Quantal: Mujmal, Ijmali
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An entity is Quantal when it is a single indivisible unit, and if
any attempt is made by another entity to probe to discern its inner
structure or alter inner structure, the entity ceases to be!
Best example is the Brunnian ring, try to remove a single loop:

In the lexicon of the Sufism and the Muslim philosophers of distant
past, Quantal concept was coined as Mujmal or Ijmali.
Uncertainty Principle
The entity made up of a pair of numbers (x, p) where x is the position
of an atomic particle and p is it is its momentum (speed) is a Quantal
object. Any attempt to probe to measure the exact value of x renders
the value of p inaccurate i.e. the pair (x, p) ceases to have any
meaning or ceases to be. Vice-a-versa, any attempt to measure the
momentum (speed) p causes the cessation of the pair (x, p).
Software Measurement
Within a single computer, you can run software that measures the
numbers that represent the performance of this system. The set of all
these numbers is Quantal! Because as soon as you run the measurement
software it consumes system resources and alter the current numbers
irreparably. Any probe into these numbers from within the system
fluctuates them.
However if the performance numbers are indeed PROJECTED into a set of
LED counters, and an OUTSIDER can then access the numbers without
altering the system itself. But only a limited version of performances
can be measured as such i.e.an incomplete view of the system.
Tauhid-Ilahi (Divine Oneness)
Tauhid-Ilahi is a form of Tauhid that is deposited all of us, in form
of Ma’refa (Unlearnt Knowledge). When you attempt to probe this
knowledge-form to acquire more understanding it ceases or you might say
you lose access to it! Because it is the purest form of Tauhid that
allows for no other Wujud (Being) e.g. your mind.
So many people ‘feel’ this knowledge-form, but foolishly attempt to
access it and then it is gone! The only way to access this
knowledge-form is by means of Allah, only Allah can bestow an access
for you, at the time and place of ITs/His choosing, free from all else
specially your own Nafs (Self) and Wujud (Being).
Our interest is mostly focused around Quantal Knowledge(s) and Quantal
Realms. Quantal Knowledge is knowledge form that any attempt to
understand it causes its cessation while the knowledge it available to
us e.g. deposited within our Wujud (Being). Quantal Realms are those
universes that no sub-spaces or sub-parts of them can be accessed or
understood. Best we can do is to browse the projections of that
universe into our universe, if that has been projected. (See the
Software Measurement example above)
2009-2002, Dara O Shayda