The Chasm
When the humanity’s words
Beget the Tempter’s lies
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the words blooming with
everlasting truth
When the humanity’s deeds
Beget the Tempter’s crimes
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the deeds blooming with
devout worship
When the humanity’s riches
Beget the Tempter’s wars
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the riches blooming with
moveless peace
When the humanity’s children
Beget the Tempter’s loss
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the children blooming
with Eden’s eternity
When the humanity’s love
Beget the Tempter’ lust
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the love blooming with
Divine Light
When the humanity’s fear
Beget the Tempter’s victory
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the fear blooming with
selfless martyrs
When the humanity’s hearts
Beget the Tempter’s barrenness
I cross the chasm of her
beautiful brown skin
Where the hearts blooming with
gushing springs
Nesta Mquanaze helps her
daughter Nomhlahla take a drink.
Nesta, a widow, cares for two daughters, both sick with AIDS, and seven
grandchildren. Nesta said, "At my age of 59, it is difficult to be a
mother once again, but I try to give them all the love that I have ...
If I had
one wish in the world it would be that my children would be well and
not die so
young because I love them and wish that they will live."
© 2004-2002,
Dara Shayda