‘Ism (Name, Identifier)
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Tafsir [2:31]
Ism as Spectra
Extinsic vs. Intrinsic Names
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When someone mentions the name ‘Boston’, sounds or letters made up of B
and O and S and T and O and N, the listener uses these sounds and
letters as a ‘guide’, within his memory, and finds knowledge and
memories/histories and data of a city with millions of people and many
colleges and so on. ‘Boston’ is called an identifier or simply a name.
Each identifier has a process of identification which is a process that
induces a voyage: Voyage from where the listener was or the state the
listener was therein, through some middle stages/states/spaces to the
destination where information, knowledge, data, histories, memories,
analysis and many other intrinsic attributes that identify the target
entity, which the identifier referred to, resides/stored.
Within a computer system the Ism (Name, Identifier) is a text like of
this: 0xACFF093B (char
*city_name). The voyage for
this identifier is something
like this: 0xACFF093B traverses through many programming
language subroutines
and macros
and becomes a larger expanded name with
many more symbolic attributes. Often these symbolic formations are sent
to registers/physical-memory of the CPU, and sent back to
subroutines and programs, sometimes they are written on a disk, and
finally they are written into the connections of a network which
transfer these textual forms into what is called a database and records
of information about Boston is retrieved and sent back to the
originator of the Ism (Name, Identifier) Boston. If there is no such
voyage then there is no Ism (Name, Identifier) e.g. if I sounded the
name Azargoshasb, you have no idea what it is since the necessary
voyage via the language of Farsi and necessary memories and histories
and knowledge are absent.
Within the Prophetic Language the latter is called Ism (Name,
Identifier), applies to Allah and
applies to other than Allah as well.
Q: What is the difference between the ‘Ism (Name, Identifier) and
Ishara (Pointer, Vector)?
A: ‘Ism (Name, Identifier) has scalar symbolic attributes i.e. it can
be deployed as parts of languages. In other words, while Ishara
Vector) is mostly feelings of a subjective-form connecting an
entity in this world to another entity in another world (free of
symbols), ‘Ism (Name, Identifier) is symbolic as parts of sentences and
texts and can be written down (recorded) and conveyed through time and
space from
one entity to another and from one universe to another. However, Ism
(Pointer, Name) indeed has a voyage aspect that can be thought of a
pointer connecting two entities vectorially.
The Ism (Pointer,
Name) is a gift, a Divine Endowment, from (the) Lord
of The Multiverse (Rabbil-'Ālamina) exclusively granted to the human
being, in specific the first primordial man called Adam. Had this Ism
(Name, Identifier) not being there, then we could not talk about/with
listen to Allah’s words or
convey words about Allah and worst we could not have invoked Allah via
invocations and prayers.
Tafsir [2:31]
Ism (Name, Identifier) can be studied and understood from the Kalām-eh
Azizam (The Words of my Dearest Beloved):
وَعَلَّمَ آَدَمَ الْأَسْمَاءَ كُلَّهَا
[2:31] Wa (And) (Allah)’Allama(taught)
Adam Al-‘Asmā’ (The Names), all
her (the names):
1. Wa (And): Means what follows in the verse is
placed within an ensemble of other events and statements and not
to in and of itself, in isolation. There was the creation of Adam
from the
waters and
minerals of this planet earth, there was the presentation of Adam to
angels and many other events whereat the Wa (And) is mentioned to
indicate that in the midst of these happenings this verse also
Taking the Wa (And) out means the event of the verse happened in no
connection to anything else i.e. ‘Allah taught
Adam and there is
nothing linked to this teaching’ vs. ‘Wa (And) Allah taught Adam
because of this reason or that event and so on’.
