Mutahāb-būn (The Lovers)
“And so Mahab-bat (Divine
Love) is a tree sprouting within the heart, humility for That
Beloved the roots deep within, ITs Ma’refat (Divine Gnosis) the trunk
unyielding, ITs dread the branches stretched aloft, Hayā (Timidity)
for IT the leaves verdant, ITs obeisance the fruits abundant, ITs Dhikr
the nutrients promoting growth, and that moment when even one of these
elements compromised, the Love shall fail deficient with
imperfections!” Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawzia (Raudhatul Muheb-bin Wa Nuz-hatul
Mushtāqin: Lovers’ Meadows and Yearners’ Promenade)

In every heart there is a forest; forest densely populated by the
half-grown dead trees of so many past loves, trees uprooted by the
odious gusts of betrayals, dried branches bearing the desiccated
blossoms of each and every unfulfilled desire that never bore any
fruits for no one, hollow barks of false-hopes strewn upon the earth of
broken hearts while the gales of ‘I love you’ hissing through the
hollowness of all those short-lived loves.
Yet within the vastness
of the Sufi’s
heart grows a single tree; a tree enrooted deep within the infinite
past tense of Qadim (Time Immemorial) whilst branches—heavily laden
with fruits lucent for all mankind—stretched causelessly aloft into the
beginning-less endless Azal (Sempiternity); Mahab-bat’s (Divine
Love’s) manifold branches pregnant with copious fruits of loving
fed exclusively on the voiceless Dhikr (Remembrance),
few words rolling off the Sufi’s
tongue, few words soundlessly echoing within.
My dear, you loved and you are unloved, sacrificed all and yet
betrayed, undying is your love and yet forsaken, and it is all within
your rights to ask: Why? Because your loving did not reach Kamāl (Perfection)
and what of love you offered rendered deficient and incomplete—in spite
of all sacrifices and loyalty—similar to a withering tree in your
garden due to lack of nutrients (Dhikr (Remembrance))
or a weak trunk (Ma’refat (Divine Gnosis)) or lifeless leaves (Hayā (Timidity))
or hardened roots, roots of humility for That Beloved hardened dead by
A tree grows by itself to perfection and completion. It does not need
you to grow, you need it and thereby you are ‘given’ to provide the
necessary water and nutrients. Tree of Mahab-bat (Divine
Love) does not need you either, it grows by itself deep within you,
however you are ‘given’ the need to love or be loved and thus you are
‘given’ the necessary spiritual nutrients to grow this tree.
Within the timeless and indivisible realm of Mahab-bat (Divine
Love), either all lovers are but one person or all are
indiscernible from each other, and my love no matter how you paraphrase
these words, where the love of That Beloved flares we are all the same
firewood set afire:
“They are a Nation
loving each other via the Rouh (Spirit)
of Allah
without any consideration for belonging/wealth or any blood lineage,
they are Nur (Light),
their faces Nur (Light),
upon the thrones of Nur (Light),
fearless when people are scared and sorrow-less when people are
sorrowed.” Prophetic narration (Hadith) with regards to a group of
slaves who are neither prophets nor martyrs and yet even the prophets
wish for their status in presence of Allah, and
after these words the Prophet recited: Behold! Verily on the Auliā (Friends) of Allah there is
no fear, nor shall they grieve. Qur’an [10:62]
Who is a lover? Answer: “They
are a Nation” and what do these lovers do? Answer: “loving each
other” and how they do that loving? Answer: “via the Rouh (Spirit)
of Allah”
and what causes this loving? Answer: “without any consideration for…”
and what are these lovers made from? Answer: Nur (Divine
Light) and where do they reside? Answer: “upon the thrones of Nur (Light)”.
There is no such a person as a lover, they are a Nation. When and where
there is a discernable individual, when and where ‘I’ is mentioned,
that is when and where the Mahab-bat (Divine
Love) is compromised lacking Kamāl (Perfection)
and completeness. That is when and where ‘you and I’ evaporate
together, when and where the self-worship and worship of others fade,
and none remains save the resplendent rays of beauty of That
“I swear by the One Whose Hand holds my Nafs (Self) you
shall not enter Paradise until you believe and you shall not believe
until you have Mahab-bat (Love)
for each other” said the Prophet.
The lovers—Not individuals but a Nation loving each other,
a Nation made from Nur (Divine
Light), a Nation residing within Nur (Divine
© 2005-2002, Dara O.
تخريج أحاديث الإحياء، الإصدار - للحافظ العراقي
المجلد الثاني >> الباب الأول: في فضيلة الألفة والأخوة
7 - حديث قال أبو إدريس الخولاني لمعاذ: إني أحبك في الله فقال: أبشر ثم
أبشر فإني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول "تنصب لطائفة من الناس
كراسي حول العرش يوم القيامة وجوههم كالقمر ليلة البدر، يفزع الناس وهم لا
يفزعون ويخاف الناس وهم لا يخافون وهم أولياء الله الذين لا خوف عليهم ولا
هم يحزنون، فقيل: من هؤلاء يا رسول الله؟ فقال هم المتحابون في الله تعالى"
أخرجه أحمد والحاكم في حديث طويل: أن أبا إدريس قال: قلت والله إني لأحبك
في الله قال فإني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول "إن المتحابين
بجلال الله في ظل عرشه يوم لا ظل إلا ظله" قال الحاكم صحيح على شرط
الشيخين، وهو عند الترمذي من رواية أبي مسلم الخولاني عن معاذ بلفظ
"المتحابون في جلالي لهم منابر من نور يغبطهم النبيون والشهداء" قال حديث
حسن صحيح، ولأحمد من حديث أبي مالك الأشعري "إن لله عبادا ليسوا بأنبياء
ولا شهداء، يغبطهم الأنبياء والشهداء على منازلهم وقربهم من الله...
الحديث" وفيه "تحابوا في الله وتصافوا به يضع الله لهم يوم القيامة منابر
من نور فتجعل وجوههم نورا وثيابهم نورا يفزع الناس يوم القيامة ولا يفزعون
وهم أولياء الله الذي لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون" وفيه شهر بن حوشب مختلف
زيادة الجامع الصغير، والدرر المنتثرة، الإصدار 2.05 - للإمام السيوطي
كتاب "زيادة الجامع الصغير"، للسيوطي >> حرف الواو
3454- والذي نفسي بيده لا تدخلوا الجنة حتى تؤمنوا ولا تؤمنون حتى تحابوا،
أولا أدلكم على شيء إذا فعلتموه تحاببتم: أفشوا السلام بينكم
(حم م د ت ه) عن أبي هريرة.