After This Day
After this day, most openly [1]
I am
in love with You
How could I hide since conspicuously
I am
in love with You
Whether in the heart immanently, or
in my life eternally
not if You are here or over there [2]
I am
in love with You
Shamefully facing the pine, tulip and
savanna [3]
Albeit this being my shape and form
I am
in love with You
If You love me not, I still love you
so much [4]
Because without any expectations
I am
in love with You
My eyes and heart each separately
love You
But even without any heart still [5]
I am
in love with You
You said: Spilling your blood Kamaal
until hating Me as
Precisely for that very reason [6]
I am
in love with You
Diamond miners have risked
their lives for thousands of
years digging the harsh terrains and crawling their ways into the depth
of the
earth, accepting the asphyxiation in return to extract a few precious
rare gems from the cruel clutch of buried rocks. People above on the
some honest and some plagued with greed, some in favor of chaos and
managing and administrating the affairs and business of these mined
Lives are lost below the surface to the hardships of mining, and lives
lost and
ruined above to wealth and greed and all that surrounding the handling
affairs of such rare beautiful wealth.
However in the theatre of this
drama, for as long as we can
recall, all players have succumbed to the script’s line: lives lost and
but the mining of the rare jewels not only justified but most
persistent must
continue. We do not question this affair when we use the diamonds for
industrial or personal use. We do not question whether this wealth is
by the suffering and killing that goes along with it.
What we call this world, from
the smallest of sub atomic
particles to incomprehensibly large celestial structures, from the DNA
in our
cells to the neurons in our brains, Yes! These are all miners mining
glittering jewels of the beauty of the Beloved. The cosmos moment after
particle after particle guides itself to uncover that which is the
desire of
all eyes to behold i.e. the splendor of the beauty of the nonpareil
And just like the suffering
that goes along the unearthing
the wealth and beauty of the diamonds, the uncovering of the Beloved’s
goes hand in hand with blessings as well as hardship that plagues
mankind and
the universe.
Wars are fought, charities are
given, hearts in love,
bigotry and racism faced/opposed by freedom lovers seeking peace and
harmony. All
this intermixed, beyond the ability of a single mind to comprehend for
lifetime or a thousand life times, to mine to unearth the glittering
beauty of
the Creator.
Why mankind understands,
appreciates and admires the
ultimate price paid by a miner to unearth a mere crystal, but
appreciates not
the suffering that goes along the uncovering of the most beautiful gem
in the
universe, the Creator?
[1] There is a day in your life, and
you know that day well,
when from that moment on all things are altered, scents don’t smell the
foods don’t taste the same and yes love feels not the same. That very
Kamaal faced, probably when he eye witnessed atrocities by Mongols
against his
beloved wife and family.
Peculiar is that day which
within it’s moments a glittering
jewel from the beauty of the Beloved is unearthed in front of your eyes
only your eyes. A custom made piece of jewelry crafted from the
splendor of
Creator’s beauty and mounted upon the ring of a unique moment of your
unequaled by any other moment ever.
This jewel that is given to
you from the Beloved. Shall
change your life in one most important and singular aspect: You fall in
with Beloved when the pain of the moment can crush all mountains on
this earth
but you stand alone between the pain and beauty, uncrushed but in love.
For such moment, Kamaal says,
“After this day” to render the
irony of the moment when Creator has decreed pain for you, but your
heart falls
in love with Beloved and you understand nothing of this event! Except
your eyes
filled with boiling tears.
And how can a lover hide from
the Beloved, once fallen in
love has no choice now but to track the Beloved’s favor to love It more
[2] Originally the verse read in Farsi,
“Your abode either
in the heart, or resident in life”. Which is fine but when I thought
more about
the words abode and resident I understood he used the Koranic/Arabic
- ‘Saaken’ which is related to ‘Sakinah’
meaning “Immanence of God”, Koran[9:26] :
- ‘Moqim’ which is related to ‘Qayyum’
meaning “ever-lasting”, Koran[3:2]:
I sensed that the neat usage
of the variants of the Arabic
words was the art and translated accordingly.
[3] Pine, tulip and savanna can have
several meanings in
accordance to Sufi ciphers I have found:
- Tulip is either ‘face’ or the ‘lip of
the beloved’, which means the words of the beloved.
- Pine means beautifully shaped beloved
with graceful movements
- Savanna means a space were all things
can expand in their size and quality
These I deciphered from Khajoo
and Araqi code words I found
in the back of the manuscripts.
Kamaal possibly may have
eluded to his shame in front of his
Beloved the Creator. How fine are Its words and existence, which leaves
poet in shame. Or it could mean that he compares himself to other
people who
were fine-faced with beautiful words and poems and deeds and he felt
shame. He
could also compare himself to the plants in a garden that he is even
lower than
them in beauty. Nonetheless, it is the expression of lowliness of
[4] The real phrase would have been
“Even if I THINK you
love me not” because Beloved loves us no matter what. This is the
expression of a lover’s exaggeration.
[5] Kamaal’s pain has reached an
unprecedented level where
his eyes and heart are now separate from him. He is shattered beyond
recognition that even has no heart, but he is himself. And even then,
with no
eyes and no heart dissolved away in pain, he needs no eyes to see and
he needs
no heart to feel, he loves the Beloved.
[6] Just like a coal miner dying in the
depth of the earth
clutching to the last moment to his tools and what of beautiful jewels
Kamaal interprets the suffering imposed upon him, the same as a
collapsed mine,
a sign of value for the most precious jewels at his clutch i.e. the
love for
The cosmos is mining the
glitter of Allah’s beauty, you are
a miner, there are wealth and blessings and there are pain and
suffering. Die!
Die this moment with fist clutched hard at the beauty of Beloved’ love.
Dara Shayda