The Language of the Ants
Chapter 2

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Few tortoises at a beach, stared at the sea where a seagull of many
designs buoyed upon the waves, sometimes tumbling up and sometimes
down. One of the tortoises asked: Is this an aquatic or an aerial
creature? Another replied: If it was not aquatic what is it doing in
the water? The third tortoise claimed: If it is aquatic cannot leave
without water.
A wise sage amongst them said: Observe and see if it can be without
water, and if so then it is not aquatic and needs no water, as opposed
to a fish that cannot live without water. And as he was conjecturing
this, suddenly a fierce wind blew and the seagull flew in the air and
stayed aloft.
They asked the sage for a clear explanation and so he quoted Abu Talib
Makki with regards to the Prophet's Wajd (Consciousness
for Divine Presence): When Allah enrobed
him—with the Wajd—the organization of the mind was removed and the
time-space was lifted from him. In other words, during the Wajd (Consciousness
for Divine Presence) the spatial constructs and concepts were
removed from the Prophet. And again said about the Hassan Bin Salih
with regards to the Mahab-bat (Divine
Love) and the Maqam (Stationary state
of the heart) for Khullat (Friendship): All essences emerged for
him and yet/while the space was concealed away. Grand Sages consider
the space, the spatial attributes and the body amongst the veils for
the 'Aql (Intellect). Hussein Ibn Mansour said about the Prophet: His
eyes were shut closed for where-ness. And again said: The Sufi is
beyond this world and the world after and above all universes.
The consensus of all sages is that unless the veils are removed there
can be no Shuhud (Observation of the Divine Light
emanating from the Dhat (Divine Essence)). Moreover, this Jauhar (Intrinsic
Essence) i.e. human being that enters the space for Shuhud, is a
created creature, transient and temporal.
And all tortoises complained: How can a Jauhar (Intrinsic
Essence) that enters into space, be removed from the space? How can
it be torn apart from dimensions and directions?
The wise sage concluded: for that reason I wanted you to know that this
is indeed a really long story.
The tortoises threw sand at him and while pulling their heads into
their shells cried: Leave us!
Imagine the cognition of a tortoise that has never seen a bird? Then
you can imagine our cognition about the Prophet, peace be upon him!
Imagine the shock and the confusion of the tortoise seeing the seagull
at flight! Imagine the shock and the confusion of humanity seeing the
Prophet exposed to the Divine Presence.
Can you imagine you without your body? Can you imagine you out of
space-time continuum?
Note: The source of all ailments the veils that
block the Nur (Divine Light)
and the cause for all veils the spatial attributes containing our
bodies and the cognition wherein.
Don’t be the tortoise attempting to understand the seagull, and thus
don’t be the follower who is attempting to understand the Prophet, just
be the tortoise that is pulling his head within his shell to evade the
space-time and his body!

2006-2002, Dara O. Shayda, Ismail Radpur