Truths (Zobdatol Haqaayeq)
The Third Principle
Opinions of The People of
Wahdat (Divine Oneness) on The
Eminent Realm
Section 1. The Singleton Light
Know that the people of Wahdat
(Divine Oneness) claim that
there is only One Beingness and this is the existence of the Almighty
Holy Lord and other than the existence of this Unique Lord there is no
form of existence. It is impossible i.e. the formation of any other
Furthermore they claim that though It is only One Beingness, Its
existence has
both Zahir (Outer Manifestation) as well as a Baaten (Searchlessly
Hidden &
Concealed Interior).
Now that the above
introduction is made clear, the people of
Wahdat (Divine Oneness) say that the Baaten (Searchlessly Hidden &
Concealed Interior) of this Singular Beingness is a Singleton Light,
Divine Light the Beloved eternally sought after in the universe and the
universe indeed brim-filled with this Divine Light. [1]
An illimitable & infinite
Light, a shoreless &
endless ocean [2], the life knowledge will-power
and force of all objects
originated from this Light.
Sight hearing speech
attraction and motion of all objects
due to this Light, however this Light is Singular and only One. All the
in the universe appeared upon one flash-manifest of this Light. Each
object a
perforation, for the manifestation of this Light, and Sifaat
(Attributes) of
this Light emanates out of these punctures.
This Light has no beginning
and no end, Fanaa (Evanescence)
and ‘Adam (Absolute Nonbeing) has no way to reach it. Perforations may
nascent & emerging or withered & aged, going underneath the
earth or
sprouting out of the earth.
Each object comes & goes,
each grows or begets, each to
its own reaching a perfection of a kind. (Nonetheless the Divine Light
through these perforations)
Indeed this Light is in love
with Its own Zahir
(Manifestations), since this Light sees Its own Beauty within these
manifestations and beholds own Names &
And because of this the Soul of human being is in love with his body [3]. Body
of a human being is the manifestation of Sifaat (Attributes) of
Humanity and
the Soul beholds his own Names and Attributes. That is why it has been
“Know your Self to know your Lord” (Narration from Prophet Mohammad
Peace Be
Upon Him).
Now that you comprehend there
is only One Light, It is the
Beloved of the universe and all objects in the world manifestations of
Light, therefore if said “we were what was” “we are what there is” and
“we are
what will be” is a TRUTH and again if said “it was NOT us that was” and
“it is
NOT us that is” and “it will NOT be us that will be” is a TRUTH as
well. (If I
say I did something because of my own will-power that is the truth and
instead I said the Lord willed me to do the same thing again is the
O Dervish!
In comparison to this One
Beingness, no object has any
superiority over any other object, similar to the relations of the
words in
this book and a pen. That is why it has been said there is no way for
towards your Lord, in any dimension or space [4].
Objects may be past or future
to each other’s present but that is about it and indeed I am talking
much again
let me stop.
O Dervish!
There is only one point for
you to hear & comprehend:
There is only One Beingness and that is the Divine Beingness i.e. God,
other than this Divine Unique Beingness there is no other form of
Impossible! Existence of any other beingness! This Singular Beingness
has both
Zahir (Outer Manifestation) as well as a Baaten (Searchlessly Hidden
Concealed Interior).
This Baaten (Searchlessly
Hidden & Concealed Interior)
is a Singleton Light the Beloved of the universe. This is One Light
emanating from multiple perforations (created objects).
This Divine Light, This
Beloved ceaselessly sought after in
the universe indeed It talks and It listens (to Itself), It gives and
It takes
(to & from Itself), It discloses and It denies (for & against
O Dervish!
Strive to reach this Light, to
see this Light. Look upon
this world by means of this Light so you may find respite from the
Our Sheikh said, “I finally
reached to this Light and saw
this Light. Illimitable & Endless, direction-less, does not sleep
does not
eat does not need anything… There was no way I could stop seeing this
Light and
I shared this experience with a dear friend. He told me to go to some
(stranger’s) stable and pick up a fist full of hay without permission.
I did so
and suddenly could no longer behold the Divine Light!? [5]
Some other dear friend said,
“I finally reached this Light,
saw this Light and once I truly saw this Light I could not longer see
my Self,
everything was this Light and there was nothing else (including my
O Dervish!
Once Salek (Traveler) reaches
this Light, there are signs.
First sign, he can never see his Self again, since the Self occludes
this Light
as an extra object of barrier. And if he can see this extra object of
indeed he is a Moshrik (Polytheist). Once the Salek’s Self is gone, the
(Polytheism) is gone, immixing reunion nexus and partition all gone
immixing reunion nexus and partition are between two objects. (Close to
Light there is only One Beingness)
Once Salek (Traveler) is
charred under this Divine Light,
nothing of the above said remains, only the Lord, Sublime &
Sanctified, and
nothing else.
The latter is the Fanaa
(Evanescence) within the echelons of
Tawhid (Divine Oneness) and Allah indeed knows the best.
[1] Cosmic
Background Radiation (CBR) is a more or less fixed
radiation (light in microwave range) measured for every point in
Physicists interpret this brim-filled distribution of radiation as a
long past
event, which took place in every point of space-time. The Sufi
interprets that
a bit differently: Instead of some event, some PRESENCE long past. Some
Beloved’s Light penetrated every point of the time-space. If this light
did not
penetrate that point, nothing could exist there. Therefore the cosmic
background radiation is the signature of that Beloved’s effulgence upon
Now this is an Isharat
(Paradigm) to use the cosmic
background radiation as a finger pointing at our Divine Beloved.
[2] This
Light is the ocean and the creation the waves. We
discern the waves from the ocean; we are also cognizant of the fact
that the
waves and the ocean are one.
[3] I truly
believe that our pure & sincere love is not
of this universe. When you love someone, that love emanated from
universe i.e. The Eminent Realm of the Divine. This is so, because It
Itself and It sees Its own beauty. So fear not loving other people,
again &
again your heart shall shatter and so be it. It is not your fault that
can not appreciate and reciprocate your purest love and it is not your
that all things are penetrate by the love of this Beloved’s luminosity.
[4] If some
snakes-oil salesman told you to buy some books
or a mat and that will help you to find your way to the Lord, believe
him not.
We are all the same, lost in this universe clueless of our location let
hoping to find the source of the Divine Light. None of us has any edge
over the
other to find the Lord since none of us can find the Lord no matter
[5] Often I
wonder why I cannot reach this Light? Why I
cannot see the world upon the reflection of this Light? The answer is
now: Because I touched something I was not supposed to. Likened to the
fist full of hay. I cannot find the Divine Light because I snatched
that was not mine, a woman some money a child some piece of land and so
Each time I grabbed hold of these objects that were not mine, more and
unsighted I became, Koran [24:30-31]:
30. Say
to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and
guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And
Allah is
well acquainted with all that they do.
31. And
say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze
and guard their modesty;
One can read these
verses to avoid eye contact with the
opposite sex so the passion is not flared and all that argument. Or one
read these verses beyond the sexuality of the argument:
Men, women please do not
glance upon that which belongs not
to you, in order for you to see your Lord. If you do glance upon
someone who is
not yours, then your eyes blind to the Lord.
And this non-sexual
interpretation was hinted at few verses
27. O
ye who believe! Enter not houses other than
your own, until ye have asked permission and saluted those in them:
that is
best for you, in order that ye may heed (what is seemly).
Men, women do not enter a
location that belongs not to you,
since you will lose your sight to behold the Lord.
And guess what this chapter of
the Koran is called, Yup! The
2004-2002, Dara O. Shayda