Book 7
Chapter 22
Adab (Etiquette) of Sheiks
(Chieftains) in Patience & Affection Towards The Followers
Jonaid once said to his
companions, “If I was sure that short prayers had more merits than
sitting with you, I would have never joined you”. (Meaning sitting i.e.
teaching/exchange with the students and followers has more merit than
It has been narrated about the
Beshr Haafi that, “In a very cold day he took off his cloths. He was
asked why? Replied, “I remembered the poor folk and the fact that they
have nothing, but I can not aid them with any material goods so I
wanted to offer them my Nafs (Soul, Psyche) as a sign of solidarity””.
(There two lessons here, 1) Sufi Sheikh gives the followers his heart!
Not knowledge not training but his innermost purified Nafs (Soul), 2)
Sufi Sheikh lives equal to the lowest of his folk, he has no permission
to live above their lowest standard.)
Doqqi said,”I was in Egypt
amongst a bunch of paupers (Faqir) gathered in a mosque. Zaq-qaaq (A
Sufi Sheikh) entered the mosque and prayed by a column (for privacy).
So we decided to greet him as soon as his prayers were over. Before we
knew it, he came and greeted us. We told him that it was our duty to
greet him first (being so poor and he is a big Sufi Sheikh). He
replied, “My Lord for certain shall not torment me for this action””.
(The Sheikh did not do more prayers instead came to greet the poor
students which means the reward for such greeting in his mind was much
higher than worship. This Sufi Sheikh knew that Beloved was not in the
folding of his knees or bending of his spine but that precious Beloved
is amongst Its friends i.e. the poor)
Jorairi said, “When I decided
to travel for Hajj I went to my friends to say goodbye (and
vice-a-versa they would come saying goodbye too). I started with Jonaid
(his Sheikh) greeted him (informed him about the intention to go to
Hajj) and then went home (but no visit from the Sheikh). Next day I
went to visit Jonaid and asked him, “My Sage I started with you saying
goodbye but you have paid no attention to me (by coming to visit and
wishing me a good trip) but why?” Replied, “O Abu-Mohammad (expression
of familiarity and mutual closeness) this is your right (Hajj) and your
generosity (to say goodbye to me)””. (Jonaid does see only one
generosity namely his student’s generosity to say goodbye to him first,
however Jonaid sees no generosity to go visit him to say goodbye, after
all his student is performing the Hajj and there is nothing Jonaid can
add to something that is already so prized and blessed and so personal.
In other words, Jonaid knows where his merits end and assumes no extra
role or appreciation for himself).

Once a man came to Jonaid and
told him that he will give away his entire wealth and become a Faqir
(Pauper) and equal himself to the other poor students. But Jonaid told
him, “Do not give away all that which you have, keep the amount that
will be enough for your livelihood. Show your generosity but also keep
your strength and still keep after earning the Halal (Lawful
Provision). Do not spend all that you have since your Nafs (Soul,
Psyche) may desire something that might enervate you. Prophet Peace Be
Upon Him anytime wanted to do something he would first consider the
pros & cons.” (The Sufi Sheikh is not there to make his
followers poor and destitute. He has no economic responsibilities above
them to make them lose their livelihoods and families. Moreover the
Sufi Sheikh chooses the safest & sanest options for his follower
since no one’s capacity for endurance is known upfront.)
Abu-Ali Roodbari said, “Once
we were lost in a desert and almost succumbed to hunger. Abul-Hassan
Atoofi (a Sheikh) was amongst us. He climbed a hill and cried out like
wolves. The dogs of a nearby tribe heard us and guided the men of the
tribe towards us and we were saved". (Sufi Sheikh goes to any length
and any ingenuity to preserve his students’ well being. Unlike today’s
sheikhs who throw our youth in front of death & destruction
promising them the paradise while themselves have no guarantee from
Allah for their own salvation)
Abu-Said Kharraz said, “I
entered the city of Ramlah and went to Abu-Ja’far Qas-saab (Butcher)
and spend a night at his house. Then I left Ramlah and went to
Jerusalem. (Later on) He followed me all the way to Jerusalem and
brought me few necessities and said, “I found these in my house and
they are Halal (Lawful Provision)””. (The Sufi Sheikh drops all
this affairs, his family and business and runs after this lowly student
to give him few items e.g. cheese, bread, toothbrush and so on. And
when he opens his mouth he assures the student that these provisions
were obtained through lawful means i.e. he is worried that the student
may reject the goods due to suspicion of unlawful obtaining.)
I chose the pictures of dead
Iraqis as well as American soldiers to show you what happens with the
Sufi Sheikhs do not perform their duties towards their followers as
well as the rest of the humanity. The result is not less poetry or
silence of the chants, the result is the horror you see. The horror
that engulfs & torments everyone.
The Sufi Sheikh is not there
for fancy meetings and cryptic books of philosophy. He is there to
prevent what you see in these pictures and to preserve the humanity by
his sacrifice. He is not there to sell books or Yoga mats. He is not
there to send our youth to their certain death no matter who i.e. an
American boy or an Iraqi boy!?
Going to the streets
demonstrating against the war, or fanning the flames of war amongst the
Muslim believers or developing evermore destructive hi-tech weapons to
kill faster and better is far away from the Sufism.
Allah will not send back the
Sufi Sages to guide the Morids (The Seekers of The Divine) unless there
are Morids! Will you listen? Will you follow a Sufi Sheikh? Or just
grow beard and chant and read a couple of silly books instead.
Choice is yours to see these
pictures or something better.
2004-2002, Dara O. Shayda