The Gala Deception
All these years
One eclipsed another
While blindly believed
I was gazing upon my love
Alas! Unbeknownst to my Self
I was gazing upon the Beloved
All these years
One conquered another
While obstinately believed
I was talking to my love
Alas! Unbeknownst to my Self
I was talking to the Beloved
All these years
One drowned another
While sullenly believed
I was longing for my love
Alas! Unbeknownst to my Self
I was longing for the Beloved
All these years
One failed another
While treacherously believed
I was betraying my love
Alas! Unbeknownst to my Self
I was betraying the Beloved
When Beloved talked to me, I
attributed that to others. When
I beheld the Beloved’s gaze I attributed that to people’s faces. When
Beloved splurged sprinkling the path cleansed with the pearls of mine
tears, I
called upon people crying.
Ignorance is the paramount
achievement of our inventive
minds that brilliantly conceives paragon lovers other than Beloved.
When underneath the beauteous
shafts of Beloved’s light my
heart shattered I screamed, “She broke my heart”.
I wallowed in sordid slime of treachery betraying
her, beheld upon the reflections of her flowing tears the splendor of
Face whereupon the universe held in abeyance.
© 2004-2002,
Dara Shayda