Kitab Al-Insan Al-Kamil
Treatise 11
Exposition on realms of Mulk, Malakut & Jabarut
By Azized-Din Nasafi

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The words Jabarut, Malakut and Mulk are found in Qur'an and Hadith (Prophetic Narration):

Subhan for the possessor of Jabarut and Malakut.

لسان العرب  ابن منظور
وفي الحديث: سبحان ذي الجَبَرُوت والمَلَكُوت؛ هو فَعَلُوتٌ من الجَبْر والقَهْرِ.

36:83 So Subhan to Hu (IT, Him) in Whose hand is the Malakut of all things
فَسُبْحَانَ الَّذِي بِيَدِهِ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ

67:1 Blessed be Hu (IT, He) in Whose hands is Mulk
تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي بِيَدِهِ الْمُلْكُ

Chapter 1: On the concept of ‘Ālam (Universe, Realm)

Know—may Allah honor you in both worlds—that ‘Ālam is the name for the Jauhar (A being in no need of space) and ‘Aradh (A being in need of space). An ensemble of some Jauhar (A being in no need of space) and ‘Aradh (A being in need of space) is called Alam (Universe, Realm). Each individual Jauhar (A being in no need of space) or ‘Aradh (A being in need of space) is also called Alam.

Now that you know the meaning of the Alam (Universe, Space), know that Alam exists and has external existence of two types:

1.    Mulk: The corporeal observable universe that we understand as here and the cosmos
2.    Malakūt: The spiritual/intellectual realm where the souls/intellects and all the spiritual faculties resides within

These two realms are called by many other names e.g. Alam (Realm) of Mahsūs (Sensed by senses) and Alam of Ma’qūl (Intelligible realm) or Alam of Khalq (Created Creation) and Alam of ‘Amr (Divine Ordainment) or Alam of Shahadat (Observable) and Alam of Ghayb (Unseeable) or Alam of Zulmani (Darkness) and Alam of Nurani (Lit) and so on. However no matter what the coinage there is only two Alam: Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual and Intellectual).

O Dervish! The Alam (Realm) of Jabarūt is nothing like the other two realms of Mulk and Malakut, since the realm of Jabarut has no external existence or manifestations. 

Dara: Honey has external existence, I can lick it weight it and dissolve it. However the ‘taste of honey’ has no external existence. So the ‘taste of honey’ exists but has no outer manifestation or external existence in spite of its existence.

Mulk and Malakut and Jabarut are three universes and they belong to Allah. The three realms are by each other, within each other and they are inseparable. Alam (Realm) of Jabarut is the Dhat (Inmost Concealed Core) of the realms of Mulk and Malakut. The realms of Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual and Intellectual) are two Wajh (Faces, Outmost Surface) of the realm of Jabarut.

The Alam (Realm) of Jabarut is a Mujmal (Quantal) Kitab (Book) while the realms of Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual and Intellectual) are Mufassal (Divisible & Detailed) Kitab (Book).

Dara: Quatal or Quantum-like means a special Being which once you tweak its subparts or replace them with something exactly similar or even look at them the entire object falls apart and becomes non-existence.  For example, a car is Mufassal it can be broken down (divided) into sub-parts and details and you can remove a part and replace it with something similar and the car still is a car! However large part of the brain is Quantal i.e. if you slightly tweak some nerve cells the entire psychology and physiology of that human being is disrupted beyond repair and more than often the persona of the individual wiped out of existence i.e. vegetating state. Note: Mujmal is often used in its Ijmali form as well.

Alam (Realm) of the Jabarut is the very seed of both Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (Spiritual) realms i.e. the realms of Mulk and Malakut are a tree (sprouted from the seed of Jabarut) while matter and plants and all living animals are the fruits of this tree!