2. Omission of Allah as the
doer of the teaching: The
teaching took place in a realm and vis-à-vis a modality of
Divine Presence that did not allow or did not need a Doer i.e. Allah
taught Adam and in that realm and modality Allah’s actions need not be
vitiated into our cognitive understanding that every verb needs a doer
(realm of doer-less actions, a perfected realm/space/universe). Or
Allah as the
doer omitted i.e. no one saw who or how Adam was taught
and in spite of the fact that the teacher of this teaching was not
observed yet all angels knew beyond doubt that only Allah could have
taught Adam and no other entity had the wherewithal to do so. Or Adam
was constituted from lowly dust of a searchless planet in cosmos and he
was unapproachable (violent and ignorant) and he was un-teachable i.e.
this muddy creature
could not learn anything unless Allah taught him, completely opaque and
no Nur (Divine
Light) could enter him unless Allah intervened.
3. Allama (Taught): The verb is shaped via the
template Fa’ala which indicates several attributes of action: a)
Repetitiveness and b) Intensity or c) Morphed or shape Adam as in
Hajjara Tin (Mud morphed into stone). ‘c’ indicates that what ‘formed’
Adam into the human being that we all are, was not the aspects and
properties of the mud since many animals are similar to us in those
aspects some even almost identical, but what morphed the mud of this
into a human being was ‘Allama (taught) the teacher-less act of
teaching that shaped Adam from a terrestrial mineral edifice to a
thinking-talking human
('c' is my best interpretatin of the grammar and is/should be subject
to questioning)
4. Al-‘Asmā’ (The Names): I would translate
this plural of Ism (Name, Identifier) as ‘The Society of Names’ i.e.
what Adam was taught were not scattered names of this or that, but
a living interacting entangled society of knowledge(s), cognitions,
un-learnt Ma’refa (Gnostics), spiritual memories, psyches and
histories. As you can read in [Najm:23] Asma' need not have Al (The,
definite article), so the
is there for to make the ensemble definite, an entity in and of herself
above and beyond her subparts.
هِيَ إِلاَّ أَسْمَآءٌ سَمَّيْتُمُوهَآ
النجم: 23
5. Kulla-hā (all of her): the entire Ism (Name,
Identifier) that was created! Ha (her) is used in singular form to
indicate a unit which I translated as the ‘society’ above. So Adam was
the Khalifa the replacing deputy not of just the earth but of the
society of all Ism (Names, Identifiers). The meaning will clearer
The Prophet’s saying: ‘Indeed for Allah are 99
Ism (Name, Identifier)’
means the Ism is analogous to Dhat (Intrinsic Essence) and it is said
that Dhat or Nafs (Self) or ‘Ain or Ism
all of the same meaning e.g. ‘Praise the
Ism of your Lofty Lord’ [Al-A’la:1], ‘Blest be the Ism of your
Lord’[Rahman:78] and ‘these are except names they coined’ [Najm:23].
Qatada and Nuhhas said: Allah taught
the names of all things to Adam
and also made him cognizant of their properties.
Also the Ism (Name, Identifier) could mean languages, and language has
been coined as Ism (Name) due to habitual use.
تفسير الجامع لاحكام القرآن/ القرطبي (ت 671 هـ)
الثانية: قوله تعالى: { ٱلأَسْمَآءَ كُلَّهَا } «الأسماء» هنا
بمعنى العبارات، فإن الاسم قد يطلق ويراد به المسمَّى؛ كقولك: زيد قائم،
والأسد شجاع. وقد يراد به التسمية ذاتها؛ كقولك: أسد ثلاثة أحرف؛ ففي
الأوّل يقال: الاسم هو المسمَّى بمعنى يراد به المسمى، وفي الثاني لا يراد
به المسمَّى؛ وقد يجري ٱسم في اللغة مجرى ذات العبارة وهو الأكثر من
استعمالها؛ ومنه قوله تعالى: { وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ ٱلأَسْمَآءَ كُلَّهَا }
على أشهر التأويلات؛ ومنه قول النبيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إن لله تسعةً
وتسعين ٱسماً " ويجرِي مجرى الذات، يقال: ذاتٌ ونفسٌ وعينٌ وٱسمٌ بمعنًى؛
وعلى هذا حمل أكثر أهل العلم قوله تعالى:
{ سَبِّحِ ٱسْمَ رَبِّكَ ٱلأَعْلَىٰ }
[الأعلى: 1]
{ تَبَارَكَ ٱسْمُ رَبِّكَ }
[الرحمن: 78]
{ إِنْ هِيَ إِلاَّ أَسْمَآءٌ سَمَّيْتُمُوهَآ }
[النجم: 23].
