1. In the Name of Allah the Most
Beneficent the Most
Commencement of all
conversations is by the name of the Lord
[1], The Unparalleled the
Ever-dissimilar Nonpareil One. The sole creator of
all creation the cause of all death, the knower of all secrets and the
of all sounds. Its peer-less unrivaled existence has no beginning, no
end no
bound for Its Regal Lordship. Has the Ever-unchanging Essence (Zhaat),
which no
pen can ever explicate, or words render any descriptions. Because It is
the realm of thoughts, away afar and pure form How? What? & Why? [2]
The Ever-living,
Self-subsisting, Omnipotent (Qaadir), The
Almighty Subduer and Conqueror (Qaahir), The First (Awwal) of all the
the Last (Akhir) of all the last(s).[2.5] Words dumb with impotence to
It, imagination helplessly humiliated in grasping Its cognizance. [3]
No passageway for words
towards any description, no
passageway for imagination towards Its Essence. When did ever the
and imaginations reach the immemorially infinite pre-existent universe
Since lofty and high is the courtyard of this past and ancient
(eternal) world!
O! Lover, the precise singular
meaning (Nass) of Koran [5]
(appointed as) the (exclusive) speaker of The Majestic Attributes
“Allah bears witness” [6] the proof from Its cognizance,
“Nonpareil Peerless”
Its attribute. Gave birth to no one and begot not from anyone, “Say: It is
Allah, the One and Only”
(Koran[112:1]) pure reason and uncontested proof. Its Essence
away, afar and pure from space-time, utter ignorance and futile the
efforts to
deny or to prove. [7]
No one knows the end the bound
for Its dominion, All depend
on It and all void without It. Intermixes nor fuses with anything, when
anything be Its peer, similar or the same?
Singularly One & Separate
(Witr) and Most Holy (Qoddus)
and Most Unique One (Wahed) and Noble Master with no needs (But all
come to It for their needs: ‘Samad’) “It begetteth not, nor is It begotten” Its precise
Was the First though has had
no beginning, Everlastingly
surviving all else though has no bound nor any end.
Its First and foremost fame
the Immemorially Antique and
Ever-lasting, finally surviving surpassing all via the eternal
existence, Its
Boundless in number and size
are the structures found in the
skies baffling the minds and eyes of the stargazers alike: No matter
direction they look and no matter what celestial structure is examined,
it is
mostly made up of Hydrogen and the electron spectrum of this gas is
in all directions and in all the times known to Mankind. If there was
only one
designer for the universe and if this designer wanted to leave behind a
signature like an artist, the constant spectrum of the Hydrogen atom
suffice! Moreover the same is observed for all other atoms and larger
molecules. No matter which way you may gaze the water is the same,
at Zero Kelvin in liquid ice form or in gas form, water is found the
same but in
huge quantities around the universe.
Hydrogen, water… are all found
in huge quantities with exact
physical and chemical properties to indicate: this signature of
uniformity is
maintained by the one designer with incredible powers of management and
no chance
of any change by another designer. Because if there was another then
out of Its
creativity and arrogance It would have changed the properties of
substances to suit
another purpose.
No matter which part of the
universe we look at gravity
pulls the same. The electromagnetic waves propagation and absorption
Such is the declaration of the physicists that laws of universe are
no matter when and where!
Every man, every animal, every
fish, every insect, every
plant and every micro-organism known to man on this planet has almost
the same
much similar DNA structures within each of its cells! Count the cells
of all
creatures from the beginning of life on this planet to this moment,
this huge
number carries a signature of the Nonpareil designer who used the same
blocks so similar to build all living forms! Had there been another
It would have used other atoms for DNA or other molecular structures to
life to sign Its handicraft to differ Itself from others.
The Beloved Creator the
designer of all things has left
behind a terrifically beautiful signature testifying to Its One-ness!
This is not the proof, this is an attempt to render the beauty of this
signature, so personal and so wonderful.
[1] All tasks and writings start by the
Name of Allah (The
One God). Allah’s name is the key to unlock any treasure in the
universe. If
you seek the treasures of wisdom, the only key to open is the name of
[2] How, what and why are the
faculties of our cognition for
our daily affairs. They are not applicable to Beloved the Creator. It
gave us
these questioning faculties to find our way through the events of daily
and find our way into the circumstances of people and things around us
like a
map. However to traverse through Its attributes (Sifat) no room or need
for any
such faculties to question. When something happened to you and you
cried, “Why
God did this to me?” or “How could this happen to me?” in that moment
despair you were facing the Beloved and definite lack of response to
your enquiry
was a silent unearthing of the secret Hakim (Sage) Sanaa-ee reveals in
verse: It, the Beloved, is clear from any questions!
[2.5] No matter how hard you try to
think of a time when
there was nothing, you find it hard to imagine. Because in that precise
you are facing the Al-Awwal another attribute (Sifat) of the Creator,
means no matter what is the beginning or the first, The Creator was
before! When you think about dying often it pops into your mind what
happen next? Or you see it rains and then water gone you ask where did
it go?
Because in that moment you are facing the Al-Akhir which is the
(Sifat) of the Creator to mean the last! No matter who/what/when was
the last
that the Creator was still living and operating after that.
[3] Any images in your mind is not It.
Any words of
description is not It. Any sounds or any person is not It. Nothing
within our
grasp whether in form of an ensemble of components or sudden flash of
mental experience is not It. If you have come to understand and imagine
It then
you have gone astray and need to start from scratch. That is why Sufi
wrote about the Beloved again and again. Because each time they came
believing that they have a good grasp of It they knew that is the
moment of
being lost and therefore they started anew.
[4] Astronomers today know for certain
that the outer space
galactic and gaseous structures are relics of a distant past. Infinite
universes and created beings came and passed prior to our creation and
call that universe the Qedem or the immemorial pre-existent. We are but
a blink
of an eye in the history of creation.
[5] As mentioned earlier the words are
forbidden to describe
anything of Beloved’s attributes or abilities or features. However,
notes that Koran is the exception as the words of this book are allowed
render some measure of description of the Creator. But not that many
people can
understand even Muslims!? The one able to comprehend this subtle point
is the
one who is a lover! Loves the Beloved the Creator of all things. So
these words
we call Koran (which means something to read) are the exclusive words
and sounds
which upon the heart of a lover cause genuine expressions and
experience of
description of Allah.
[6] Koran[3:18] The designer is the
proof or the signature
of the design; The Creator’s signature proclamation is enough proof for
all we
believe in.
[7] Silly religious people attempt to
prove the
existence of God and silly non-believers attempt to disprove the same.
reality of the Koranic verse, “Say It is Allah” means that if you even
come to
the point saying or wondering if there is any God, those thoughts words
doubts are placed within you by the Creator out of love and affection
to assure
you that It indeed exists. Because if It did not, there would have been
no such
expressions of faith nor doubt. If you reach such faith or doubt, then
you have
already seen the most beautiful face of the Beloved staring at you.
Dara Shayda