O Dervish! The truth behind these words is this: The Alam (Realm) of Jabarut is the basis or the starting point for both Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual) realms. Both realms appeared and became because of the Jabarut (The Seed of all realms). Whatever was concealed and Mujmal (Quantal) within the realm of Jabarut (The Seed of all realms) appeared and became Mufassal (Divisible & Detailed) within the realms of Mulk (The Corporeal) and Makakut (The Spiritual). In other words, it went from being a Dhat (Inmost Concealed Essence) in Jabarut to becoming a Sifat (Attribute) in the realms of Mulk and Malakut. Or it moved from the Alam (Realm) of Ijmal (Quantal Being) to the Alam of Tafsil (Divisible & Detailed). And these words you cannot comprehend unless by examples.

Know that the Alam-Saghir (Minor Universe) is a copy and a Nemūdār (Vectorial Abstraction) of the Alam-Kabir (Eminent Universe) and whatever is in the Alam-Kabir is also found in Alam-Saghir. So whatever is found within the Alam-Kabir (Eminent Universe) it ought to have a Nemudar (Vectorial Abstraction) within the Alam-Saghir (Minor Universe), otherwise any description of that object is inaccurate and false.

Definition: According to the treatise 10 of Nasafi Chapter 5 Nemudar of the beautitude of the Paradise are the temporal pleasures on this earth and the Nemudar of the torments of the Hell are the sufferings of humanity on this earth. Based upon this description the best translation for the Farsi word Nemudar is ‘Abstraction’ of something in some universe which is projected or imaged into another. Due to this aspect of the projection or imaging then the attribute ‘Vectorial’ is added, so Nemudar is Vectorial Abstraction.

Now that you understand these introductory words, know that the Nutfa (Fertilized Egg) is the Nemudar (Vectorial Abstraction) of the Jabarut (The Seed of all realms) while human body and soul are Nemudar (Vectorial Abstraction) for the Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual) realms. Since the Nutfa (Fertilized Egg) is the starting point and basis for the body and soul or the body and soul originated/appeared from the Nutfa. Whatever is concealed and Mujmal (Quantal) within the Nutfa (Fertilized Egg) appears as Mufassal (Divisible & Detailed) within the body and soul or it moves from the Alam (Realm) of Ijmal (Quantal) to the Alam of Tafsil (Divisible & Detailed) or from the rank of Dhat (Inmost concealed core) reaches to the rank of the Wajh (Face, Outmost surface).

O Dervish! There is no better way to explain these concepts except by corresponding the two realms as above. Whatever is within the Alam-Kabir (Eminent Realm) its projection can be found within the Alam-Saghir (Minor Realm). And if such projections cannot correspond to the two realms the underlying concepts of that object is flawed.

After all what was said above, know that the intent behind these words is this: All that exists is only one Wujud (Being)! And Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual) and Jabarut (The Seed of all realms) are different levels/layers of this Singleton Wujud (Being). Now you might call this unique Wujud (Being) with whatever names you like. If you like to call it a single Shakhs (Discernable Person) you are correct. If you like to call it a tree you are again correct. And if you call it name-less then again you are correct as well.

Now that you understand that this is a single Wujud (Being) then know that Jabarut (The Seed of all realms) is the Dhat (Inmost Concealed Core) of this Wujud (Being). Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual) realms are the faces of this Wujud (Being) and each a level/rank/layer of this Wujud and thus the Sifat (Attributes) of this Wujud or the Names of this Wujud within the rank of Wajh (Face, Outermost Surface/level) and they are the Fa’l (Actions) of this Wujud within the rank of Nafs (Autonomous Self).

O Dervish! The above was the Ijmali (Quantal) description of Mulk (The Corporeal) and Malakut (The Spiritual) and Jabarut (The Seed of all realms) universes. Many of the sages and scholars are perplexed about these concepts and find them difficult to deal with. It is one of the most paramount issues for the Salik (The Spiritual Traveler) the very fundamental of the spiritual activities. If someone did not understand the truth and reality of these concepts then nothing else is fully understood by him.

Know that body or seeds or Nutfa (Fertilized Egg) are not the Dhat (Inmost Concealed Core) of cellular biological entities, they are only the Nemudar (Vectorial Abstractions) of the Dhat.


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