وروى شَيْبان عن قتادة قال: علم آدم من الأسماء أسماء خلقه ما لم يعلم
الملائكة، وسمَّى كل شيء بٱسمه وأنْحَى منفعة كل شيء إلى جنسه. قال
النحاس: وهذا أحسن ما روي في هذا. والمعنى علّمه أسماء الأجناس وعرّفه
منافعها، هذا كذا، وهو يصلح لكذا.
قال الله تعالى: { وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ ٱلأَسْمَآءَ كُلَّهَا } واللّغات
كلّها أسماء فهي داخلة تحته وبهذا جاءت السنة؛
" فيأتون آدم، فيقولون: أنت أبو الناس، خلقك الله بيده، وأسجد لك ملائكته،
وعلمك أسماء كل شيء " فدل هذا على أنه علمه أسماء جميع المخلوقات،
Allah taught
Adam the names of all objects (e.g. apple, horse and so
This is what Ibn Abbas and Mujahid said.
However there are two cases for this claim:
1. The teaching is only syntactical i.e. names and no
2. The teaching conjoined both the syntactical names
and their meanings/semantics. After all what is the benefit of teaching
names without meanings? The intent in this verse is that the Ism (Name,
Identifier) is a guide towards the meaning.
تفسير النكت
والعيون/ الماوردي (ت 450 هـ)
والثالث: أسماء جميع الأشياء، وهذا قول ابن عباس، وقتادة، ومجاهد.
ثم فيه وجهان:
أحدهما: أن التعليم إنما كان مقصوراً على الاسم دون المعنى.
والثاني: أنه علمه الأسماء ومعانيها، إذ لا فائدة في علم الأسماء بلا
معاني، فتكون المعاني هي المقصودة، والأسماءُ دلائل عليها.
[2:31] Wa (And) (Allah)’Allama(taught)
Adam Al-‘Asmā’ (The Names), all
of her (the names):
These Names or what they were referring to, were Beings alive and
intellectual, veiled under the veil of the Ghayb (Unseen, Unobservable)
(i.e. the Ism (Name) guided towards these concealed beings). And indeed
these Names were not the names of objects as we are used to and apply
today. Otherwise other creatures i.e. other than Adam would have
been cognizant of these (just names) as equals to Adam in
knowledge. And again had this been the case then there would have been
no generosity or benevolence for Adam as is indicated by Allah’s
teaching to Adam.
And when Allah
asked the angels to inform IT/Him
about the languages
(Ism here is translated as language) amongst the human beings, Allah
did so to prove to the angels their lack of knowledge, it was for the
sake of showing that indeed the perfecting of the human languages was
for the purpose of Ma’refa (Divine Gnosis) within the hearts, and the
angels need no such languages for the sake of conversation or speech.
Angles need no middle-agent i.e. language to convey anything, for them
there is another form of perfection.
Therefore Adam deserved the title of Khalifa (Deputy) because of his
ability to use Ism (Names, Languages). (DARA: Human being can write on
a piece of paper or can whisper within an ear and guide the
reader/listener towards the Ma’refa (Divine Gnosis) of some ‘Ilm
Knowledge) store in an infinitely far away storage medium.)
