Ghazal 65
For What?
Festivities and companionship
of the orchards and spring
Is happier than what?
Where is the cupbearer? Tell
us about this delay and wait
The reason is for what? [1]
Cherish every happy moment
that comes your way
No awareness within anyone
then for all these efforts
The end is for what? [2]
Be alert! Life is hanging from
the strand of a hair
Sorrow for your Self, since in
the scheme of life
The sorrow is for what? [3]
The meaning of the water of
life and the gardens of Eden
Other than meandering brooks
and wholesome wine
The remaining is for what? [4]
The hermit and the drunken
both from the same tribe
Which one shall we give our
hearts to since after all
The choice is for what? [5]
How could the cosmos uncover
the veils of secrets, Be silent!
O plaintiff your ceaselessly
senseless fight with the veils
The use is for what? [6]
If the faults and sins of the
slaves are out of their control
About the Mercy and pardoning
of the Divine Forgiver
The meaning is for what? [7]
Ascetic thirsts for Kawthar
and Hafez for goblet
In the midst of all this tell
me for certain
The Lord’s wish is for what? [8]
Cupbearer has several possible meanings given the context of the poem,
the poet and the interpretation of the reader, from Kashaaf Istelahat:
1. The
Divine Beloved who serves the wine of Its Love to the Sufis so they are
2. The
Perfected Morshid (Guide) a supremely capable Sufi Sage that can guide
the Morid’s (Seeker’s) hearts towards the Beloved
3. Any form
of beauty that upon beholding it the Sufi is intoxicated
Basically Hafez is saying look
what else is there in this world other than spending time with the
loved ones, eating good food and enjoying the nature? He asks:Tell me
what else is there? Then he says where is the cupbearer to make this
even better by intoxicating him with the love of the Beloved. I guess
this is the period of time Hafiz was looking, in desperation, for a
teacher. And he is wondering what is the reason for this delay, when he
cannot become drunken due to the lack of a mortal or Divine cupbearer
i.e. guide. Remember that Hafez concealed much of his life and these
poems are the map of his voyage towards the Divine. So in different
stages he wrote differently.
[2] If
Allah sends you a good time enjoy it because that is why It sent it to
you. Don’t be stupid and deny yourself the goodness of the life from
the Lord. And muse, Hafez asks, do you really think you have any sense
of what is going on? So don’t be full of yourself thinking you are
doing something way too important to enjoy life since what are the end
results of all affairs? A vile & cold patch of dark constricting
Your life is hanging from a thread since you were conceived in the
mother’s womb. A vein can burst in your heart or brain you are dead. A
blood clot in the lung you are dead. A simple blow to your body you are
dead. A small germ in your blood stream you are dead. Then why are you
so scared and sorrowful? After all what is it that you really control?
Who in the past stopped the vein from popping or the virus from
infecting you? Then be frolic and drop the ceaseless sorrow act. Indeed
sorrow for your ignorant heart and behavior i.e. be concerned about
your inner Self instead of the outer shell which you have no control
Without our Divine Beloved what is the meaning of this life and the
Paradise? What is left out there without Beloved? Nothing.
[5] The
religious hermit is the Sage or the monk in solitude and the drunken is
the Sufi-likes. Hafez asks for a choice! Since both persons are from
the same tribe of humanity and spirituality. Hafez is wondering aloud:
Is there really a difference between all these religious folk and
[6] The
entire cosmos down to our bodies and Self (Soul, Psyche) are veils
blocking the Divine Light. What are we fighting for? What are we
fighting with? Fighting with the veil? Hafez says don’t be stupid
fight, meaning struggle & strive, for the real thing i.e. The
Beloved not with Its subjects which all block Its light! Don’t argue
with destiny, don’t wonder about the outcomes, and don’t bother with
people, eyes on the prize.
[7] I
believe Hafez means that all our sins as well as our good deeds
happened by the permission of the Lord then are we at fault for our
mistakes? What is the meaning of forgiveness by the Lord? He means:
Don’t feel disappointed that you have made so many sins since after all
Allah let you do them It could have stopped you but the feelings of
guilt & remorse in your heart are the fuel for you to fly like a
jet to your Divine Beloved Forgiver not to pull you down and depress
you. When you are the lowest wondering about how sinful you are, indeed
you are within the closest proximity to the Beloved Forgiver. Don’t
think about the reasons for the sins you did just run run run towards
the Beloved.
[8] Here is
the war between the so-called religious folk and Sufi-likes. Hafez is
wondering is there a choice? After all as in [5] really both persons
are from the same tribe, other than the cosmetics, they really believe
in the same thing. Look at the elegance of how Hafez dealt with this:
The matter is not about being religious or being Sufi the matter has
only one & only one choice what Beloved chose for Hafez! So stumble
down your high horse of Sufism or your arrogant pristine religious
presentation, know that the choice is with the Beloved. You are what
Beloved decreed for you. One is Sufi-like and one is religious folk,
both choices are equally to be respected since the Divine Edict
ordained both choices.
Kawthar is the name of a
spring in Paradise, perhaps a gift to the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him,
“We have offered you the Kawthar”
(Koran [108:1]).
© 2004-2002,
Dara O. Shayda