I know not! [0]

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When I looked upon the shattered mirror of Cite Soleil wherein beheld
none but my true Self, and when every question was soundlessly
strangled yet the forsaken Haitian became just a muffled answer or to
be perfectly honest ‘the’ answer:
Are You a Lover? Or are You a Beloved?
I know not
All being-ness is You, all and all, this or that
I know not
And when the forgotten Haitian father lifted the almost lifeless body
of his emaciated child—the most beautiful negra pearl indeed—it was
then that I realized I lied when I said: “I love you” and you lied as
well when you replied: “I love you too”:
Except You in the entire cosmos I see no other lover
Except You in the entire universe any other beloved
I know not
It was then when the love unexpectedly pranced at humanity whereat all
doves of sorrows startled away and it was then when all dolphins of
fear dived deep into the sea of Oneness:
Except the anxiety of Your love within, I find none
Except the maddening love of reaching You
I know not
I stood there in Cite Soleil, on one side my back towards the ocean of
fears and on the opposite side facing the ocean of tears all the while
not stop wondering why everything can see You and yet ‘I’ can only see
this abject misery:
Why in the eyes of every particle You are a sunshine
But how come so hidden from this bewildered Self
I know not

This spiritual experience was abruptly interrupted when a thirsty 8
year old girl yelled asking for a dollar, and when I made it clear to
her that could not trespass the UN’s barbed wires to give her anything,
she yelled again: Tomorrow right? Tomorrow? And it was this false-hope
this poison-dipped dagger that tore my cast-iron chest open:
With the hope of reaching You I soothe my heart
Then why I am unable to heal this heartache
I know not
The Haitian girl walked away towards that tomorrow, which assuredly
shall never come, and the souls of all Sufis screamed in unison within
my burst-open chest:
I find You not in the heart nor in the entire cosmos
Where should I, the perplexed Self, seek You
I know not
When Pakistani UN commander served the pot of curry rice-potato with
drinking water one of my eyes saw emaciated Haitian children rushing
towards the soldiers but my other eye saw a school of Haitian
butterflies gliding through the Eden fluttering aloft the nectar of
Mahab-bat (Divine Love) and the ugliness of my ignorance just a few
unimportant sand grains blown violently into the Atlantic:
Amazingly I am seeing the beauty of Your Face so manifest
Yet do I comprehend what this ignorant Self is seeing
I know not
This much I know:
The days and nights of the universe by Your face aglow
But is Your Face a blazing sun or a shining moon
I know not

And finally when the Haitian butterflies scattered by the hurricane of
my soberness and my eyes again blinded by the blight of this world, I
found my Self behind the UN’s barbed wires and on the other side the
Cite Soleil—the torture chamber... No! Wait a second! It is ‘I’ who is
the dungeons and ‘I’ have always been in these labyrinths crafted from
the amnesia of That Beloved. And when the
deer of my words fell silent by the
arrow of Your ‘Ishq, surprisingly found my cellmate the
prodigical Araqi humming along side my oozing blood:
In dungeons of Your separation, Araqi enchained
Would I be freed from this prison or not
I know not
Here in Haiti, I am no longer and amongst my long-gone Sufi brothers
who are chanting: Yā Dara time for poetry is over! Yā
Dara time for pretending is over! Caravan is about to depart and 'now'
is for loving timelessly thus
set the lantern afire and let the gales of Oneness scatter your ashes
at the gates of That Beloved’s courtyard…
Setting the lantern afire by the Haitian tears…
[0] What is that you REALLY know? What is that you know which was not
obtained without thinking or learning? What is that you know, innate
and exclusively known to you?
You are an answer to a Divine Question! Every molecule of your DNA
strands, every cell in your body, every thought and every second of the
human history is an answer to a question asked by That Divine Beloved.
© 2005-2002, Dara O. Shayda