As was exposed above, the knowledge for the Ism (Names, Identifiers,
Languages) is a must, due to the necessity of Kashf (Uncovering) of
beings and essences they refer to, as opposed to their exclusive use as
mere linguistic constructs (without referring to any far away
As was deduced above: These entities that Allah presented
to the angels
are/were indeed lofty beings preserved with Allah, veiled by the veil
of the Ghayb (Unseen, Unobservable), thus Allah sent these Ism
(Identifiers, Languages) to this universe with goodness and blessings
and derived all that is within the heavens and earth by the Nur (Divine
Light) of these Ism (Names) and by the Baha’ (Overwhelming
Beauty) of these Ism. And these names are ever-increasing and there
no way to index them. These Ism (Identifiers) have no Shakhs
(Discernment) and they cannot be differentiated from each other.
تفسير الميزان في
تفسير القرآن/ الطبطبائي (ت 1401 هـ)
وقوله تعالى: { وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها ثم عرضهم } ، مشعر بأن هذه الأسماء
أو أن مسمياتها كانوا موجودات أحياء عقلاء، محجوبين تحت حجاب الغيب
العلم بأسمائهم كان غير نحو العلم الذي عندنا بأسماء الأشياء، وإلاَّ كانت
الملائكة بإنباء آدم إياهم بها عالمين وصائرين مثل آدم مساوين معه، ولم
يكن في ذلك إكرام لآدم ولا كرامة حيث علمه الله سبحانه أسماء ولم يعلمهم،
ولو عملهم إيّاها كانوا مثل آدم أو أشرف منه، ولم يكن في ذلك ما يقنعهم أو
يبطل حجتهم، وأي حجة تتم في أن يعلم الله تعالى رجلاً علم اللغة ثم يباهي
به ويتم الحجة على ملائكة مكرمين لا يسبقونه بالقول وهم بأمره يعملون بأن
هذا خليفتي وقابل لكرامتي دونكم؟ ويقول تعالى أنبئوني باللغات التي سوف
يضعها الآدميون بينهم للإِفهام والتفهيم إن كنتم صادقين في دعواكم أو
مسألتكم خلافتي، على أن كمال
اللغة هو المعرفة بمقاصد القلوب والملائكة لا
تحتاج فيها إلى التكلم، وإنما تتلقى المقاصد من غير واسطة، فلهم
كمال فوق
كمال التكلم، وبالجملة فما حصل للملائكة من العلم بواسطة إنباء آدم لهم
بالأسماء هو غير ما حصل لآدم من حقيقة العلم بالأسماء بتعليم الله تعالى
فأحد الأمرين كان ممكناً في حق الملائكة وفي مقدرتهم دون الآخر، وآدم إنما
استحق الخلافة الإِلهية بالعلم بالأسماء دون إنبائها إذ الملائكة إنما
قالوا في مقام الجواب: { سبحانك لا علم لنا إلاَّ ما علمتنا } ، فنفوا
فقد ظهر مما مرّ أن
العلم بأسماء هؤلاء المسميات يجب أن يكون بحيث يكشف عن حقائقهم وأعيان
وجوداتهم، دون مجرد ما يتكفله الوضع اللغوي من إعطاء المفهوم فهؤلاء
المسميات المعلومة حقائق خارجية، ووجودات عينية وهي مع ذلك مستورة
تحت ستر
الغيب غيب السماوات والأرض، والعلم بها على ما هي عليها كان أولاً ميسوراً
ممكناً لموجود أرضي لا ملك سماوي، وثانياً: دخيلاً في الخلافة الإِلهية.
فتحصّل أن هؤلاء
الذين عرضهم الله تعالى على الملائكة موجودات عالية محفوظة عند الله
تعالى، محجوبة بحجب الغيب، أنزل الله سبحانه كل اسم في العالم
وبركتها واشتق كل ما في
السماوات والأرض من نورها وبهائها، وأنهم على
كثرتهم وتعددهم لا يتعددون تعدد الأفراد، ولا يتفاوتون تفاوت الأشخاص،
وإنما يدور الأمر هناك مدار المراتب والدرجات ونزول الاسم من عند هؤلاء
إنما هو بهذا القسم من النزول.
