Forty Sessions (Chehel Majlis)
Morshed (Spiritual Guide)
Sheikh Semnani said,
“Although it is not mandatory for a
Morshed (Spiritual Guide) to say, “I am a Morshed (Spiritual Guide)”
and invite
the people to himself and indeed it is only mandatory for a Prophet to
say, “I
am Prophet”, however if someone, a prospect student (Morid), whose
Baten (Depth
Within) enlightened by the Divine Luminosity of the Allah Almighty it
mandatory for the Morshed (Spiritual Guide) to diligently serve that
person—heart & soul—and no matter what transpires he will strive
hard (to
guide the person).
Prevents the student from
whatsoever of harm upon the Tariq
(path) and gracefully admonishing in most personalized wise &
manner. Upon the negligence & failure to carry out this grave
responsibility Morshed (Spiritual Guide) is punishable by Allah. The
whether fortune or misfortune for the student, is not under the control
of the
Morshed (Spiritual Guide)—all in bondage of Divine Power &
Benevolence. No
more than this lection (Nass) of Koran [28:56]:
“It is true thou wilt not be able to
guide every one, whom
thou lovest; but Allah guides those whom It will and It knows best
who receive guidance.”
Anything else
applies to any
Morshed (Spiritual Guide), since everyone is
solely responsible for their own mission and as long as focused &
with that task doing the best and hoping for the bliss.”
One of the Dervishes conveyed
the story of Sheikh Safyed-din
in Ardabil (Azerbaijan, Iran), “The Sheikh used to stop us respectfully
constantly seeking students and was elated by the numerous students he
instructed (boasting proudly). He used to say, “There is no other
(Spiritual Guide) than I and all people come to me for guidance &
Sheikh Semnani said, “Our
times indeed such amazing days! I
used to enquire about him (Sheikh Safyed-din) and was told he
instructs the students to obtain their livelihood through Halal
(Lawful) means
and vigorously persists upon the Zikir (Divine Remembrance) of Allah
And I love Sheikh Safyed-din because of these two Tariq (Way of Zikir
Halal Provision) and I sighed sorrowfully wishing that there were a
like him this day & age.
Anyway, whether he can do
better or not or someone else can
do better or not, he is instructing people to Zikir (Divine
Remembrance) and
Halal (Lawful) obtaining of provision, thus he has not invented &
introduced anything new into the religion and people are benefited
by the Divine Remembrance.
However it seems that within
him there is yearning for fame
& pride, their harm shall only be inflicted upon himself, hoping
very much
Allah Almighty to forgive him. However, in spite of all this, within
him there
are copious blessings causing the corrupt halting & forsaking their
Guiding & counseling the
students vs. delivering the
Seekers (of the Divine) to the final destination, are two different
A righteous man walks one step
upon the Tariqat (Passageway
to Divine) and one hundred steps upon others (wrong paths), since the
roads & exits are plentiful and if not knowing the wrong paths (by
trials) how can he be guided? If someone does not
know the pitfalls and back roads to misguidance, should not embark upon
directing & counseling the Muslims.
Alas! This is the hour of
religious inventiveness
(deliberate falsehood) and gluttonous devouring of Haram (Unlawful)
The innovators of falsehood enrobed the gown of righteousness and
misguidance as the true guidance. Therefore, even if someone is
empowered to
prevent & forestall the Muslims from the ardor & élan of
Satan guiding
towards the Zikir (Divine Remembrance) of Allah Almighty and cleansing
provision by means of Halal (Lawful) acquisition, what else could be
May his Lord bless & reward him.”
Today the Muslim clergy barks
at the CNN microphone like a
hunting dog chasing away the innocent women & children to certain
& destruction, mindless of the reckoning & accountability
awaiting him
shortly. The innocent will also be asked, “Why did you follow the wrong
Just because of their facial hair or fabric of their cloths?”
Hark! Yaa Muslim! Yaa Sufi!
Follow not, obey not the desires
of your heart for world conquest and call it the religion or
follow who reminds you of the Divine Sublime Beloved understand the
(Path) of obtaining Halal (Lawful) livelihood and deliver your children
to the
beginnings of the Tariqat (Path to the Divine) and invite not people
their children to death & destruction.
Dara O. Shayda