Fish in
The sanctuary of all life is the name of our Beloved
Nothing more loved than Its Name and nothing loftier
Its name treasure map for the Unseen Universe [1]
For It, all concealed treasures uncovered
All Names are the manifestations of Its Essence
All objects manifestation of these Names [2]
Nothing seen in existence except It aloft
Disappeared all other and their names afar
The absolute Being and nonpareil pure One
Where is It? Where are you? Where am I?
I and It and you vanished from the midst all
The secret of One-ness forsaken all into One
Life of Jaami about this point of One-ness [3]
Like the agony of fish out of the ocean water
Language: In this poem for the
word name two Farsi and
Arabic words were used:
- Naam: Which is a Farsi word that means
name like the English usage.
- Esem: Which is the Arabic/Koranic word
indicating the same meaning. However in Koranic expressions ‘Esem’ has
much wider meaning. I have done much research on this name but still
not sure about all the meanings. Best I know is that ‘Esem’ in Koranic
context means all knowledge (learned, gained, experimental), truth(s),
attributes (Sifat), descriptions, data, names… in general all that
which we can imagine as knowledge and truth and ways of being (Sifat).
In today’s technological terms it includes software, equations, formal
systems and languages, imagination art and what not.
In order to preserve the
author’s original text in English,
to indicate ‘Esem’ I capitalized the Name. The rest are all lower case
to mean
just name in English. You should be aware that the two usages have been
precise and deliberate and we must give this great attention.
[1] There is a universe out of the
reach of our
instrumentations and nothing about it is observable. This universe
exists and it
is filled with beings and rules and laws and history.
[2] First verse: If ‘Name’ to mean
knowledge, truth(s) and
sciences, then all these endowments come from the manifestation of the
of the Creator i.e. It made It Self visible/observable/known by
allowing these
Names to render a manifestation or an approximation of some of what is
Its Essence.
Second verse: And all the
objects within the grasp of our
mind and body are manifestation of those Names in the first verse or
have been derived or instantiated or extracted (like recipes) from the
knowledge that came from Its Essence.
A bad example: Verse 1, there
are descriptions and theories
describing a single electron. But there is no single electron to be
Verse 2, then someone creates from that description many electrons
instance of
that recipe.
Jaami says all the above
precisely in 8 words, 2 Farsi and 6
[3] Fundamental revelation and basis of
Koran and all what the Sufis
render in their art is the One-ness or the Arabic words Tawhid, Wahdat.
it means there is one God. However the details of concept to explain in
language are difficult as the saying goes, “The devil is in the
So my poor homeboy says, it’s
like being agonized like a fish
out of water. But this difficulty is the sail that makes the voyage of
Salek(traveler towards Beloved) possible.
Background: SuperSonic car just like Jaami.
Dara Shayda