The Book of Wisdom
Ibn Atā’ol-lāh Al-Eskandari
Hekam: When hope & despair are one and the same
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Hekam (Wisdom): The sign of reliance upon (one’s own) actions is the
diminishing of hope in presence of mistakes.

Al-Rendi: Reliance upon Allah, The Sublime, is the characteristic of
the ‘Āref (Divine Cognoscente) who is also a Muwah-hid (Professor
Divine Oneness), and the reliance upon other than Allah is the
description of the heedless and the ignorant.
For the ‘Āref (Divine Cognoscenti) who are also a Muwah-hid (Professor
of Divine Oneness), they enjoy the Qurb (Divine Nearness) and the
Mushāhidah (Divine Perception) glaring upon their Rabb (Divine Maser
Administrator, Lord) whilst their Nafs (Psyche, Self)
Fān (Evanescing).
And if oversights or negligence befalls them, they indeed
eyewitness/observe the administration & conduct of Haqq (The
Absolute True Reality, Allah) applied to them—the flowing of the Qadhā (Divine Decree)
all over them. On the other hand if some obeisance originates
from them, they do not observe this in and of their own Nafs (Psyche,
Self) and do not see their effort or exertion within this
That for certain their Rabb’s (Divine Master Administrator’s) Dhikr
of them was preceded (prior to their act of good deeds,
Allah remembered them and thus they were made to do good deeds). Their
Nafs (Psyche,
Self) is Mutma’en (Reposed)
underneath the effusion of Qadar (Divine Fate)
and their hearts tranquil shone upon with rays of
the Nur (Divine
Light). (Sharqāwi: The worshippers and the Murids (Seekers)
rely upon the actions and deeds such as Salāt (Prayers) or Dhikr
and so on for getting into the Paradise and escape from
the fires of Hell. However the ‘Āref (Divine Cognoscenti) do not
observe anything of their own Self in any of their actions (even the
righteous acts) since they believe that the “true doer” is actually
Allah and their persons are merely the Mahal (Place) for such
manifestations (their actions caused by Allah’s will))
For the latter, there is no difference between the two Hāla (Momentary
states of the heart) i.e. they do not discern between hope &
despair, since they are already drown deep within the ocean of Tauhid
Oneness) therefore (due to the concept of Oneness) their fear
and their hope have become one and the same: their fear (of Divine
Punishment) is not decreased due to their abstinence from wrongdoing
and similarly their hope is not increased by what they offer as Ihsān
(Beautiful Deeds).
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Shayda , Dr. Hind Rifai