Ishārāt Wa Tanbihāt (Pointings and Awarenesses)

Spoken Words 2: Ilāhiyāt (Divinity)
Namat (Formal Argument) 4-7: Being and its causes
Chapter 27: Tanbih (Awakening)
For Al-Awwal (Primordial First) there
is no simile for IT, and no opposite for IT, and no genus for IT, and
no partition for IT, and no limit for IT, and no Ishārat (Pointing)
towards IT except by the ‘Irfān (Divine Gnosis) of the ‘Aql (Intellect).
Al-Awwal is the primordially absolute First; any other 'first' took
after Al-Awwal; the furthest away pronoun IT: The Absolute Absence;
Al-Awwal antecedent of reasoning logic thought being non-being;
Al-Awwal antecedent of why what how where when; Al-Awwal antecedent of
who which that this; Al-Awwal antecedent of proposition question guess
proof; Al-Awwal antecedent of causation causelessness order chaos
symmetry asymmetry; Al-Awwal antecedent of before after during;
Al-Awwal antecedent of inside outside towards away.
There can be no simile for Al-Awwal since IT is antecedent of simile.
IT cannot belong to any genus since Al-Awwal is antecedent of
membership set class group and genus. Similarly, Al-Awwal is antecedent
of opposite partition and limit and for that matter any concept or
description or process.
No one can point at Al-Awwal because IT is antecedent of the act of
pointing in concept as well as in an actual instance of implementation;
IT is antecedent of any pointer instrumentation.
However due to ITs illimitable affection for human being, Al-Awwal
allowed for one exception: Human being can point at IT by means of his
or her ‘Irfāni (Gnostic) ‘Aql (Intellect). You may say this in a
different phrase: Human ‘Aql (Intellect) is the exception to the rule
of Al-Awwal for IT no pointing allowed save the human’s ‘Aql. Or you
may paraphrase: IT points at Al-Awwal, IT points at ITself and human
‘Aql (Intellect) is entangled, inexorably, within this pointing.
Note: Not all Sufis have agreed
that one can do Ishārat (Point)
towards Allah.
Instead they have said Allah points at
us and we ‘feel’ something, which is what we consider being cognizant

Chapter 28
Ishārat (Pointing)
Al-Awwal is the primordial origin for
IT knowing/cognizant about ITself, subsisting upon ITself, for IT
perpetually subsists free from any bond/attachment, any weakness, any
instability and so on. As known to you from before, whatever has such
valuation, indeed IT knows about ITself, IT is known by ITself.
The most paramount fact about IT is that IT primordially knows about
ITself and IT is known by ITself guiding towards the ‘Orf (Divine
Cognizance) that IT loves ITself and IT is The Beloved for ITself.
Had this not being true, there would have been no knowledge anywhere in
the universe an there would have been no love, loving, lover or beloved
You love someone because IT loved ITself as Al-Awwal—The Primordially
First Lover and Beloved—and your love for that someone is a mirror
reflecting: IT Loving ITself; or you being the beloved for someone is a
mirror reflecting: IT is The Beloved for ITself.
Background: When the Hubble
deep-filed aimed at a tiny patch of the sky, scientists expected to see
mostly nothing and then perhaps some few glittering structures. To
surprise Hubble saw cornucopia of stellar structures, basically looking
back into time, and that is the proof/guide/pointing for the Al-Awwal:
1. Had there been nothing and then universe exploded
into existence, looking backwards in time we should see less and less
stellar objects.
2. But there is/was the Singleton Primordial First,
and there is no simile for IT i.e. Being-ness of other than IT always
is increasing in numbers since other than IT does not have
Tauhid (Divine
3. So there is one Primordial First therefore the
rest of the universe is infinitely many.
4. The closer we attempt to get to this Primordial
First we fail and the manifold existence of stellar structures, in
increasing numbers, is the proof of this failure
© 2005-2002, Dara O. Shayda