Chapter 27
Elan (Iraadat) [0]
Allah the Most High has said:
"Send not away those who call on their
Lord morning and evening, seeking His face"
Anas narrated from the Prophet
Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him,
Lord wishes a good thing for Its salve makes him busy with some affair.”
People asked, “What kind of
affair to be busied about?” Prophet responded, “It
will give him success to do something good prior to his death”
Imam said, “Iraadat (Elan)
is the beginning of the path for
‘Salek’ (traveler)”.
Elan is the first step for the seekers on Allah’s path. It
is called Iraadat (Elan) because to will with passion and eagerness to
something is the preamble for all affairs, without it there will be
Iraadat is the deliberate intention and will to pursue the path
(towards the
Beloved). ‘Morid’ (avid seeker) is fevered by the passion since he is
with Iraadat (Elan), just like a person is Alim (scholar) because he is
with Elm (knowledge). However a person is not a Morid (avid seeker) if
he has
Elan/avidity/eagerness for his Self, unless & until he is denudated
disrobed from Elan for his Self there is no way to be on the Tariqat
such is required by the fervor of passion (for Beloved).
Many people have said much on
Iradaat (Elan).
Old Sages have said Elan
(Iraadat) is the abatement of the
habits, which conquers the folk eventually. Turning one’s back to the
of negligence and lusts thus renouncing the desires that calls upon
the Self. And this state of forsaking the Self’s habits is called
(Elan). But the reality of
Iraadat (Elan) is the ardor of a flaming love that
burns all that Self fears!
An old sage narrated once I
was lonely so I yelled out,
“Mankind and spirits do talk to me” and voice responded, “What do you
want?” I
said, “I seek the Lord”. The voice asked again, “For how long?” (To
know how long to prevent
people from talking to the sage or busing the people around to stop
talking to
the sage).
Imam has said, “Day and night,
Morid’s (avid seeker)
appearance is that of Jihad (struggle) and his inner attribute of
restless sleepless throwing his Self into all kinds of hardship and
He turns not the back to any affliction, pain or fear, forsaking wife,
children, relatives and friends.
I heard Abu Ali saying,
“Iraadat (Elan) is a flame within
the heart flaring burning smoldering”. Also I heard him saying, “I was
smoldered by the flames of Iraadat (Elan) when I was young, alas! I
wish I had
known the true meaning of the Iraadat (Elan)”. (Did not know what to do
afire with Iraadat and probably did useless things which prolonged his
It has been said that Morid
(avid seeker) is someone for whom
the continuing extra acts of worship (Navafil) are made easy and loved
for him.
He advises the folk sincerely and devotes his time to solitude. Endures
destiny and sacrifices his Self, ashamed of his Self and that which
calls for
Self’s efforts he puts downs. Whatever may help him to get closer to
Beloved he
clutches at. Whatever he needs he is content to less, his heart is not
at rest
until reaching the Lord.
Abu Bakr Daq-qaq said, “There
are three plagues for Morid
(avid seeker) lusting after women, writing stories and taking leisure
(Writing stories I assume means writing for fame and fortune).
Haatam Asam said, “When a
Morid busied with other than his
goal (Beloved), know for sure that he has lost his devotion already”.
(In other
words no excuses no exceptions)
Kataani said, “Three things
govern a Morid (avid seeker),
succumbing to sleep (collapsing), eating to avoid starvation, speaking
only if
Daq-qaq said, “The extremes of
Iraadat (Elan) is when one
uses Ishaarat (metaphor, hints, examples…) to point at God and at this
finds Iraadat.” I asked, “What is the end result of Iraadat?” He
responded, “To
find God without any Ishaarat (metaphor, hints…)”.
Abu Osman Hairi said, “If life
does not commence with proper
Iraadat (Elan), it only prolongs the misery and misfortune”.
Same Osman said, “If a Morid
(avid seeker) hears something
of a knowledge, know that the light of this knowledge shall shine upon
heart for the rest of his life and much benefit will come to him, and
if he
tells others about this knowledge they also will receive benefit”.
Yahyaa Bin Mo-Oz said, “The
hardest thing for a Morid (avid
seeker) is to socialize with others (non-Morids)”.
Yusof Bin Hussein said,
“Anytime a Morid (avid seeker)
busied with occupations, shall gain no results and profit”. (If you wonder why
a lot of things fail for you it is perhaps an edict that you are
blessed as a
Morid you just don’t know it)
Jonaid was asked, “What
benefit is for Morid (avid seeker)
to learn about history and other such narrations?” He replied,
“History/narrations is an army from Allah to strengthen the Morid”
Jonaid was
asked again, “Is there a proof for this?” and he quoted Allah, “All
that we
relate to thee of the stories of the apostles, with it We make firm thy
heart “
Koran [11:120].
Jonaid said, “True and sincere
Morid (avid seeker) is in no
need of the knowledge of the scholars”.
There is a difference between
Morid and Morad (Desired by Beloved) which both
mean active seeker imbued with Elan. If the Iraadat (Elan) had an
spectrum the
Morid is the beginning and the Morad the very end.
Morid exposes his Self to much
sufferance (to step upon the
path of love), in contrast Morad (Desired by Beloved) steps on the path with
troubles (hard work or afflictions). Morad (Desired by Beloved) is left at ease and the ways of
Allah differs from one seeker to another.
So many at the very beginning
of the path find the Beloved
right away with no work or effort or hardship and the rest must mediate
suffer for years to get to the same point.
I heard Abu Ali saying, “Morid
carries (the burden), Morad (Desired by Beloved)
is carried”.
I also heard from him that
Prophet Moses Peace Be Upon Him
was a Morid, “(Moses) said: "O my Lord!
expand me my breast”
[20:25]. Our Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him was a Morad, “Have We not
expanded thee thy breast?”
Koran [94:1].
Jonaid was asked about Morid
and Morad (Desired by Beloved) and said, “Morid
(avid seeker) is subject of the politics and influences of the
(knowledge driven), whereas Morad (Desired by Beloved) within the sanctuary of
sheltered affectionately cared for. Morid is a runner but Morad a bird.
How can
a runner keep up with a bird?”
Abu Yazid Bastami was
criticized, “How much longer sleeping
in comfort, the caravan (of love) left (towards Beloved and you are
behind)?” He replied, “Morad (Desired by Beloved) is the one who sleeps the
night, but at dawn he has already reached the destination prior to the
of the caravan (of love)”.
[0] ‘Iraadat’ is
a Farsi word originally Arabic which
means to be willed by the Lord to do something or to love someone
knowing them well or love with faith & sincerity. Elan in English
means the
positive feeling of wanting to push for something or a feeling of
eagerness or ardor inspired by passion and enthusiasm. Words Morid
(avid seeker) & Morad (Desired by Beloved) are extracts of the Farsi/Arabic
word Iradaat.
Background: African AIDS
© 2004-2002, Dara O. Shayda