أقول: وبالرجوع إلى
ما مرّ من البيان تعرف معنى هذه الروايات وأن لا منافاة بين هذه وما
تقدمها، إذ قد تقدم أن قوله تعالى:
{ وإن من شيء إلاَّ عندنا خزائنه }
[الحجر: 21]، تعطي أنه ما من شيء إلاَّ وله في خزائن الغيب وجود، وأن هذه
الأشياء التي قبلنا إنما وجدت بالنزول من هناك، وكل اسم وضع بحيال مسمى من
هذه المسميات فهي اسمٌ لما في خزائن الغيب، فسواء قيل: أن الله علم آدم ما
في خزائن غيبه من الأشياء وهي غيب السماوات والأرض، أو قيل: إنه علّم آدم
أسماء كل شيء وهي غيب السماوات والأرض كان المؤدى والنتيجة واحداً وهو
Faidh Khashani
We say: Only by Allah
there is true success! That indeed Ism guides
towards the ‘named’ and it becomes the signpost (pointing towards) its
comprehension i.e. Ism linguistically expresses the Sifat (Attribute)
of the ‘named’. For example, the Ism Rahman for sure guides towards the
Sifat (Attribute) of benevolence i.e. the essence of Allah is
تفسير الصافي في
تفسير كلام الله الوافي/ الفيض الكاشاني (ت 1090 هـ)
فنقول: وبالله التّوفيق انّ الاسم ما يدلّ على المسمّى ويكون علامة لفهمه
فمنه ما يعتبر فيه صفة تكون في المسمى وبذلك الاعتبار يطلق عليه ومنه ما
لا يعتبر فيه ذلك فالأوّل يدلّ على الذّات الموصوفة بصفة معيّنة كلفظ
الرّحمن فانّه يدلّ على ذات متّصفة بالرّحمة ولفظ القهّار فانه يدلّ على
ذات لها القهر إلى غير ذلك، وقد يطلق الاسم بهذا المعنى على مظاهر صفة
الذّات باعتبار اتّصافه بالصّفة كالنّبيّ الذي هو مظهر هداية الله سبحانه
فانّه اسم الله الهادي لعباده والأسماء الملفوظة بهذا الاعتبار هي أسماء
[2:31] Wa (And) (Allah)’Allama(taught)
Adam Al-‘Asmā’ (The Names), all
of her (the names) Thumma (Then
with delay) presented them (The Isms)
to the angels:
Indeed the Muqarrabin (The very close to Allah) from
amongst the
angles, even if they were more overpowering Adam in both realms of
(Abstract Emergence) and Batin (Inmost concealed core) and had more
power and abilities than him, still they were denied the very realities
of the Ism while Adam due to his superiority over the angels was fully
cognizant of them. And because of the latter he deserved the title of
the Khalifa (Deputy).
As has been attributed to the peace be upon them (The Family of the
Prophet?): The Holy Ghost within the bosoms of the falcons tasted our
fenced orchard's freshly ripened fruits! (Dara: The latter could have
mistranslated but it means to the best of my abilities: Even the Holy
Ghost could not acquire certain Divine
Knowledge i.e. the freshely ripened fruits meaning knowledege
so close to Allah’s
Presence, except by being close to the
human heart i.e. the bosoms of the falcons)
And it has been narrated from the Arch Angel Gabriel:
“If I got closer another finger (length) for certain I would have been
The intent behind the angel’s words is the Aradh (Presentation)
to make
their realities (The Isms') patent. And this happened while gliding
aloft towards Alalh and not in downwards motion away from Allah. And
this Aradh (Presentation)
was only possible after Adam was taught the
Isms by Allah. (Dara: The Arch Angel was not able to become
closer to the realities of the Isms that Adam was taught and had the
angel tried it would have been burnt and destroyed. But Adam was able
to enclose the Ism (Identifiers) of these realities within his heart
and now the angles can be close to these knowledges and realities by
being close to Adam and not fear the flaring destruction.)
