Ibn Atā’ol-lāh Al-Eskandari 


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If & when the attention of the ‘Āref (Divine Cognoscente) is directed towards the revenge against someone who has wronged him, both the mercy and the compassion settle in his Khulq (Behavior) replacing the urge for triumph. And how can the person who sees Allah in all people’s deeds wishing to triumph over them? (‘Āref (Divine Cognoscente) sees (and sees more than believes) that all the deeds of the people are indeed the deeds of Allah by the permission of Allah and by the knowledge and approval of Allah, then how can he seek revenge?)

Therefore Allah’s Auliā’ (Close Friends) are ranked as follows:

1.    The person who is wronged invokes Allah against the wrongdoing that has caused him pain and urgency, and such an invocation shall not be refused by Allah as has been narrated from the Prophet peace be upon him: “Fear the invocation of the victim since there is no veil between his invocation and Allah”. 

حَدَّثَنَا أبو كريبٍ أخبرنا وكيعٌ عن زكريَّا بنِ إسحاقَ عن يحيى بنِ عبدِ اللهِ بنِ صيفيٍّ عن مَعبدٍ عن ابنِ عَبَّاسٍ:
(أنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيهِ وسَلَّم بعثَ مُعاذاً إلى اليمنِ فقال: اتَّقِ دعوةَ المظلُومِ فإنَّهُ ليسَ بينَهَا وبينَ اللهِ حجابٌ) .
هذا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ وأبو معبدٍ اسمهُ نافذٌ وفي البَابِ عن أنسٍ وأبي هُرَيرَةَ وعبدِ اللهِ بنِ عمرو وأبي سعيدٍ.

2.    And there are those that once wronged seek an asylum with Allah for triumph and seek the rush for the answer to their invocation, and still they know that Allah is well aware of what is concealed or secret and they elevate their affair towards Allah—in a secretive manner—and most deserved for triumph since they have placed their trust exclusively upon Allah, returning their affairs towards Allah, as has been said by Allah: "And whoever places trust upon Allah, IT/He suffices for him” Qur'an [65:3].

It has been mentioned about a woman whom all she had in this world was a chicken and her provision was the few eggs the chicken could produce and nothing else. But one day a thief stole the chicken. She did not complain and did not invoke Allah against the thief and let this affair to be returned to AllahSubhāna-Hu. The thief killed the chicken and plucked its feathers, but soon feathers start sprouting on his face (like a beard), and no matter what he tried could not remove the feathers. He asked people for help to remove what has befallen him to no avail, until he came to a Mystic from the Children of Israel and the Mystic advised him: There is no medicine for you except that woman’s invocation against you! And if you can make her pray against you then you will be cured from the feathers. So he sent some people to talk to the woman and they asked her: “Where is your chicken?” and she replied: “Stolen” and then they asked: “Has the thief cause you grief and hardship” and again she replied: “Indeed he did so” and they asked: “Are you suffering from the lack of the eggs?” and again she replied: “It is so” and they did not stop asking her until she was annoyed to the point that she invoked Allah against the thief whereat suddenly the feathers fell off the thief’s face! Later on the Hebrew Mystic was asked: “How did this happen?” and the Mystic replied: “Indeed when the thief stole the chicken she did not invoke Allah against him, and let this affair to be returned to Allah, and Allah gave her triumph over the thief (with the facial feather punishment), but when she did invoke Allah, instead she attempted to seek help from her Nafs (Self, Psyche)—instead of Allah—therefore the previous triumph from Allah ceased i.e. the feathers fell off the thieve's face:

3.    The slaves who when they are wronged do not invoke Allah and do not seek asylum with Allah for seeking revenge against the one who wronged them and they delegate their affair to Allah for handling, and Allah decides either to punish or to forgive the wrong-doer.
4.    And finally the rank of ‘Ul-yā’ (Lofty Ones) and those are the people when they are wronged they return a merciful response.

Sheikh Abul-Hasan said: When a transgressor victimizes you, it is fitting for you to be patient and endure, and be warned that if your Nafs (Self) transgresses two wrongdoings will accumulate for you: 1) Transgression of others against you, 2) Your transgression against your Nafs (Self). (if you are not patient and not endure you may harm your own Nafs (Self))

And what is more beautiful than the Hāla (Momentary state of the heart) for you during which your mercy has reached the one who transgressed you, and that is the rank of the Truthful Merciful(s):

And place your trust upon Allah, indeed Allah loves the Truster(s) (Those who place their trust upon Allah)” Qur'an [3:159].


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