Superiority Of Love: A Mere Hint Odoriferous Pleasure For The Hearts
Annihilation Of All Torments
That heartthrob, the lure for
all hearts, love has come.
Placing the head (Mind) upon the title for the book (announcement) of
love has
come. Love unearths the secrets only to the one decapitated, since It
knows the
head is such a trickster. Rise and show the love your stance since the
the call-to-stand has already announced. [1]
Love is the voice of silent
words, love is the gown [2]
enrobing the naked unclad. Love has no creator, loving due only for
most ripened.
Love... That water setting the
fire ablaze, has come!
Love… That fire setting the
water ablaze, has come!
Love is free from the four
nails of the body’s frame, (love)
the cage-buster crafty wise bird. Know that a heart away from One-ness
like a
tame bird, a house pet. No ambitions towards lofty voyage, though has
has no sky-high flight. Pecking for seeds, best he can do, fluttering
the house the extent of his effort. [3]
Be the slave of love thus be
emancipated from afflictions,
ugliness and annihilation.
The slave of love is indeed a
free soul, the one (sailing)
on the safety of the boat, a pearl diver indeed not! Standing upon the
filled with dreams, (instead of) depth of the sea where the quest for
the pearl
is. (Liar!) Seeker of the pearl and riding on this boat? Such homely
(contradictions) shall uncover no pearls.
Cut down on the greed for the
glittering pearls, the mule
tied in stable has no business with pearls. Leave the dry land to
horses and
mules, but if you reach the sea rush to dive deep. Sea-bound the man on
quest for pearls, life and mind always left bound in a harness. Charge!
the voyage of the sea, even throw your shadow within. As such do search
for the
pearl, otherwise (prisoners) in the shop: you, the mule’s harness and
bread’s procrastination. [4]
As long as fearful of your own
shadow, the difference
between the pearl and harness how could you know? [5] In love no room for the
Self, what business for lovers and personal whims and desires?
Wordless, the genuine lover
whom the life and body has
forsaken readily. Anyway not that many places welcome this life and
body, since
false (gold) coins in a treasure not allowed.
The elegant, most graceful,
the infinitely inventive
designer the Creator, guilt-less and pure is It Self and demands the
same in
all affairs. Sacrifice your life upon the seashell [6] (the alter) of the
pearl; else hold on to the mule’s harness fast. (Love) Told you to
leave the
shade of lust and desires; self-worship and pompous is indeed your
pretend-obedience (for the Lord) not worth two leaves of hay. The
dominion of
dust! The playground for amusement and games [7], the universe of purity the
true place for selflessness.
Self-forsaken ones benefit
from love, love and desires of
one’s self aim-less waste.
Lovers wrap the turban of
darkened night [8] around their
heads, but you! Wrap the fabrics of this world around (the mind).
Love is a fireman with no
water, seek the love voraciously
since remarkably rare it is.
Once the love stretches the
hand (of friendship) most
certainly crushed your spine! The feet of the lover the two hands of
the lover tied
to the wheel (of torture).
Alas! This concept can not
share with you, because you are
almost checkmate (or naked) [9]
[1] I suspect this refers to the
day-of-standing which is
Koran means the day people are called to stand to settle their
accounts, Koran
[2] Adam and Eve had customs that they
wore in paradise.
When they ate from the forbidden tree, this gown fell off them, hence
nakedness of Mankind. When they were sent down to earth, Beloved sent
garments to wear, Koran[7:26]:
I guess Sanaa-ee referring to
this gown as love from Beloved
to cloaks the Mankind. Very pretty imagery.
[3] Those who are away from
Tawheed(Oneness) are indeed
happy with their little jobs(seeds), their little homes(cages) and roam
the house(this world) with no ambitions of flight towards the Almighty
[4] Bread’s procrastination is the
problems with daily
needs. The shop and the mule are symbols of a workingman those days. I
guess in
today’s terms would be the cubicle and the SUV and busted 401-K plans.
[5] If you have fears of anything in
you heart, no matter
how tiny, you are NOT a lover! You will not know the difference between
glittering pearl of Allah’s loving beauty and the harness of a mule.
That is
why we are so indifferent to the Creator and what goes on around It,
because we
can not tell that apart from the stuff around us.
[6] The pearl I suspect is the beauty
and love of the
Creator. The sacrifice is to kill your Self and the seashell is this
[7] Playground for amusements and
games is from Koran
[8] I am not sure but I think the poet
is talking about the
self sacrifice and dark sorrows that goes long with loving and
heartache, while
the non-lovers just have a regular turban of fabrics on their heads
i.e. free
from the trials of love and loving.
[9] The last word of the verse can
read either still
king in chess either by checkmate or whatever other moves, or it means
nakedness. I guess the checkmate would mean stupid, and naked would
love-less because earlier he talked about the gown of love covering the
2003-2002, Dara Shayda