The Sculptor
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I have sculpted the marble of who I am not, artfully
By my Self
Chips of lies strewn upon the earth of loss all over
By my Self
I have chiseled the marvel of who I am not thoughtfully
Whilst the pearls of sobs strung along the chain of sighs
By my Self
Dara be the Abraham shattering the idol of who I am not
Flames of bonfire cooled the meadows of Remembrance
For my Self
[1] The young Prophet Abraham broke down the idols of his country, and
the idolaters set up a huge bonfire to burn him alive for the crime he
had committed. When he was catapulted into the fire the fires were
cooled by Allah and turned into meadows. Be the Abraham of your own
life, shatter the idol that you have carved out of your Self and walk
into the meadows cooled by the fires that you feared.
© 2005-2002, Dara O. Shayda