Legend of Adam’s ‘Ishq
Hearts in the markets buying
Except the everlasting sorrow
Similar to what happened to
The vastness of his knowledge
ascends to Eden
But his ‘Ishq-filled heart
descends to this dustbin
When stepped upon the path of
knowledge a sultan he was
When stepped upon the path of
heart stark-naked he was
Once the Graces of his Lord he
beheld for certain
‘Ishq within his heart heard
the Lord’s call aloud:
“Oh! The one your essence like
a wise mind
Forsake not the ‘Ishq
Since it is as well from the
Divine Hearth
The tricks of the monster and
Adam’s ‘Ishq
Know that for sure you shall
reach my pain”
Embrace the ‘Ishq and forsake
the heart, else
Nothing from the heart shall
ever come forward
‘Ishq everyman’s regal crown!
‘Ishq better than any fine
‘Ishq unbound from the bondage
of mind free
‘Ishq caused neither by the
good nor the evil [1]
Adam’s ‘Ishq the cause for, “Get down from here” [2]
Thus descended upon this world
of the living
The mind tried hard to control
But the envious ‘Ishq chased
after him
Mind steps firm to discern
good from evil
But talk about the flames of
careless ‘Ishq blazing!
Mind’s falcon preying upon the
‘Ishq’s vulture preying upon
the falcon
Children we are all upon the
path of ‘Ishq
‘Asheqin (Lovers) are the
purest and us the trash
Ripened minds many you might
Ripened ‘Ishq seldom you shall
In that universe where the
‘Ishq discloses the secrets
Mind is nothing but a moron
making silly faces
If the mind is a hawk then you
shall continue the same
But if the ‘Ishq is a hawk
then you are the pheasant (dead)
The seekers of the Truth whose
steps upon the path of heart
They find the mind nothing but
a leftover rotten corps
What comparison between a
transient moment and sempiternity?
What comparison between the
blind darkness and effulgent
Life knows the bewilderment of
‘Ishq indeed
Like the lips knowing the
sweetness of the honey
The face of ‘Ishq is the
emptiness of hollow shells
‘Ishq is best when spelled
with no letters whatsoever
There is no peace upon the
path of ‘Ishq
All anxiety and no stability
Ask me about the
characteristics of the ‘Asheqin (lovers)
Believe me not!? Then go find
and ask from It
At a
mission hospital in southern Africa, a patient with AIDS dies from
failure while surrounded by family members.
[0] ‘Ishq is
the unbounded love that can hurt and trouble
both the lover and beloved. This word is not used in conjunction with
or the Divine Beloved since there is no losing control and madness
within the
Beloved Creator. From Qoshairi Manifest:
is love going beyond bounds therefore this word
is not applied to Allah Almighty because It does not lose control and
It has no
bounds to be limited by. And even if all the love in the world is
accumulate in
one heart it cannot go beyond the limits for Divine Beloved since there
are no
limits of loving for It whatsoever. Therefore Ishq is not a suitable
word to
attribute to loving between the slave and the Master Creator”
[0.5] When
Adam & Eve tasted the forbidden tree their
Paradise garments fell off from them and they became naked:
“So by deceit he (Satan) brought about
their fall:
when they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them, and
began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies. And
Lord called unto them: "Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you
that Satan
was an avowed enemy unto you?" Koran [7:26] . Later on the word
'monster' refers to this verse i.e. the Satan.
[1] Love is
independent of good and evil or anything else we
have heard. It is out of this universe, it is the glue that keeps the
together it is the fire than burns you and I.
[2] Exact
Arabic phrase from Koran was used which is
repeated twice with the Koran:
“We said: "Get ye down all from here; and
if, as is sure,
there comes to you Guidance from me, whosoever follows My guidance, on
shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” Koran [2:38]
“He said: "Get ye down, both of you,- all
from the Garden, with enmity one to another: but if, as is sure, there
comes to
you Guidance from Me, whosoever follows My Guidance, will not lose his
way, nor
fall into misery” Koran[ 20:123]
© 2004-2002,
Dara Shayda