* تفسير تفسير بيان
السعادة في مقامات العبادة/ الجنابذي (ت القرن 14 هـ)
{ وَعَلَّمَ ءَادَمَ ٱلأَسْمَآءَ كُلَّهَا ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى
ٱلْمَلاَئِكَةِ فَقَالَ أَنْبِئُونِي بِأَسْمَآءِ هَـٰؤُلاۤءِ إِن
كُنْتُمْ صَادِقِينَ }
فانّ المقرّبين من الملائكة وان كانوا محيطين عالمين من آدم (ع)
ظاهره وباطنه وما فيه بالفعل وما فيه بالقوّة لكنّ حقائق الاسماء الالهيّة
الّتى هى فى مقام المشيئة مختفية عليهم مع انّ آدم (ع) بعلويّته عالم بها
جامع لها وبتلك الحقائق يستحقّ الخلافة عليهم وباعتبار ذلك المقام ورد
عنهم (ع) على ما نسب اليهم: روح القدس فى جنان الصاقورة ذاق من حدائقنا
الباكورة، وورد انّ جبريل (ع) قال لمحمّدٍ (ص) ليلة المعراج:
" لو دنوت أنملةً لاحترقت " ، والمراد بالعرض عليهم اظهار حقائقهم.
فى العود الى الله لا فى النّزول من الله ولذا كان ذلك العرض بعد تعليم
آدم (ع) جميع الاسماء فانّ للاشياء بواسطة عروج آدم (ع) عروجاً بأنفسها فى
صراط الانسان مضافاً الى عروج أسمائها مع الانسان وعطف العرض بثمّ على
تعليم الاسماء لآدم (ع) مشعر به، وورد الخبر انّه عرض أشباحهم وهم أنوار
فى الأظلّة
Ism as Spectra

When we want to extract information about unseen molecular or atomic
structures or when we want to gain knowledge about infinitely remote
celestial bodies, the unique technology of spectroscopy
comes in handy.
Every known object in the universe radiates, or under the influence of
an external stimulus its radiation alters. Though the object might be
microscopic or it might be beyond our reach in outer space, its
radiation can reach us with immense speeds and clarity loaded with
information about it. The radiation often reaches us billions of years
after the object was destroyed! Or we can look deep into the infinite
past via these lights.
Once this radiation is passed through a prism then it breaks down into
many single-colored lights e.g. read green or blue, each color
indicating particular information
about the unreachable object’s intrinsic attributes e.g. what it is
made up of, internal structures, internal dynamics and motions and so
As these spectral images are the guide towards the intrinsic attributes
of an unreachable entity, so is the human being as the prism that
performs spectroscopy on the incoming Nur (Divine Light)
and breaks it
down into many spectral colors i.e. Ism (Name, Identifier) and the
collective society of all such Ism or Asma’ allows for the human being
to extract information or knowledge about the unreachable universes and
entities including Allah.
Note: ‘Allah is the Light
of the Heavens and
earth, the example of ITs/his light
is that of an alcove within a
lantern…[24:35]’ is the optical-instrumentation form of metaphor
used by
Allah in
Qur’an. Optically active objects or instruments are indeed the
way to describe many complex and infinite spiritual concepts.
