The Human
In the beginning when there was no worship of Love [1]
Amidst the non-existence no song of creation sung
A fortunate one sewn a gown from sanctuary of non-existence
Wafting towards the existence and wide opened gates
Children of celestial beings born [2]
Mankind came to birth…
As a successor adorned by the beauty of knowledge [3]
Displayed like a flag, sometimes raised, sometimes at rest
Taught Mankind the sanctified attributes of It Self [5]
Leavened a bit of mud, his nature, from the noble dust of It
He is a jewel both opaque and glittering
Both scale and gold and a crafty jeweler [6]
Much troubled the angels, this new witness
Just so unique, this new line, the mirror of terrestrials
Its help powers the strong arm of (his) life
His bracelet jeweled from the seven skies
He has been raised from two cradles [8]
His essence intermixed the two jewels
He is the donated uniform for the prisoners
He is the sage, cupbearer for the righteous [9]
His bazaar is now the outer limits of the creation
A new force has powered his affairs [10]
Forty days old infant, with the child talk
Forty-year old man to take lessons by
Most beautiful calligraphy of love now commenced written
A beautiful flower descended from the Gardens of Eden
A light from the vision that sees all [12]
A bird from the highest of all branches tall
From him birds of cosmos peck the seeds [13]
They are all prostrating lowered to him
And he, because of a single seed of benevolence [14]
Wears the garment and jewels of the Paradise
Had such incredible seed at his side
Much less gratitude he sang a song…
Though has come to exist by prayers [15]
Though entire universe bows to him disposed [16]
On the gates of that prostration, all glances
Forgot the homage, and the raucous began… [17]
Be Continued, 50 more verses to be added soon by Allah's Grace)
Awakens deep within me the
ever-lasting fragrance of an
omni-directional love, when I condense all my being into a pressure
point to
know... there was a most beautiful moment when… It was Beloved and no
one else. No one for
Beloved to love, and no one to love the Beloved in return.
Much pleasure monsoons upon I,
wondering about that
possibility! My being void and all is left my portion of love,
serene... left
un-abused and pure within the sanctity of the Creator.
I am that slave in love with
his chains and abhors the
abomination of this freedom called the world or the life.
Nezaami teaching us something
of great value. There was no
love in the begining!? And when the Beloved commanded to be loved, we
and all in the heavens and
earth came to be for one singular purpose of adoring and loving the
When a child is born, the
first endeavor he embarks upon is
weeping. He is crying because thrown away from the Creator, his most
prized Beloved. And he
even as a tiny newborn knows that fact well, hence the tears.
When a man dies, all his
bodily and psychologically
functions cease all together. No one ever hears from him again. Because
he is
so eager to return to his Beloved and nothing of this world would
desire again... Much less to
return to this life.
Our beginning is love, our end
is also love and in between
merely loss.
[0] This is a poem from "Makhzanol
Asraar" or "Treasure Trove of Secrets". A
king named Fakhr-eddin Bahraam Shah ruler of
Arzanjaan commissioned the work.
[1] If you can imagine a moment when
there was nothing
created, you fall immediately in love with the Beloved, the Creator of
things. Why? Because in that precise moment, you comprehend that you
were not
and nothing else was, Allah was there and (the only thing you can
comprehend of
that moment) the love of the Creator for you! And the only real thing
in this
world is this one-way love from Beloved towards the creation. The rest
subject to this fact. And all Sufism is all about this, to understand
and cherish
this one-way love.
[2] Prior to creation of humans there
were other creatures
created by Allah from light, flames and what we do not even understand.
of these creatures roamed on this earth much before man appeared.
[3] The Arabic/Koranic word ‘Khilaafat’
was used which means
to succeed someone or to replace someone. The poet uses the exact word
used in
Koran in relations to creation of first man (Koran [2:30]):
[4] Flag at rest meaning fallen by
sins, Flag raised means
repent and staying away from evil. Poet says, the man was created
part-righteous part-sinner and in either case he has no choice.
[5] When you see a hungry person, what
is inside you that
compels you to feed the person? That undeniably clear and powerful urge
to help
in time of crisis has been taught to you by your Creator, which is one
of Its
many attributes (i.e. Sifat Arabic word used by the poet). In Koranic
expression this attribute is called ‘Rahim’ or merciful. When you see a
who is ignorant, that certain urge to teach him what he
knows not, again was an attribute taught to you by your Creator. In
expression this attribute is called ‘Alim’ or knowledgeable.
[6] Nezaami is merely expresses the
versatility of man. He
can be gold, pure and precious. Or a judge of good and bad like a
scale. Or can
be a manager, trader someone who transacts like a jeweler, honest or
[7] I suspect the mirror expression
stems from the Koran
[6:38], we are only small-percentage-DNA strands off from any living
being we know of! As
though we are a mirror reflection of all that is on this planet. To read about this more please
click on this DNA Accounting there is more...
[8] Two cradles perhaps refer to
creation first in Paradise
and then rebirth on this earth. Therefore man is a mixture of heavenly
attributes and lowly earthly temporal ones. This combination is what
man is. Do
not make him purely either one. He is no Angel and he is not all
earthly and
materialistic, he is in between.
[9] Poet is merely trying to render our
ability as humans to
succumb to lowly life or at the same time aspire lofty and be the sage
(cubbearer) the righteous.
[10] Mankind is pushing the envelop on
the creation by being
very advanced ensemble designed with perfection and affection by the
It seems that man commands great power within its grasp, he can
atoms and re-design molecules or release the energy of atoms into
explosions resembling a sun. Nezaami gives the example of Prophet Jesus
child barely able to talk in cradle but empowered to teach old men.
[11] A beautiful calligraphy or artwork,
labor of love, in
Paradise being displayed i.e. the Mankind. If you wonder why the
All commands of the Creator are in some sort of wordings, as soon as
Majesty utters them they are executed immediately (Koran [2:117]).
Nezaami says that
the origin of man was a few beautiful words form the Creator. No more
no less,
hence the calligraphy.
[12] A light has been emanated from
Allah, which is this
Mankind poised as the highest of the highest of the Creation.
[13] Birds of cosmos are the Angels.
Pecking seeds from
Mankind means to learn from man. This refers to the Koranic revelation
when Allah ordered Mankind to teach the Angels the knowledge they knew
not to
convince them about the superiority of human beings.
[14] Nezaami makes it clear; Mankind was
not created on his
own effort. Nor any other members of the Creation created him. A seed
kindness and love from the Beloved the Creator created him. For that
reason he
enjoys such luxuries of existence. And for that very reason he is an
forgetting his Beloved.
[15] This I suspect is a reference to
the fact that Angels
pray for mankind, indication by Koran [42:5]:
[16] After the Angels saw the
superiority of man’s knowledge
and support from the Beloved. They were ordered by the Creator to bow
to Man,
Koran [18:50]:
[17] But not all bowed to Mankind and
some revolted against
him and their Lord. The main objection was the fact that man is so
corrupt and
violent. Angels could see that within him by just looking at him. And
was the beginning all the stories we have heard…
Background: A
companion-less protein stuck during DNA unzipping. Photo by Taekjip Ha
Dara Shayda