Grand Observations
By the God who made the wheel of cosmos
A divine hut to manifest the power of It Self [1]
I did not see any outcome from a love affair
Except the total annihilation of the Self [2]
O! Khaqaani if you offer a coin to a beggar [3]
Demanding from God two Paradises a reward for your self
Therefore, what you call generosity O! Honorable one
You have to rename it to hypocrisy for your self
How can your offering be called generous?
To identify the Paradise a just reward for your self
Giving one fold and demanding two rewards from the Lord
Consider this usury by counting the charities of your self
Do you know what real generosity is? To give whatsoever you
Proffering to everyone there is, not expecting a reward for
your self
O! Lord this slave Khaqaani
Apologizes, thus his excuses hear now
Whatsoever you do out of kindness
boast not
Whatsoever of crimes do the others,
cover up
Forget the two since the noble man [4]
Both charity and wrong doing
remembers not
[1] The word ‘hut’ was used to belittle
this world in
comparison to the power of Almighty.
[2] If the love is for the lust after
this world’s objects,
then the destruction is physical and total loss is obtained from such
If the love is for the Beloved the Creator, then the Self is destroyed
left behind and abandoned in favor of migrating towards the Beloved.
[3] The number of Paradises in the
second verse i.e. two is
from Koran[55:62]:
[4] If you remember even to your self
the good deeds
you do, then you are not pious. You must forget any good you have done
or said,
since all the good if from Beloved. If you see others do evil to you,
forget that as well, since all their evil is the reflection of what is
within you.
Background: Astronomer Hubble.
Dara Shayda