، والذي بحذف النون، وأَنشد بيت الأَشهب بن رميلة، قال: ومنهم من يقول في الرفع اللَّذُون
ومن قال الحرث والعباس أَثبت الصلة في التسمية مع اللام فقال هو الذي فعل، والأَلف واللام في الذي زائدة، وكذلك في التثنية والجمع، وإِنما هنَّ متعرّفات بصلاتهن وهما لازمتان لا يمكن حذفهما، فرب زائد يلزم فلا يجوز حذفه، ويدل على زيادتهما وجودك أَسماء موصولة مِثلَها معرَّاة من الأَلف واللام وهي مع ذلك معرفة، وتلك الأَسماء مَن وما وأَيّ في نحو قولك:ضربت مَن عندك، وأَكلت ما أَصعمتني، ولأَضربن أَيُّهم قام، فتعرّفُ هذه الأَسماء التي هي أَخوات الذي والتي بغير لام وحصول ذلك لها بما تبعها من صلاتها دون اللام يدل على أَن الذي إِنما تعرّفه بصلته دون اللام التي هي فيه، وأَن اللام فيه زائدة؛ وقول الشاعر:
فإِنْ أَدَعِ اللَّواتي مِنْ أُناس        أَضاعُوهُنَّ، لا أَدَعِ الَّذِينـا
فإِنما تركه بلا صلة لأَنه جعله مجهولاً.

There are two different I'rab for this noun (per Salih):

1. Sifat for Li-Al-Muttaq-i-n in previous verse. Then the believers in 2:3 are exactly those in 2:2 who received guidance from That Book. This is due to the application of Al-Ladhi which defines the Al-Muttaq-i-n in 2:2 by the believers in 2:3.

2. Hum (They, Those) Mahzuf (Omitted), Al-Ladhi connects Hum to the rest of the verse 2:3 and no connection to the previous verse 2:2 (or lesser connection). Then the believers in 2:3 are THE candidates to receive the guidance from That Book in 2:2. Again this is due to the Al-Ladhi which defines some limiting sort of scope for Al-Muttaq-i-n in 2:2.

This is the beauty of this language, the ability to enlighten arguments and models in the minds of the reciters without much verbiage by simply being cognizant of different readings.

Yu-Mim-Nun-Waw-Nun-a: Present verb, in state of Raf' since first Nun has Dhamma. (Fa'il) Waw suffixed (connected) pronoun in place of in state of Raf' of Fa'il (Grammatical Doer)

Bi-Al-Ghayb-i: Jar Majrur 

Waw Yu-Qi-Mim-Waw-Nun-a: Waw is 'Atif i.e. connects Yu-Qi-Mim-Waw-Nun-a to Yu-Mim-Nun-Waw-Nun-a and also inherits the I'rab of Yu-Mim-Nun-Waw-Nun-a. Waw
 in Yu-Qi-Mim-Waw-Nun-a is Fa'il (Grammatical Doer).

Al-Saad-Lam-a-t-a: Maf'ul Bi-hi (subject) acted upon the verb Yu-Qi-Mim-Waw-Nun-a. Female gender.

Waw Ist'inaf: means Waw is simply a separator that separates the previous sentence/phrase from the following sentence/phrase as if the following sentence/phrase is completely independent.

Mimma: Two words merged Min+Ma, Nun of Min merged with Mim of Ma thus omitted. Min (from, Jarr) and Ma Ism Mausul: 

Ism Mausul
Antoine Haddad

A noun indicating a specified meaning, however its meaning does not complete unless by a following sentence (which is called Sila-t Al-Mausul). Example Al-Ladhi, Ayy-u.


Tense: Ra-Za-Qa is in past tense, but the tense is not about being in the past, the tense deals with total absence of probabilities or potentialities as 100% assurance, thus have the feel of the past tense since nothing from the past is any longer probable! It happened certain ways and it is no longer subject to potentialities. Similarly their provisions is guaranteed to arrive and there is no potentialities involved that they will be fed and clothed and housed. This past-tense construct appears all over the Qur'an while the English translations use the present tense and much meaning of the verse is missed.

Ra-Za-Q-Na-Hu-M is Silat Mausul for Ism Mausul Ma from the previous word Min+Ma.

Na: Nun+Alif suffix connected pronoun Us/We, Fail (Grammatical Doer)
Hu-M: suffix connected pronoun 'it' but ending Mim makes it male plural i.e. 'they', Hu is Maf'ul Bi-Hi (subject)

Yu-N-Fi-Q-Waw-N: Waw Fa'il (Grammatical Doer). It is also Mut'alluq Al-Jarr it relates the Jarr to the verb i.e. Min+Ma to Yu-N-Fi-Q-Waw-N.

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