[2:31] Wa (And) (Allah)’Allama(taught)
Adam Al-‘Asmā’ (The Names), all
of her (the names):
Allah taught
Adam the Ism (Identifiers) for infinitely specialized
Divine Attributes (Sifat), attributes through which knowledge Adam
could be cognizant of the realities of all other Attributes (Sifat) and
he would be guided by the very Nur (Divine Light)
of these Ism, shone
upon the passageways of Ma’refa (Divine Gnosis) for the Dhat (Divine
Essence). As well he was taught the Ism (Identifiers) for the Maqam
(Ranks) or
the Daraja (Gradations) of the Hala (Momentary States
of the
تفسير عرائس
البيان في حقائق القرآن/ البقلي (ت 404 هـ)
{ وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ ٱلأَسْمَآءَ كُلَّهَا } عَلّمه اسماءَ الصفاتِ الخاصة
الّتي عَرفَ بها حقائق جميع الصفات واهتدى بانوارها طرائقَ معارف الذات
وايضاً عَلَّمه اسماء المقامات الّتى هي مدارج الحالات

Ibn Arabi (Futuhat)
The rays of the Ism (Names, Identifiers) are indeed the Ta’ayyun
Contrast) of the Ism and that is the Nur (Divine Light)
upon the Non-being as well as the Being, with anever-ending stretch
(vector) which the eye hurries along to extend the light (reach) of the
of this Maqam (Rank);
the never-ending stretch (vector) is as though
there will never be ignorance.
الفتوحات المكية محيي الدين ابن
وأما أنوار الاسماء فإنها تعين أسماء
المعلومات فهو نور ينبسط على المعدومات والموجودات فلا يتناهى أمتداد
أنبساطها وتمشي العين مع أنبساطها فينبسط نور عين صاحب هذا المقام فيعلم
ما لا يتناهي كما لا يجهل ما لا يتناهي بتضاعف الأعداد وهذا علامة من يكون
الحق بصره فالاسماء كلها موجودة والمسميات منها ما هي معدومة العين لذاتها

Extinsic vs. Intrinsic Names
As the Hadiith (Prophetic Narration) mentions below, there are many
types of Ism (Identifiers, Names) for Allah:
1. Names that Allah called ITself
2. Names that are in written format and found in the
Books Allah
sent down to people
3. Names that were taught privately to some creature
4. Names have ranks and levels as well, and there are
Names that Allah
prefers over others
“My Lord I am Your slave,
The son of Your slave,
The son of Your slave-girl,
My full control at Your Hand,
Effective is Your Decree on me,
Just is Your Judgment for me,
I ask You by all Names of
That You called Your own Self,
Or sent down in some book of
Or taught someone of Your
Or preferred secretly in Your
Concealed Divine Knowledge,
That You may make the Qur’an the vernal season of my heart,
And retreat of my sorrow,
And departure of my hardship.” Prayer of the Prophet for
المستدرك على
الصحيحين،الإصدار 2.02 - للإمام محمد بن عبد الله الحاكم النيسابوري.
المجلد الأول >> - 17- كتاب: الدعاء، والتكبير، والتهليل، والتسبيح،
1877 / 77 - أخبرنا أبو بكر محمد بن أحمد بن بالويه، ثنا محمد بن شاذان
الجوهري، ثنا سعيد بن سليمان الواسطي، ثنا فضيل بن مرزوق، حدثني أبو سلمة
الجهني، عن القاسم بن عبد الرحمن، عن أبيه قال:
قال عبد الله بن مسعود - رضي الله تعالى عنه -:
قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -: (ما أصاب مسلما قط هم ولا حزن
فقال: اللهم إني عبدك، وابن أمتك، ناصيتي في يدك، ماض في حكمك، عدل في
قضاءك، أسألك بكل اسم هو لك،
سميت به نفسك، أو أنزلته في كتابك، أو علمته
أحدا من خلقك، أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك، أن تجعل القرآن
قلبي، وجلاء حزني، وذهاب همي، إلا أذهب الله همه وأبدله مكان حزنه فرحا).
قالوا: يا رسول الله، ألا نتعلم هذه الكلمات؟
قال: (بلى، ينبغي لمن سمعهن أن يتعلمهن).
هذا حديث صحيح على شرط مسلم، إن سلم من إرسال عبد الرحمن بن عبد الله، عن
أبيه فإنه مختلف في سماعه، عن أبيه
2008-2002, Dara O Shayda