Haqiqa Muhammadiyya

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Risāl-eh Jām-eh Jahān Namā (Crystal Cosmic Viewer)
Shams Maghribi

"The design of the first circle is comprised of Ahadiyat (Extreme Oneness), Wahdat (Verbal Oneness) and Wahidiyat (Intellectual Oneness) and this circle is halved by the line passing through the center and each half is called Qaus (Arc) i.e. one Ahadiyat Qaus (Arc) and the other Wahidiyat Qaus (Arc). The cutting line forming a Barzakh (Barrier) between the two Qaus (Arc) is called Qaba-Qausain (Measure of two arcs) which is the bearer of the Tajalli-Awwal (First Primordial Manifestation) that is coined as Haqiqat-Muhammadi (Praiseworthy Reality)—May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon Muhammad."
Source: http://www.untiredwithloving.org/crystal_cosmic_viewer1.html

Sharh-e Golshan-e Raz
Source: Farhang-e Istilahat Irfani by Dr. Sajjadi  

"Haqiqa Muhammadiyya is a substratum upon [1] which Ta'ayyun-Awwal (Primordial Contrast) and the Muzhir (Place for Tajalli (Manifestation)) for Ism (Identifier) Allah appeared. And antecedent to all other existence(s) Insan Kamil appeared as well. All Divine Identifiers appeared through the Insan Kamil and some said: Ahad appeared within the Mim of Ahmad."

Dara: There is a modality of Divine Presence, so extreme and so unique and so individual and so nonpareil that there is Allah and none else even this description does not exist! No thoughts nor passage of time, no life nor death nor anything of Wujud (Being-ness) save Allah's. Even the identifier Allah is not available. Since identifier requires the existence of the identification process and other related entities.

Ta'ayyun-Awwal: Imagine the Tauhid (Divine Oneness) is a singleton landscape but blurred beyond any possibility of recognition or discerning of any patterns or attributes or subparts. Imagine suddenly a lens focused on a part of this landscape and viewers could see and understand some pattern or attribute. The latter is called Ta'ayyun or contrast. Therefore for anyone to understand anything of Ahadiyat, due to its extreme oneness, some contrast was needed, the first such contrast is coined as Primordial Contrast.

Tajalli-Awwal: Imagine an extremely luminous object covered and no light escapes from it. Suddenly the cover is removed and rays of light shine in all directions. The latter uncovering is Tajalli. The first such Tajalli occurred for Ahadiyat.

Insan Kamil: As a byproduct of Primordial Contrast and Manifestation a unique viewing entity appears coined as Perfected Eye! It is only one, imagine it being a telescope/microscope but only one such device in the entire cosmos. Imagine people can view through this device and all they see is Allah doing deeds and Allah saying words, in other words our ordinary actions and words and happenings are all due to Allah's. This eye glances from the other universe into this universe.

Ahad appeared within the Mim of Ahmad: Ahad is comprised of Alif+Ha+Dal add one letter Mim and word becomes Alif+Ha+Mim+Dal or Ahmad the name foretold to Jesus, peace be upon him and his mother:

61:6. And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the apostle of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of an Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!"

The only letter different between Ahmad, Muhammad vs. Ahad is Mim! We are all born in the state of amnesia (also coined as Insan from Nasiya), not remembering where we came from and our discourses with Allah forgotten. Mim of Muhammad or Ahmad provides the spiritual memory to remember (Dhikr), who is Allah and our interactions with Allah in the realm of spirits (Malakut) or knowledge about Ahad appears within Mim of Ahmad for humanity to remember.

In conclusion the purpose for this Mim of Ahmad and Muhammad was to REMEMBER who Ahad was when/where/how/why/what there was Allah none else.

Shakhs Muhammad: Confusion arises from the usage of the word Muhammad in Haqiqa Muhammadiyya, this usage of Muhammad does not refer to the person (Shakhs) of the Arab called Muhammad! The latter, the Arab dwelling around Makkah was the Tashkhis (Personification) of Haqiqa Muhammadiyya turned into a psychobiological Shakhs (Person) walking amongst the people.

This Shakhs (Person) was/is a Nabi i.e. informer of information, information emanating from the other world of Malakut (Realm of Spirits). Or the Tashkhis (Personification) of Haqiqa Muhammadiyya served as a broadcaster of information about Ahad.


Shakhs: The black dot appearing from a distant-viewing of a standing visible human being.

مفردات ألفاظ القرآن. - للأصفهاني
كتاب الشين
-الشخص: سواد الإنسان القائم المرئي من بعيد،

[1] upon which, or through which, or by means of which or because of which … Haqiqa is then a platform for Reality for something else become real or true.

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